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Should I change or cancel my travel plans outside of Canada?

It is recommended that travel plans be cancelled. Your decision should be made based on the country that you live in and the place you are travelling to.

Coronavirus has spread greatly, many countries declared nation-wide lockdowns and don’t allow interntional travel. If you have a travel insurance, the best choice is to cancel the plans.

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What should I do if I have recently returned from travelling outside of Canada?

The government of Canada has an emergency order in place under the Quarantine act where all incoming
travellers would have to provide basic that is being asked and undergo screening done by a sercive/quarantine officer. Travellers with symptoms are to isolate immediately.

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What should I do if I travelled in a flight with confirmed cases within Canada?

You can check your flight on the Canada flight tracker website to see whether anyone from a flight you travelled on has the coronavirus. If there was someone who tested positive, you should immediately test yourself too and self-isolate yourself stop further spreading.

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What should I do if I get sick due to COVID-19 while travelling to canada?

You must isolate in a place where you will not have contact with vulnerable people, such as:
people 65 years or older, or people with underlying medical conditions.
You will need to confirm that you have a suitable place to isolate where you will have access to basic necessities, such as food and medication.
You must use private transportation (such as your own vehicle) to get to your place of isolation
You must wear a non-medical mask or face covering while traveling to your place of isolation
If you do not have private transportation or an adequate place to isolate, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada will designate a facility where you must isolate for 14 days.

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I want to interrupt my trip due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What will be covered under my individual travel insurance policy?

Information not available

Should I cancel my trip if a Travel Advisory has been issued?

It is solely the traveller’s decision on whether they should cancel their trip or not. But if there is a travel advisory that had been issued, the Canadian gov. advises the people to abide to it.

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What should I do if I have to interrupt or change my travel plans due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Information not available

Am I entitled to a living allowance if I cannot return to my province of residence?

Travellers are advised to return to their residence as soon as possible. All new travel insurances and sales are suspended.

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Can you send me a letter proving you cover expenses related to COVID-19?

If the letter is requested by a government authority, then one should contact the service department of the Ontario Blue Cross.

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I live outside Canada but have a trip planned to Canada this week/month. Should I still come?

Having an eTA or a visa along with your work permit doesn’t guarantee that the governemnt will let you back into Canada. You must show the border services officer that you meet all the requirements before they allow you to re-enter.
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I know there are some restrictions in place to prevent certain persons from boarding flights to Canada due to COVID-19. Are there any exemptions applicable to immediate family members of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident?

Yes. Immediate family members of a person who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident are exempted from Canada’s COVID-19 travel restrictions and are allowed to board a flight to Canada if they are entering to be with their immediate family member for a period of 15 days or more.

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I have heard that Canada has updated exemptions to travel restrictions to include foreign nationals who have already committed to working, studying or making Canada their home – is that true?

Exemptions to travel restrictions for foreign nationals who are coming to Canada as temporary foreign workers, some international students and approved permanent residents who haven’t landed are now in effect. If you’re exempt, you can travel to Canada, if your travel is deemed essential. Read More…

How do I access the new COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program for Canadians Abroad, as announced by the federal government?

The COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program will facilitate Canadians’ return to Canada, or help ensure that their basic essential needs are met while they work on their return to Canada, through a repayable loan. read more

Can I travel to Canada if I have symptoms of COVID-19?

You must self-isolate if you have symptoms (fever, cough, respiratory difficulties). In this situation, you should follow the United Kingdom’s procedures and use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do (only call 111 if you cannot get help online, or 999 for emergencies). read more

I am concerned about COVID-19 affecting my longer-term plans to return to Canada. Can you provide me with any information about what I should do?

We recommend that Canadians in the UK who wish to return home do so without delay, while commercial flights to Canada are still available. read more

If I need a new passport or want to make a citizenship application, do I have to apply in person?

No. The High Commission of Canada in the UK is currently operating with very reduced on-site presence in line with UK and Canadian government guidance, so we advise against coming to Canada House in person. read more

Is the Canada-U.S. border to remain closed to non-essential travel for another month?

As foreign governments implement strict travel restrictions and as fewer international transportation options are available, you may have difficulty returning to Canada or may have to remain abroad for an indeterminate period. read more

What should I do if I contract COVID-19 during my trip outside Canada?

Many Canadians become ill and require medical assistance when they are outside of Canada. read more

I am a Canadian and concerned about contracting COVID-19 while here in the UK. Can I access local healthcare?

We recommend that Canadians in the UK who wish to return home do so without delay, while commercial flights to Canada are still available. read more

Am I covered by travel insurance for emergency medical expenses if I decide to stay on my trip?

If you are flying, make sure you get insurance for flight cancellation, trip interruption, lost luggage and document replacement. If you are driving, make sure you have driver and vehicle coverage in case you have an accident. read more

Can I extend my insurance policy if I decide to stay on the trip?

Your Canadian health insurance may not pay your medical fees while you are outside Canada. read more

What services are covered by canadian government health insurance?

Canadians most often turn to primary health care services as their first point of contact with the health care system.

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I’m Travelling Out of Province this Long Weekend. Do I Need Travel Insurance?

Prior approval by your provincial/territorial health insurance plan may be required before coverage is extended for elective (non-emergency) health services obtained outside Canada.

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How to Apply For Public Health Insurance?

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you may apply for public health insurance. With it, you don’t have to pay for most health-care services.
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Medical insurance for visitors to Canada
Canada’s Health Care System

Canada’s publicly funded health care system is dynamic–reforms have been made over the past four decades and will continue in response to changes within medicine and throughout society. The basics, however, remain the same–universal coverage for medically necessary health care services provided on the basis of need, rather than the ability to pay.
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Perinatal Care in Canada

Prenatal care requires the collaboration and coordination of many different personnel and services. This may include, among others, primary care providers (family physicians, midwives, and nurse practitioners), nurses, obstetricians and other consultant specialists, physician assistants, dietitians, social workers, mental health workers, physiotherapists, prenatal educators, doulas, outreach workers, health educators, home visitors, and psychologists.

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Care during pregnancy

Women who receive early and regular prenatal care generally have better outcomes.Not everyone in Canada has equal access to prenatal care. Women-including many Indigenous women and their families, as well as those women and their families living in rural or remote areas of the country – may not always have access to health care providers (HCPs) who are trained in the provision of prenatal care.
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What are the precautions taken for mother and infant if the mother is suspected or proven for COVID-19?

Health of the mother and child during pregnancy and the first years of life are crucial to healthy growth and development. This period begins prior to conception, through pregnancy, birth, post-partum period, infancy, and the first few years of early childhood. Pregnancy and childbirth have an important impact on the physical, mental, emotional and socioeconomic health of women and their families. We offer expertise and resources related to maternal and infant health.

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Types of Prenatal Care

There are different providers of prenatal care, there are also different models of prenatal care, from individual provider, to interprofessional teams, to group prenatal care.

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Advice for mothers during COVID-19 for pregnancy.

COVID-19 is a new disease and we are still learning how it affects pregnant women. Currently, there is no evidence that suggests pregnant women are at a higher risk of getting COVID-19 or if acquired, having more serious illness. There is also not enough evidence at this time to confirm that a mother can pass COVID-19 to her child during pregnancy.Read more.
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Breastfeeding During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Breastfeeding is recommended, when possible, as it has many health benefits and offers the most protection against infection and illness throughout infancy and childhood. The virus that causes COVID-19 has not been found in breast milk. Breastfeeding can provide important food security for your baby.


How to Screen Covid 19 patients?

COVID-19 Patient Screening Guidance

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How to get COVID-19 Guidance for the Health Sector.

Guidance documents on COVID-19 have been produced for a number of health and other sectors.

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Does Doctor’s association says help from Ontario government is not enough to survive COVID-19?

TORONTO – The association representing Ontario doctors says a proposal from the provincial government to offer advance payments will not be enough to keep clinics open during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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What are the Quick Tips for Family Doctors?

We know you are working very hard to keep up with COVID-19 information as it evolves and that you are concerned about insufficient.

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What is the Caregiver Tax Credit and am I eligible to receive it?

Do you support a spouse or common-law partner, or a dependant with a physical or mental impairment? The Canada caregiver credit (CCC) is a non-refundable tax credit that may be available to you.

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How to care for a person with COVID-19 at home

If you are caring for a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, follow this advice to protect yourself and others in the home, as well as those in your community.
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As a Caregiver, what should I do if I come in contact with someone who is suspected to have COVID-19?

Only one healthy person should provide care.
Do not share personal items with the ill person, such as toothbrushes, towels, bed linen, utensils or electronic devices.
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What are the tips for caregivers to be safe?

If possible, people who are at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 should not care for someone with COVID-19.
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what are the family caregiver tax benefit

If you have a dependant with a physical or mental impairment, you may be eligible for the Family Caregiver Amount tax credit.

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What are the requirements to be a caregiver?

The Live-in Caregiver Program is closed to new applicants. You can only hire a caregiver through the program if you have:
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What are the resources for caregivers?

Mental Health Commission of Canada.
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How to Coping while caregiving?

Being a caregiver on any given day isn’t easy. In times of crisis, it can become overwhelming for even the best of us. Caregiver burnout is real. To minimize your risk of burnout, taking care of yourself must be just as important as taking care of a loved one. Here are some ideas to help.
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Steps to establish a routine caregiving

Caregiving on a regular basis can be overwhelming at the best of times, with challenges magnified when trying to work from home during COVID-19. If you have a co-worker who is caring for an elderly loved one or someone with a disability or illness, here are some ways you can support them:

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Private Seniors’ Housing and Care

Quebec is the Canadian province with the highest number of private residential housing spaces for seniors. In 2014, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation estimated that there were nearly 220,000 Canadians aged 65 and over living in private seniors’ residences

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Living arrangements of seniors

The 2011 Census of Population counted nearly 5 million (4,945,000) seniors aged 65 and over in Canada. Of these individuals, 92.1% lived in private households or dwellings (as part of couples, alone or with others) while 7.9% lived in collective dwellings, such as residences for senior citizens or health care and related facilities.

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Outbreaks at seniors’ homes linked to almost half of COVID-19

Outbreaks at seniors’ homes have caused hundreds of deaths across Canada, close to half the COVID-19-related fatalities in the country, according to Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam.

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Costs of Senior Care

The amount that you can expect to pay to live in a senior living retirement community will vary greatly. Most residents of retirement communities pay monthly rent for their accommodations and across Canada, monthly fees range from $1,453 to $4,500

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Guide to Seniors Housing in Canada

Independent living communities are designed for healthy, active seniors who do not need assistance with activities of daily living such as grooming, personal care and eating.

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Private seniors’ residences

A private seniors’ residence is a rental facility that is occupied or designed to be occupied mainly by people aged 65 or over and where various services are offered, such as: Nursing care,Mess Services,

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When will schools/colleges reopen?

You aren’t alone. A lot of kids in Canada are wondering when coronavirus restrictions will ease up and they’ll get to go back to class.


Given the current situation I am very anxious? How can I get help?

Anxiety is a normal reaction to uncertainty and things that may harm us. For many of us, the coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness make for a very uncertain future.

As an international student, do I qualify for any benefits from the Government of Canada?

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) gives financial support to employed and self-employed Canadians who are directly affected by COVID-19.


How do I cope with living alone in self-isolation?

As the new coronavirus continues to spread across Canada, public health officials are urging Canadians to practise diligent hygiene and social distancing.


How do I extend my study permit?

You can find the expiry date in the top right corner of your permit. This date is usually the length of your study program, plus 90 days. The extra 90 days gives you time to prepare to leave Canada or to extend your stay in Canada.

Will online classes impact my ability to get PG Work permit?

If your in-class courses are being moved to an online-only format because of COVID-19, you’re still eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP).

Do I get any financial aid?

Then we’ll show you a list of benefits that may help in your situation. It will also have links for more information

How do I get the Canada Emergency Student Benefit?

The Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) provides financial support to post-secondary students, and recent post-secondary and high school graduates who are unable to find work due to COVID-19.

What is my role as an international student working in an essential service?

Global Affairs Canada’s International Education Division is pleased to provide the following information and guidance that may be of assistance to international students. The resources listed provide information on study permit-related issues, as well as travel restrictions and exemptions that may affect international students, and Government of Canada programs for which international students may be eligible.

As an international student, when can I return to Canada?

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has published detailed information on how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting immigration, refugees, citizenship and passport services


What are the expected guidelines when schools reopen?

Without no further directives from public health and provincial education ministries other than to remain closed, school boards have their hands tied.
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What has Canada’s education system’s response been to Covid-19?

The Canada-wide Education during COVID-19 Tracker compares differences in educational policy and approaches during the pandemic. It will provide an opportunity to understand more about the successes, challenges and evolution of each region’s response.
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Where can I learn in-demand skills for free?

It’s 2020, and a new year means new perspectives and changing demands in the workplace.
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How to use Google Meet?

You may click on the google meet link given by the cordinator. If you are conducting a google meeting, simply use your google account and the google meet extention to set up a meeting.
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How to use Zoom?

A simple way of joining a meeting is to click on the link provided in the invitation you received through mail.
You can view all your meetings in the meetings tab.
To schedule a meeting, click the schedule a new meeting tab, now you can change the time, date, recurrence of the meeting, topic, duration meeting id, password, default video and audio settings, meeting options.
You can add the meeting to several online calendars, also share the invitation by copying the meeting link.
Once the meeting has started you can choose to either display your video or not and you can also mute/unmute to avoid background noises.
You can add participants to the meeting.
There’s a chat box where you can chat during the meeting,
A manage participants option which shows the people present in the meeting, where you can mute the or give host permissions or remove them, only if you’re a host.
You can also record the video, there’s a closed captions option which enables auto generated captions.
There’s also a share option where you can choose to share a specific window or your whole desktop.
There’s an options tab hovering over the top of the screen which enables you to a tool kit.
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How to use Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams.n On Mac, go to the Applications folder and click Microsoft Teams.n On mobile, tap the Teams icon.n2. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password.nThe best way to get familiar with teams and channels is to pick a team and channel and start exploring!nPick a team and channeln1. Select Teams on the left side of the app and then pick a team.nIf you’re not on a team and want to create one, see Onboard your teams.n2. Select a channel and explore the Conversations, Files, and other tabs.nFor more info, see Teams and channels.nStart a new conversation…n…with the whole teamn1. Click Teams, then pick a team and a channel.n2. In the box where you type your message, say what’s on your mind and click Send….n…with a person or groupn1. At the top of the app, click New chat.n2. In the To field, type the name of the person or people you want to chat with.n3. In the box where you type your message, say what’s on your mind and click Send .nReply to a conversationn1. Find the conversation thread you want to reply to.n2. Click Reply, add your message, and click Send.nShare a filen1. In your channel conversation, click Attach under the box where you type your message.n2. Select from these options:n Recentn Browse Teams and Channelsn OneDriven Upload from my computern3. Select a file > Share a link.nIf you’re uploading a file from your computer, select a file, click Open, and then Send .nYou can always see all the files you post to a channel by going to the Files tab.n@mention someonen1. In the box where you type your message, type @, then type the first few letters of the person’s name. You can also @mention entire teams and channels.n2. Select the person. Repeat for as many people as you want to @mention.nStay on top of thingsn1. Click Activity .n2. Feed shows you a summary of everything that’s happened in the channels you follow.n Click Filter to show only certain types of notifications such as @mentions or reactions.n Select Feed > My Activity to see a list of everything you’ve been up to lately in Teams.nSearch for messages, people, or filesnSearches cover your entire organization — all the teams and channels that you’re part of.n1. Type a phrase in the command box at the top of the app and press Enter.n2. Select the Messages, People, or Files tab.n3. Select an item in the search results. Alternatively, you can select More filters to further refine your search results.nnRead more…
Sign in to Teams
1. Start Teams.
 In Windows, click Start > Microsoft Teams.
 On Mac, go to the Applications folder and click Microsoft Teams.
 On mobile, tap the Teams icon.
2. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password.
The best way to get familiar with teams and channels is to pick a team and channel and start exploring!
Pick a team and channel
1. Select Teams on the left side of the app and then pick a team.
If you’re not on a team and want to create one, see Onboard your teams.
2. Select a channel and explore the Conversations, Files, and other tabs.
For more info, see Teams and channels.
Start a new conversation…
…with the whole team
1. Click Teams, then pick a team and a channel.
2. In the box where you type your message, say what’s on your mind and click Send….
…with a person or group
1. At the top of the app, click New chat.
2. In the To field, type the name of the person or people you want to chat with.
3. In the box where you type your message, say what’s on your mind and click Send .
Reply to a conversation
1. Find the conversation thread you want to reply to.
2. Click Reply, add your message, and click Send.
Share a file
1. In your channel conversation, click Attach under the box where you type your message.
2. Select from these options:
 Recent
 Browse Teams and Channels
 OneDrive
 Upload from my computer
3. Select a file > Share a link.
If you’re uploading a file from your computer, select a file, click Open, and then Send .
You can always see all the files you post to a channel by going to the Files tab.
@mention someone
1. In the box where you type your message, type @, then type the first few letters of the person’s name. You can also @mention entire teams and channels.
2. Select the person. Repeat for as many people as you want to @mention.
Stay on top of things
1. Click Activity .
2. Feed shows you a summary of everything that’s happened in the channels you follow.
 Click Filter to show only certain types of notifications such as @mentions or reactions.
 Select Feed > My Activity to see a list of everything you’ve been up to lately in Teams.
Search for messages, people, or files
Searches cover your entire organization — all the teams and channels that you’re part of.
1. Type a phrase in the command box at the top of the app and press Enter.
2. Select the Messages, People, or Files tab.
3. Select an item in the search results. Alternatively, you can select More filters to further refine your search results.
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How do we get graded?

Some schools are freezing grades (whichever grade the student had in March would be the final grade). Some schools are having a pass or fail system. Some schools require teachers to make a professional judgement for the students’ end of year grade. Some schools require the teachers to converse with their students about their grades.
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What online resources are available?

Schools are providing families with resources such as online links and virtual classrooms to continue studies.
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How/Where can I find/compare an internet connection?

The Canadian Communication Service Providers have all the imporant information regarding internet connections on their website. You can find a provider near you on the website.
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Will online classes impact my ability to get PG Work permit?

Online classes will not affect PGWP. If you have a study permit but can’t get back into Canada, your PGWP will still not be affected.
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I am worried about my cyber security. What can I do about it?

If you are worried about your cyber security, you can: use anti-malware software, upgrade your Wi-Fi security, and beware of phishing and spear-phishing scams.
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Do I need a study permit to take classes if they are online?

Information not available

Are there any changes to the student loans due to COVID-19?

More frequently, there are new proposals for student loan forgiveness. This includes proposals for student loan forgiveness for health care workers and presidential candidate Joe Biden’s plan to forgive student loan debt

What kind of support is provided to the post secondary students for Fall 2020 to 2021?

There are lots of scholarship opportunities out there, but it can be hard to know where to start looking. Some might even find it too intimidating to begin looking at all! That’s where we come in. We at Colleges of Distinction have compiled a list of scholarships for 2020 to help get the ball rolling.

Where to apply for student Grants and Loans?

If you’re applying for college, you’ve probably heard students complain about grants and scholarships – everything from the application process to the stringent requirements. But it’s extremely possible to find grants to pay for college.

Is there any emergency financial relief to students and recent graduates who are unable to work, or unable to find work, due to reasons related to COVID-19?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced emergency benefits for students totalling more than $9 billion, for those who are currently enrolled in a post-secondary program, as well as new grads, who aren’t able to work the summer jobs they anticipated having due to COVID-19 shutdowns.

How to apply for Canada Emergency Student Benefit?

You need to submit a separate application for each 4-week period that you are eligible for CESB

Are student loan repayment and interest suspended until September 30, 2020?

To provide relief to student loan borrowers during the COVID-19 national emergency, federal student loan borrowers are automatically being placed in an administrative forbearance, which allows you to temporarily stop making your monthly loan payment.

What are the changes brought to the Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP)?

The global economy is changing and joining today’s labour market demands higher education credentials. For that reason, post-secondary education has never been more important than it is now.

What kind of support is provided for the student researchers and post-doctoral fellows?

The fundamental purpose of a postdoctoral experience is to extend and deepen the postdoc’s scientific and technical abilities, either in the field of the doctorate or a different field.

What are the guidelines for selecting the appropriate Federal Granting Agency?

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) support and promote high-quality research in a wide variety of disciplines and areas.

Who is eligible to apply for the Canada Emergency Student Benefit?

The fastest way for you to apply for the CESB is to call 1-800-959-2019 (opens up phone application)1-800-959-2019 or 1-800-959-2041 (opens up phone application)1-800-959-2041 about the application process .

How much benefits (payment amount) can one get through the CESB?

The CESB is a taxable benefit that provides relief for eligible students for a maximum of 16 weeks.

Which periods can we apply for CESB?

Each eligibility period is a 4-week period with a specific start and end date. When you apply, you will receive a payment for the specific eligibility period you applied for.

Whom do we contact to get more information regarding Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)?

The Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) is for students who cannot work, cannot find work, or are making less than $1,000 a month because of COVID-19. It will give students $1,250 every 4 weeks, for up to 16 weeks.

What fiscal measures is the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) taking to help Canadian businesses manage their GST/HST payments and remittances?

The CRA understands that businesses might be dealing with difficulties in making their GST/HST payments or remittances.
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Details about Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF)

CDEV and CEEFC have been mandated to assist the Government of Canada as part of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan.
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How to Pay down debt while unemployed

Try to make at least the minimum payments on your debts. Paying down your debt helps reduce your monthly debt payments. Lower and fewer debt payments will leave you with more money to pay for living expenses.
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Details about Federal labour standards

Part III of the Canada Labour Code talks about federal labour standards. These set out the employment conditions for hours of work, payment of wages, leaves, vacation, holidays, and more. These standards apply to employees working in federally regulated businesses.
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Objectives of the Canada Summer Jobs Program

Canada Summer Jobs is an initiative of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which aims to provide flexible and holistic services to support all young Canadians develop the skills and gain paid work experience to successfully transition in the labour market.
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Is the Government of Canada still hiring students?

Job opportunities and Government of Canada hiring programs for students.
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How to get Jobs in national security and defence

Apply for a job with the Government of Canada in the field of national security and defence.
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How to Immigrate through Express Entry

The application process for skilled immigrants who want to settle in Canada permanently and take part in our economy.
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How long will job losses due to COVID-19 last?

Despite Canada’s latest grim numbers on job losses, experts say certain industries will rebound with reopening but caution that there will be some long-term ripple effects in the economy following COVID-19.
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Personality assessment for job suitability

HR representatives and hiring managers can use these services to determine candidates’ psychological suitability for specific positions. Our assessment specialists can help your department to assess candidates for high-risk positions and potential.
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Sources of income after job loss

If you lose your job, your employer may owe you certain kinds of pay. Your provincial or territorial government oversees how much you should receive.
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How much severance pay you may receive?

Severance pay is money your employer pays you when you lose your job through no fault of your own.
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What happens if you don’t meet your study permit conditions

If we find you haven’t met your study permit conditions, we may ask you to leave Canada. You might also have to wait 6 months before you can apply for a new study permit (or for a visitor visa or work permit in Canada).Not following your study permit conditions, or working or studying in a way we haven’t authorized, could also negatively affect any future applications you submit.
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I’m still in my home country and I have accepted my program deferral for fall 2020. Is my immigration impacted?

To protect Canadians from the outbreak of COVID-19, the Prime Minister announced travel restrictions that limit travel to Canada. Until further notice, most foreign nationals cannot travel to Canada, even if they have a valid visitor visa or electronic travel authorization (eTA).
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I heard there was a temporary rule change to allow international students working in essential services to work more than 20 hours per week while registered. Does this apply to me?

To help battle the COVID-19 outbreak, starting immediately, the government will remove the restriction that allows international students to work a maximum of 20 hours per week while classes are in session, provided they are working in an essential service or function, such as health care, critical infrastructure, or the supply of food or other critical goods.
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“If I leave Canada, will I be able to return?”

We’ll assess your health before you leave the airport. Any foreign national showing signs of COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter the country.You must have a plan to quarantine for 14 days when you arrive in Canada. This is mandatory, even if you have no symptoms. If you don’t have a plan, you should not travel to Canada.
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How COVID-19 is affecting applications to visit, work or study in Canada?

Canada, along with the rest of the world, is facing a period of uncertainty. The effects of the COVID-19 or Coronavirus pandemic has left many foreign visa applicants, permanent Canadian residents and Canadian citizens unsure of where they stand.the Canadian government has not changed it’s stance on immigration and is, in fact, still not only actively accepting visa applications but also encourages immigrants to continue to submit their applications as per usual.
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How to renew your study permit or restore your?

The expiry date on your study permit tells you when you have to stop studying and leave Canada.You can find the expiry date in the top right corner of your permit. This date is usually the length of your study program, plus 90 days. The extra 90 days gives you time to prepare to leave Canada or to extend your stay in Canada.
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How to extend your stay in Canada?

If you want to extend your stay in Canada as a visitor (stay in Canada longer), you need to apply for a visitor record. A visitor record is not a visa. it is a document that gives you status as a visitor in Canada and allows you to stay longerincludes a new expiry date.
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How does COVID-19 affects Canadians and citizenship applicants?

To keep everyone safe, the following citizenship events are cancelled.If we request documents for your application (including medical opinion forms), you have an extra 90 days from the deadline in our request letter to submit them.
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How to find out if you need a study permit or not?

You have 90 days after you complete your studies to extend your study permit.You should apply to extend it at least 30 days before it expires. You may want to extend it earlier than this if you know you’ll continue studying in Canada.
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How to apply for a study permit?

Before you apply for a study permit, you need:an acceptance letter from a designated learning institution (DLI),a valid passport or travel document,proof you can support yourself, and any family members who come with you, while you’re in Canada.
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How to apply for a study permit through the Student Direct Stream?

You must apply online to get faster processing for your study permit. There’s no paper application for the Student Direct Stream. Make sure you include all the required documents with your application.Before you apply online, make sure you have the following:instruction guide to fill out your forms,scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents,valid credit or debit card to make a payment.
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What a minor child needs to do to study in Canada if they’re not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident?

Minor children who want to study for six months or more must apply for a study permit before they enter Canada. This includes minor children who come with parents who had a study or work permit approved overseas.You do not need a study permit for a program of six months or less, but you may still apply for one before entering Canada..
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How to study in Canada as an international student?

Apply to study in Canada as an international student, extend your study permit and find out about working while you study or after you graduate.
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What about student housing in canada?

Canadian students often choose to live on campus during their 1st year of post-secondary education. As an international student, this option may appeal to you, too
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How to rent a home in canada?

Rents declined between March and April for both purpose-built rental apartments and condo units, which constitute the bulk of rental properties .
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How to own a home?

Before you shop for a home, you’ll want to plan ahead for the costs of owning a home.
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How to isolate at home during COVID-19?

Isolation means staying at home when you have a symptom of COVID-19 and it is possible that you have been exposed to the virus.
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What about student housing at on campus?

Canadian students often choose to live on campus during their 1st year of post-secondary education. As an international student, this option may appeal to you, too
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What are the housing terms in canada?

When you choose private housing, you’ll need to know the definitions of housing terms that are common and unique to Canada.
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How to find private housing?

If you choose to live off campus, the rental price may be lower than living in residence. Keep in mind, however, that you’ll need to pay for additional items.
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What are the communication services provided?

Most Canadian telephone numbers have 10 digits (for example, 123-456-7890).
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How to attain financial stability during covid 19?
Canadian banks decision on mortage payment dereferal

Canadian banks have already received nearly half-a-million requests by borrowers to defer or skip mortgage payments in just a little more than two weeks, Read more

Will deferring debt payments amid COVID-19 hurt your credit score?

What happens to your credit score when you take up a lender’s offer to defer a debt payment?
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Half a million Canadians getting COVID-19 mortgage deferrals?

Nearly half a million big-bank customers in Canada are getting to defer their mortgage payments amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) said on Friday.
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Should I apply, and would I be approved, for a deferral?

Financial support, loans and access to credit:
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What’s the mortgage industry doing?

Throughout March, the Bank of Canada announced a series of rate cuts that have brought the target for the overnight rates to a historic low of 0.25%.
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COVID-19 Financial Relief FAQ

Financial support, loans and access to credit:
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How to became a private mortgage Investor or Lender?

First of all, when we speak of a private mortgage investor or a private mortgage lender, in most cases they are one in the same.
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How mortgage guarantees for private-sector players?

Ottawa has increased the residential mortgages by $50- billion in the year 2012. Contrary to the word around the corner, Canada Mortage and Housing Corp. (biggest provider of mortgage default insurance) is not getting any, private sector players are bagging this amount. With this news, the shares of many companies will be increasing in the near future. For years, Ottawa has supported programs aimed for low and middle-income Canadians. Some say that the availability of mortgage insurance has helped fuel the housing bubble.

How can I get a private mortgage in canada?

Private mortgage lenders can be individuals or institutions who can be thought of as angel investors – they come to your rescue when regular financing options are not feasible. These lenders offer short term asset backed loans for the purchase of property.
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How do I calculate interest on private mortage based on the duration time?

To look at a sample private mortgage loan, let’s assume a homeowner needed to borrow $400,000 at 8% interest on a 2 year term. We would then want to calculate the monthly payments and total interest over the term as follows:
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Why can I choose private mortgage in canada?

Choosing a private mortgage, even if you’re able to get one from an institutional lender, might be the best decision for your future. For the longest time the majority of people considered private mortgages to be a last resort option, Read More..

Why more Canadians are turning or selecting to private mortgage?

The hardest shock to the national real estate market would be an increase in mortgage rates. Canada’s low mortgage rates cannot continue forever, and an increase in rates would make many homeowners unable to afford their mortgage payments.
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How private mortgage differ from other mortgage loans?

The main difference is a bank mortgage officer represents only the products their institution offers, while a mortgage broker is an intermediary who works with multiple lenders and is paid a referral fee by the lenders.
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Who are the top 20 Canadian Mortgage lenders?

Our 20 most commonly used mortgage lenders.
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Which type of loan is best for you during covid-19?

Mortgages have different features to meet different needs. Make sure you understand the options and features lenders offer you when you shop for a mortgage. This will help you choose a mortgage that best suits your needs.
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What documents do I need to provide when I apply for a mortgage?

If you work in a “regular” job, providing proof of employment is straightforward. Most lenders will accept a signed letter from your employer, preferably on company letterhead, that confirms your salary or hourly wage, length of time at the job, as well as your title or position. Overtime may be accepted in some case
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How can I find a good deal on Mortgage?

We shop the most competitive brokers, lenders and banks in Canada to bring you today’s lowest interest rates, free of charge! Our Canadian comparison charts list current rates and are updated regularly throughout the day. To compare a certain category, click “Compare all rates” for more details.
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What is the difference between pre-approval and pre-qualifications?

A pre-approval for a mortgage is when a lender agrees to fund your mortgage based on your current financial situation. You and the lender agree to an interest rate, and so long as you stick to the terms of the contract, you are pre-qualified for your mortgage.
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What are the steps in the mortgage application process?

The first step in obtaining a loan is to determine how much money you can borrow. In the case of buying a home, you should determine how much you can afford even before you begin looking.
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Are there visitor restrictions related to coronavirus at hospitals?

In an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19, influenza and other infectious diseases in order to protect patients and employees, Community Health Network has limited visitor restrictions at its hospital sites.
No visitors will be permitted at Community Hospital North, Community Hospital East, Community Hospital South, Community Heart and Vascular Hospital, Community Behavioral Health, Community Howard Regional Health and Community Hospital Anderson.
Please see visitation exceptions below for OB/Maternity/NICU and end-of-life scenarios.
For the safety of patients and caregivers, no packages, gifts, food, etc., will be allowed into our facilities.
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What are the disinfectants recommended for environmental cleaning in healthcare facilities or homes housing patients suspected or comfirmed with Covid19?

Environmental cleaning in healthcare facilities or homes housing patients with suspected or confirmed 2019-nCoV infection should use disinfectants that are active against enveloped viruses, such as 2019-nCoV and other coronaviruses. There are many disinfectants, including commonly used hospital disinfectants, that are active against enveloped viruses. Currently WHO recommendations include the use of:
70% Ethyl alcohol to disinfect reusable dedicated equipment (e.g., thermometers) between uses
Sodium hypochlorite at 0.5% (equivalent 5000ppm) for disinfection of frequently touched surfaces in homes or healthcare facilities.

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What are the safety practices to be taken up for critical infrastructure workers who might have been exposed to people with confirmed Covid19?

To ensure the continuity of operations, CDC advises that critical infrastructure workers may be permitted to continue work following potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they remain symptom-free and additional precautions are taken to protect them and the community.
Employers should:
Check temperatures and assess symptoms of workers, ideally before entering the facility or operation.
If no fever (>100.4oF) or COVID-19 symptoms are present, workers should self-monitor for onset of symptoms during their shift.

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What are the guidelines laid down by CDC for proper administration in parks and other common areas?

Parks, trails, and open spaces can provide opportunities for physical activity while also providing opportunities for respite, health, and wellness. Individuals are encouraged to use parks, trails, and open spaces safely as they are able while following current guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19.The following offers guidance for the use and administration of local, state, and national parks.
Post information to promote everyday preventive actions.Maintain restrooms that remain open.
Ensure they have functional toilets, clean and disinfected surfaces, and handwashing supplies.
Keep swimming pools properly cleaned and disinfected etc.

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How can you clean soiled bedding, towels and linens from patients with Covid19?

When cleaning belongings of Covid-19 patients, one should always wear protective gear and make sure they never have skin contact with objects that may carry infections. They should also constantly check their symptoms.

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What are the fundamental measures to be taken care of for the retirement communities?

Retirement communities generally provide communal facilities, community activities, meals, transportation, and socialization opportunities. With increasing COVID-19 cases, it is crucial to make sure that these communities are safe. Residents in retirement communities are considered to be at higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes because of older age and because they may have underlying health conditions, such as chronic heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease. They also may be at higher risk of getting and spreading the virus because of community characteristics, such as frequent social activities, and shared dining facilities and communal spaces. A few measures that must be taken in these spaces include cancelling of all public and non essential group activities, clean and disinfect all common areas and shared facilities, inform residents, workers, volunteers, and visitors about COVID-19, encourage personal protective measures, limit the number of non-essential visitors, sceen workers and volunteers, maintain social distance, and watch for symptoms of illness.

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What are the recommendations for the functioning of restaurants and bars during Covid19?

All restaurants and bars are required to have screening for their customers and their employees. It is advised for restaurants and bars to have a population limit to lessen the chances of coming in contact with others. One should also always wear protective gear.

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How should nurses protect themselves while treating suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19?

The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) had caused 80,815 human infections and 3073 deaths in China, including more than 3000 infections among medical staff. Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital

How can nurses help to limit the spread of COVID-19 at their home?

At work, regulated nurses are essential members of the health-care team; at home, they are community and family members. Nurses can experience increased stress related to their risk of exposure to COVID-19 and the potential of spreading it to their family.

How should nurses decide between their personal and professional responsibilities?

He present study aimed to investigate the importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective.

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Why is 2020 called the “Year of Nurses” by WHO?

This year, WHO is to focus on nursing and midwifery in order to achieve Universal Health Coverage. The organization is leading the development of “World Nursing Report” that is to be launched in 2020. The report is first of its kind. The year is being dedicated to the midwifery as well as WHO is also a partner of The State of the World’s Midwifery Campaign.

How can nurses optimize the use of masks in health-care settings?

These considerations are intended for use by federal, state, and local public health officials; leaders in occupational health services and infection prevention and control programs; and other leaders in healthcare settings who are responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures for preventing pathogen transmission in healthcare settings.

What kind of leadership is expected from Community Health Nurses?

During the rapidly changing and difficult decisions of a pandemic crisis such as COVID-19, nurse leaders also struggle with ethical dilemmas that create moral conflict and distress.

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When nurses go to work, how should they be supported?

Nurses should mainly be supported in two ways, by employees and governments, and by the public. Both these groups play major roles to the way nurses are supported during the pandemic.

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What is the government of Canada’s response to COVID-19?

The Government of Canada is acting to minimize the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadians. This webpage was created to provide the latest information on legislative and other measures adopted to protect Canadians in response to the pandemic. Read more

I’m worried about answering the screening questions – will I still be able to be treated if I have recently travelled or been in contact with someone with COVID-19?

Faced with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spread, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are taking unprecedented measures to protect the health and well-being of its members, prevent the spread of this disease, and continue essential military operations. Read more

What health professionals need to know?

Health professionals in Canada have a critical role to play in identifying, reporting and managing potential cases of COVID-19. Read more

How to be safe from any fraud or scam during this period?

Any crisis or seasonal event that raises the fear factor for Canadians provides the ideal breeding ground for fraudsters. The current health crisis is no exception. Read more

Should I be avoiding getting care or are doctor’s available to see me?

Responding to disasters is both rewarding and challenging work. Sources of stress for emergency responders may include witnessing human suffering, risk of personal harm, intense workloads, life-and-death decisions, and separation from family. Read more

How can first responders prevent and manage stress while at work?

This fact sheet provides tips to help disaster response workers prevent and manage stress while on assignment. It includes strategies to help responders prepare for their assignments, take stress-reducing precautions, and manage stress in the recovery phase. Read more

What is the appropriate way to use non-medical masks or face covering?

The best thing you can do to prevent spreading COVID-19 is to wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. If none is available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Read more

What is Vulnerable population?

Vulnerable population is the population that is at a higher risk for COVID-19 complication. An example would be older people or people already suffering from chronic health conditions.Read more

List of COVID-19 Essential Services

Essential services are those daily services essential to preserving life, health, public safety and basic societal functioning. Read more.

Suggestions for supporting vulnerable populations during COVID-19 outbreaks

Provide clear instructions about how to wash hands and cover coughs using:the most commonly used language in the community,short messages that explain simple steps they can take,accessible instructions. Read more.

Emergency Preparedness for Vulnerable Populations

vulnerable people were stranded while awaiting evacuation assistance, were refused shelter by unprepared organizations, or experienced difficulties in accessing emergency services because of preexisting health conditions or vulnerabilities. Read more

Need of Social services providers

Social services providers play an important role in supporting vulnerable populations including those who are unsheltered and use substances. Read more.

How will you find information of people living with health conditions?

Know more about COVID-19 by visiting, keep up-to-date about the current situation in your community, and contact local, provincial, territorial public health officials to get relevant COVID-19 information, resources and guidance. Read more.

providers of services for people experiencing homelessness

Many people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing homelessness rely on community-based organizations, non-profit and voluntary organizations for a range of essential services. Marginalized and vulnerable groups, including Indigenous community members, individuals identifying as LGBTQ2S+, and youth, are disproportionately represented among those experiencing homelessness. Read more

what is critical infrastructures?

Critical infrastructure (CI) refers to processes, systems, facilities, technologies, networks, assets and services essential to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of Canadians and the effective functioning of government. Read more

How do I know if my facility qualifies as critical infrastructure?

Public Safety Canada conducts on-site assessments through the Regional Resilience Read more

Are we still making changes to this infrastructure?

Working with Treasury Board Secretariat’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) and departments, the GC has imposed limits on IT changes read more

How is critical infrastructure resources

There are various free resources available such as the Access to Information Act, The Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act, the Emergency Management Act, The Privacy Act, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Read more

What is critical service?

A critical service is one that, if disrupted, would result in a high or very high degree of injury to the health, safety, read more

what are the essential service and functions by critical infrastructure

Canada’s National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure defines critical infrastructure as the processes, systems, facilities, technologies, networks, assets, and services essential to the read more

Food and agriculture related website in canda?

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada supports the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector through initiatives that promote innovation and competitiveness. Read more

Food sectors in canada?

Economic outlook reports and sector overviews, initiatives to support awareness of the industry in Canada. How the department engages with the industry, value chain roundtables. Read more

Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program?

The Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA) Program is a loan guarantee program designed to increase the availability of loans to farmers and agricultural co-operatives. Read more

What are some solutions to the impact on agriculture due to Covid-19?

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, on behalf of Farm Credit Canada (FCC), today announced the launch of a $100-million Agriculture and Food Business Solutions Fund to support proven, viable companies through unexpected business disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

What is meant by information and communication technology?

Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications. Read More….

Development of Communications and information technology during covid 19?

Learn how our information technology (IT) team is helping staff work more effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out about: Read More…

How our information technology (IT) team is helping staff work more effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Information Management Services is working collaboratively with Shared Services Canada to implement strategies to ensure the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is able to meet a growing need for teleworking capabilities. Read More…

What is the help provided by the government on employee wages

The Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy is a three-month measure that allows eligible employers to reduce the amount of payroll deductions required to be remitted to the Canada Revenue Agency.

What are government guidlines and prescription on disinfecting workplaces

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many provinces and territories required workplaces/businesses to close, except those providing essential services and goods. Read more

What are the guidlines for selling hand sanitizers

Hard-surface disinfectants and hand sanitizers (COVID-19): Information for manufacturers Read more…

How and where can an idustry report it’s health requirements

COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving global issue. The Government of Canada will do everything necessary to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Canadians, and is working around the clock to limit the spread of this pandemic. Our top priority remains the safety and security of all Canadians. Read more…

What are the recommeded industrial operational practices prescribed by goverment during COVID-19

First establish a crisis management team, regulate all internal communication, make sure that the customer is not impacted through the regulations mandated, require employees to self isolate themselves for 14 days if they have returned from international travel, and mandate sanitation measures.

What are the measures to keep up the international trade during covid-19

Canada has taken an important measure to keep supply and trade links open during the pandemic. Canada is also working closely with its international partners to ensure that the measures we take in response to the COVID-19 pandemic do not impose unjustified or harmful burdens on workers, businesses, and our global economies.

What are the guidelines issed by the government for road based transportation?

For any commercial vehicle drivers, forms of self protective equipment such as masks, gloves, and eye protection are necessary. This is to keep everyone safe. Read more…

What are the guidelines issed by the government for Rail based transportation?

Like any other public area, the rail based industry also requires passangers and workers to wear protective equipment such as masks, gloves, and eye protection. Passangers should know that they may be subject to a health check. Read more…

What are the Marine transportation guidelines issued by transport Canada?

All ferrys must decrease the number of passangers they accept by 50%. Passangers should know that they may be subject to a health check and that they require face covering equipment in order to board the ferry. Health checks are necessary for trips longer than 30 mins. Read more…

What are retrictions and guidelines on Aviation?

Operators should ensure that their Hazard Prevention Program has always been updated. Operators should wear non-medical nose and mouth coverings at all times. Passangers are required to bring their own non-medical mouth and nose coverings. Passangers will be required to accept any health checkups. Read more…

What are Transport Canada (TC) guidelines on tranporartion of dangerous goods?

Transportation and packaging of any dangerous goods (anything that can carry infections) have to abid by the requirements outlined in the CAN/CGSB-43.125 safety standard. Read more…

Specific orders for facial masks during transportation

The Canadian Government requires people using any form of transportation to use non-medical masks while travelling as it decreases the chances of spreading Covid-19. Masks have to fit snugly on both sides of the face and shoul also be easy to remove for identity verification. Read more….

The government has put in place stay at home orders. Can I still come in to donate?

The governor’s mandate orders all non-essential businesses and operations in Maine close their physical locations that are public facing, meaning those that allow customer, vendor or other in-person contact.

Can I get Covid-19 by donating blood?

Individuals are not at risk of contracting COVID-19 through the blood donation process or via a blood transfusion, since respiratory viruses are generally not known to be transmitted by donation or transfusion.

Why is it important to give blood now?

The American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood and platelet donations. There is no known end date in this fight against coronavirus, and the Red Cross urgently needs the help of blood and platelet donors and blood drive hosts to meet the needs of patient care.

Can I donate on a bloodmobile?

Donating blood products is essential to community health and the need for blood products is constant. As part of our nation’s critical infrastructure, healthy individuals can still donate in areas that have issued shelter in place declarations or are operating under a phased reopening plan.

What measures are being taken to make sure donor centers are virus-free?

Memorial Blood Centers (MBC) is closely monitoring the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and continues to carry out our lifesaving mission in our communities.

Can I donate blood while I’m sick?

Plasma is the fluid that carries the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. If you have a cold or the flu, you can donate blood, as normal, 7 days after you’ve recovered from your symptoms.

Do you test blood before it goes to recipients?

For a whole blood donation, about 1 pint of blood is collected; several small test tubes of blood are also collected for testing.

Can you catch Coronavirus from a blood transfusion?

Individuals are not at risk of contracting COVID-19 through the blood donation process or via a blood transfusion, since respiratory viruses are generally not known to be transmitted by donation or transfusion.

Why is it important to donate now?

The American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood and platelet donations. There is no known end date in this fight against coronavirus, and the Red Cross urgently needs the help of blood and platelet donors and blood drive hosts to meet the needs of patient care.

Will we run out of blood?

Running out of blood isn’t a term that is used, but you could say that someone runs out of blood in a way if something shuts down production of new blood cells. … Infections follow when there aren’t enough white blood cells.

What can I do to protect myself from Coronavirus?

Preventive measures to reduce the chances of infection include staying at home, avoiding crowded places, washing hands with soap and water often and for at least 20 seconds, practising good respiratory hygiene and avoiding touching the eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

I have recovered from COVID-19 and want to donate plasma. What should I do?

In coordination with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Red Cross is seeking people who are fully recovered from the new coronavirus to sign up to donate plasma to help current COVID-19 patients.

Where can I find the list of all donation centers in Canada?

You can book an appointment to donate blood in Canada in several ways:
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Where can I find the list of all BLOOD donation centers in Canada?

We recruit and collect blood, plasma and platelet donations at over 13,000 donation events every year. We have 35 permanent donor centres and over 4000 mobile donor centres across Canada.
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Where can I find the list of all PLASMA donation centers in Canada?

We are proud to be part of CONCOR, a national clinical trial to test if COVID-19 convalescent plasma could be a safe and effective treatment option for patients with the virus. Read more…

Is there any Android mobile application where I can find the geographic location of donation centers in Canada?

GiveBlood is the official app of Canadian Blood Services. This app makes it easy for donors in Canada (excluding Quebec) to book, manage and keep track of their donations on the go. Users can locate their nearest donor centres and confirm their donation appointment with ease and efficiency.
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Can I book any appointments for donation in nearby donation centers online?

Currently, we can only welcome people with appointments. This is in compliance with public health authorities’ requests to practice healthy physical distancing.
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Where can I find the nearest donation center?

Canadian Blood Services acknowledges the funding of provincial, territorial and federal governments. The views expressed in this document are those of Canadian Blood Services and do not necessarily reflect those of governments.
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What is the contact information on Sudbury plasma donation centre?

Restrictions on construction during COVID-19 has created delays impacting our plans for completion of the new Sudbury plasma donor centre. Until the completion of our new centre at 900 Lasalle Blvd, a temporary Sudbury plasma donor center will be opening this summer, 2020 at 944 Barrydowne Road.
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What is the contact information on Lethbridge plasma donation centre druing covid-19?

Lethbridge plasma donor centre.
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What are the timings and open hours for the blood donation centers?

We recruit and collect blood, plasma and platelet donations at over 13,000 donation events every year. We have 35 permanent donor centres and over 4000 mobile donor centres across Canada.
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What are the timings and open hours for the plasma donation centers?

We recruit and collect blood, plasma and platelet donations at over 13,000 donation events every year. We have 35 permanent donor centres and over 4000 mobile donor centres across Canada.
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How can I volunteer to donate blood or plasma in the donation centers in Canada?

Thank you for your interest in being part of a powerful story. A story of connections between donors, recipients and everyone who brings them together. When you volunteer with us, you are also joining Canada’s lifeline. Together, we are all part of Canada’s lifeline.
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How can I or my organisation become a partner for donating in donation centers across Canada?

Across the country hundreds of organizations, associations, companies, communities and schools have joined our Partners for Life program.
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Is Canadian blood Services testing for COVID-19?

No, they are not currently testing for COVID-19. There is no Health Canada or FDA approved test to screen blood for COVID-19, Current evidence and risk modelling suggest that COVID-19 is not transmissible through the transfusion of blood and blood products.

How does Canadian Blood Services test blood?

We follow a two-stage testing method that is used in laboratories worldwide. In the first stage, a sensitive screening test looks for the possible presence of infection. If the screening test shows no reaction, the blood is considered free of infection and no further testing is done. However, if the screening test is reactive, further testing is done to sort out whether the reactive result was due to an infection in the blood or interference with the test. The second test identifies markers in the blood that are found only when infection is present.

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How can I became an eligible to donate plasma?

Any healthy person who meets the eligibility criteria can donate plasma. To become a plasma donor, having a history of making regular blood donations helps, but is not always necessary. Take our two-minute eligibility quiz or call 1 888 2 DONATE to find out if you can donate plasma.

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Can I give blood if I have or have had COVID-19?

Anyone who has or has had COVID-19 must wait 14 days after their recovery date before they can give blood.

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Can I donate to Canadian Blood Services?

If you are determined to be eligible online, you will be able to book your first appointment. Final eligibility will be determined by our staff at our donation centres. Visit our donating blood page to learn more about how blood donation works.

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Can I donate blood if I am in contact with someone who is or has been infected with or suspected of being infected with COVID-19?

Anyone who has been in contact with a person who is or has been infected with or suspected of being infected with COVID-19 must wait 14 days starting from the date of that person’s recovery before he/she can donate. If the tests show the absence of COVID-19, those who have been in contact with that person can donate right away.

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Can I give blood if I am returning from a trip?

Anyone who has travelled outside of Canada must comply with the 14-day quarantine order issued by the Québec government before they can give blood.

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I don’t have a positive COVID-19 test but am certain that I had it, can I still participate?

If you do not have a test confirming your diagnosis of COVID-19, the FDA requires a positive COVID-19 antibody test as well as meet other eligibility criteria.

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What Are The Requirements For Donating?

The standard requirements for all donors hoping to help save lives at plasma centers in the U.S. are to be between the ages of 18 and 70 years old. You should weigh at least 110 LBS, not have gotten ear piercings, body piercings, tattoos or permanent makeup in the past 12 months, and be in good health.

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Who can donate blood?

If you are considering donating blood for the first time you must be:In good general health,Able to perform your normal day-to-day activities,At least 17 years old,Meet our height and weight requirements if you are between 17 and 23 years old.

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Is collecting convalescent plasma in Canadian Blood Services’ donor centres safe?

As the national blood operator, Canadian Blood Services has the expertise and the infrastructure necessary to safely collect, prepare and distribute convalescent plasma for use in a national clinical trial.To ensure safety during the pandemic, we will only collect COVID-19 convalescent plasma from donors who have fully recovered from the virus.To ensure transfusion medicine safety, convalescent plasma donors must also meet Canada’s current plasma donor eligibility criteria.We will continue working with public health to protect all employees, volunteers and donors.

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How often can I donate plasma?

Plasma regenerates in the human body in two days.Individuals can donate plasma a maximum of twice in every 7 days period with a minimum 2 days apart at Canadian Plasma Resources.

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what are the steps to be taken to donate plasma?

The process for donating plasma is largely the same as for blood donation. It includes registration, screening, donation and post-donation care. Although some aspects of the plasma screening process may be slightly different, the donation experience will be familiar to blood donors.

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Who can donate plasma?

Plasma donors must weigh at least 110 pounds (50kg), be in generally good health, and meet the age requirements of 18-69 years old.Potential donors must undergo a thorough screening and selection process that begins with a medical exam. At every donation, donors must complete a comprehensive health history questionnaire to rule out individuals who engage in high-risk behaviors or live unhealthy lifestyles

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How much plasma will you collect from each donor? Can a recovered COVID-19 donor donate more than once?

Donors will donate between 660 to 880 milliliters of plasma based on their weight. Like normal source plasma donors, convalescent plasma donors are able to donate as frequently as twice in a seven-day period with a full day in-between donations.

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How Do You Become A Qualified Donor?

To receive Qualified Donor status, a prospective donor must undergo two satisfactory health screenings and negative test results within six months. Until you meet this requirement, your plasma will not be used to manufacture therapies. This policy is important to help ensure the quality and safety of the therapies that patients need to treat life-threatening diseases.Patients with chronic illness rely on donors like you to help keep them alive. In addition to saving lives donors also aid in the process of developing medicines for our everyday lives. That is why donating plasma is so important. For more information on how to donate, visit gcamplasma.com.

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How Should I Prepare Before Donating Plasma?

Before you come into donate plasma we recommend that you drink plenty of water before and after your donation, do not drink alcoholic and caffeinated beverages within 72 hours of donating, and eat a balanced meal that isn’t fatty or high-cholesterol before donating.

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What Are The Requirements For Donating?

The standard requirements for all donors hoping to help save lives at plasma centers in the U.S. are to be between the ages of 18 and 70 years old. You should weigh at least 110 LBS, not have gotten ear piercings, body piercings, tattoos or permanent makeup in the past 12 months, and be in good health.

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If I Was Deferred Once Before, Am I Still Ineligible To Donate?

You will be notified if your deferral is of a permanent nature. Otherwise, the deferral time depends upon the reason for deferral. Before each plasma donation, you’ll be given a health screening and medical interview. It will be determined if you’re eligible to donate on that particular day.

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If I’m Not Eligible To Donate Blood, Am I Ineligible To Donate Plasma Too?

In some instances, you may be able to donate plasma even if you’re not eligible to donate blood. GCAM staff can better assess your eligibility at any one of our plasma donation centers.

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Can residents of Mexico or Canada donate plasma?

Yes, residents of Mexico and Canada are eligible to donate at any one of GCAM’s plasma centers, as long as the residents meet the donation criteria and provide the required identification and documentation.

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Can I give blood or volunteer at a blood drive if I’m 70 years of age or older?

The commitment and generosity of people aged 70 and over who want to help by giving blood or volunteering. However, we ask them to respect the instructions issued by the Government of Québec to stay home and not to go to one of our blood drives to give blood or to volunteer.

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What if a prospective applicant is destined to the Province of Quebec?

COVID-19 Public Health Order Non-Compliance Reporting Form

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Help Canada combat Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – submission form

If you are a business able to supply products and services in support of Canada’s response to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), please complete this form.

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Non-Essential Business Remains Open

This form should only be used to collect information about the following types of City of Toronto non-essential businesses or establishments who are not complying with the provincial order to close.

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Non-Essential Construction Site

Survey closed

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Non-Compliance with Physical Distancing By-Law

This form should only be used to report:

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Removal of City Park Barriers

This form should only be used to report the removal of barriers to City of Toronto park amenities such as .

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Business Suspected of Price Gouging

The Government of Ontario wants to protect consumers from being exploited for the products they need in response to COVID-19.

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Report price gouging related to COVID-19

The Government of Ontario wants to protect consumers from being exploited for the products they need in response to COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Report Form (For Suspected Cases)

COVID-19 report form.

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COVID-19 Report Form (For Confirmed Cases)

COVID-19 report form.

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COVID-19 Report Form (Case Update)

COVID-19 report form.

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Where can I get information about the latest updates on eviction moratoriums related to COVID-19

The COVID-19, or coronavirus crisis has left many in Canada without a job or with reduced hours and wondering how to pay their rent. The scope and scale of the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan includes income support measures to help Canadians pay their rent and put food on the table.

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What help is available for tenants across Canada

Across the country, April 1 will mark the first rent due date since the COVID-19 pandemic hit home in Canada.As the pandemic ravages the economy, leaving more than a million Canadians suddenly unemployed, provincial governments have rolled out emergency measures for both tenants and landlords.

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Can a landlord enforce an Order of Possession?​

Housing providers have an important role to play in preserving our economy during these extraordinary times. We are all in this together. Landlords with CMHC-insured mortgages who are facing financial difficulties have access to the same tools and relief measures as homeowners, such as mortgage payment deferrals. We expect all landlords, especially those with CMHC insurance or financing, to pass their savings on to tenants and to refrain from evictions until this crisis has passed.

What do I do if my landlord gave me a notice to end tenancy?

The table below provides the latest updates on eviction moratoriums related to COVID-19. Please note that this table is updated regularly as new information becomes available.

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Can a hearing be adjourned if it is impacted by COVID-19?

The table below provides the latest updates on eviction moratoriums related to COVID-19. Please note that this table is updated regularly as new information becomes available.

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I am a tenant and I gave my landlord a notice to end tenancy. Can I be evicted?(Based on province)

If you gave your landlord a notice to end tenancy, the notice is valid. Your landlord may apply for an order of possession.

The order of possession cannot be enforced until the state of emergency is over
If you have changed your mind or cannot move, you should speak to your landlord as soon as possible to ask whether they are willing to accept cancellation of the notice or make other arrangements.

I am a landlord and my tenancy should have ended but my tenant is unable to move due to the state of emergency. Can I continue to accept rent?

A tenant who continues to occupy a rental unit after the tenant’s tenancy is ended is called an overholding tenant. The landlord continues to be entitled to payment for use and occupancy when a tenant overholds. In this case, the landlord may apply for dispute resolution seeking an order of possession and accept payment for use and occupancy while awaiting dispute resolution. The order of possession cannot be enforced during the state of emergency, except under exceptional circumstances.

When accepting payment for use and occupancy, the landlord should state in writing that:

The payment for rent or utilities is being accepted for use and occupancy only – it does not cancel the notice to end tenancy
The tenant must still move out
Note: The “use and occupancy” arrangement is short-term—it allows use and occupancy only for the period of the payment and does not reinstate the tenancy. If, in a dispute resolution hearing, a party claims that tenancy has been reinstated, an arbitrator will consider all the circumstances including the intent of both parties when exchanging payment.

How the eviction process works

The typical evictions process is explained below. Changes due to COVID-19 have been highlighted.

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What does the temporary eviction ban mean for landlords that served notice to end tenancy for their tenants because a new buyer has required vacant possession on the purchase of the house?

Most evictions are not allowed during the state of emergency.

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What happens if landlords and tenants miss time limits set out by the Act or Rules of Procedure?

We recognize that parties may not be able to meet time limits set out in the Act or Rules of Procedure due to impacts of COVID-19.
The Director will consider those circumstances when determining whether to grant an order extending a time limit and if necessary, adjourn the proceeding
Where there is authority to extend time limits, arbitrators are directed to consider the COVID-19 pandemic as an exceptional circumstance
A party will need to provide a reasonable explanation why they or someone on their behalf was unable to file an application within the legislated timelines. If a party does so, arbitrators should exercise their discretion to ensure a party affected by COVID-19 is not prejudiced
Arbitrators will also consider circumstances, set out in the practice directive, when deciding whether to accept evidence that has been filed outside of the time-frames of the Rules of Procedure.

What are the options for serving applications and evidence?

Serving documents in-person is suspended. All other existing methods of service remain available.
A Director’s Order has been issued for the length of the state of emergency allowing parties to use email to give or serve documents in order to minimize interactions between people.
Parties must think carefully about what method of service they use to ensure materials are received by the other party while maintaining physical distancing, social isolation or quarantine.
Please visit the Canada Post website for the latest on mail delivery.

How is Canada responding to COVID-19?

The Government of Canada has created the infrastructure to respond to the public health threats of the virus, and is well prepared to act—in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and international partners—to minimize the health, economic, and social impacts of this rapidly evolving public health issue.

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Recruitment and Staffing in federal public service

The following questions provide Canadians with information on testing (rescheduling, test accommodation measures, second language evaluations) and on the status of staffing and recruitment operations in light of the current situation relating to the COVID-19 situation or that ensure the effective functioning of the Government of Canada.

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How a Canadian employee apply for Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)?

The Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) provides financial support to post-secondary students, and recent post-secondary and high school graduates who are unable to find work due to COVID-19.

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What is Canada’s economic plan?

The Government of Canada is taking immediate, significant and decisive action to support Canadians and businesses facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

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How people to be prepared?

Canadians should continue to think ahead about the actions that they can take to stay healthy and prevent the spread of any illness, especially respiratory infections.Now and always during cold and flu season, stay home if you are sick.

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How to take care of your mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic?

If you are in immediate danger or need urgent medical support, call 911.If you are experiencing gender-based violence, you can access a crisis line in your province or territory.

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How to Sign in to your IRCC secure account?

If you meet the criteria for the travel exemptions, and you want to apply to come to Canada, there are changes to the application process. Read More..

What are the travel restrictions, exemptions and advice?

The Government of Canada has put in place an emergency order under the Quarantine Act. It applies to all travellers arriving in Canada. Its purpose is to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. Failure to comply with this order is an offence under the Quarantine Act.

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What are the awareness resources for Covid 19?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Awareness resources are given as:

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What are the benefits of Employment Insurance benefits?

Employment Insurance benefits and leave information for workers, families, fishers and sickness, as well as how to apply and submit a report.

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What are the number of test cases in Canada?

Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, deaths, and people tested in Canada as of June 8, 2020


What are the steps taken to prevent people facing loss of income?

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) gives financial support to employed and self-employed Canadians who are directly affected by COVID-19.


What actions are being take by the Government of Canada to respond to the pandemic?

The Government of Canada has created the infrastructure to respond to the public health threats of the virus, and is well prepared to act—in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and international partners—to minimize the health, economic, and social impacts of this rapidly evolving public health issue.


What actions are being taken at Canadian borders to stop COVID-19 from entering Canada?

The Government of Canada has put in place an emergency order under the Quarantine Act. It applies to all travellers arriving in Canada. Its purpose is to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. Failure to comply with this order is an offence under the Quarantine Act.


How is Canada monitoring the supply of drug and medical devices to ensure that there are no shortages?

For detailed information on Canada’s whole-of-government actions to respond to the outbreak, refer to the Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19.


How Canada is responding to COVID-19?

The Government of Canada has created the infrastructure to respond to the public health threats of the virus, and is well prepared to act—in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and international partners—to minimize the health, economic, and social impacts of this rapidly evolving public health issue.


How to get E-mail updates on Covid 19?

We will only use your email address to send you trusted information about COVID-19. We will not share your email address.


What are the locations where you may have been exposed to COVID-19?

You may have been exposed to COVID-19 during recent travel, such as by airplane, cruise ship or train (any public conveyance). Being aware of the risk can help you take the necessary steps to protect your health and the health of others around you.


How the Canadian Government support for businesses?

The Government of Canada is taking immediate, significant and decisive action to support Canadians and businesses facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

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How Canada financially help if you are outside Canada for COVID-19?

Canada has established the COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program for Canadians Abroad.


What are the recent updates on the coronavirus pandemic?

1. Ontario will start to ease restrictions 2. Manitoba is preparing for its third phase of reopening 3. Montreal COVID-19 cases linked to poorer areas with more black residents

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What are the Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan?

Canada is offering specific economic relief plans for each type of person. Support for individuals have a tax benefit of $2,000 eery 4 weeks up to 16 weeks. For businesses, the Canadian government is covering 75% of employee’s wages.

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How do the government support the economy and the financial sector?

To support businesses, the government established the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP). The office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions lowering the Domestic Stability Buffer requirement for domestic systemically important banks.

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What are the measures taken by the government to support for students during the coronavirus pandemic?

The Prime Minister of Canada promised more than $9 billion in support for studentss who might have a hard time financially during this pandemic. The Canada Emergency Student Benefit and the Canada Student Service Grant are ways that the Canadian government plan to support their students until they could find a way to support themselves financially.

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What are the Coronavirus Medical Consulting and Planning Services?

The Coronavirus Medical Consulting Planning services is a program that offers a roadmap that safely naigates the challengers that a business may face with the screening of employees, facility cleaning, social distancing, and Covid-19 testing. They are experts that offer help.

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Explain in detail about rent reliefs?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced significant rent relief for businesses that can not afford to pay their landlords during the pandemic. It is also expected that the rent for affected small businesses will reduce by 75%. Moreover, The Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance will has been providing forgivable loans to the businesses that qualify certain criteria. This will cover 50% of the rent for three months throughout April, May, and June. The loans will be forgiven if the mortgaged property owner agrees to reduce the eligible small business tenants’ rent by at least 75%. The small businesses will, however, have to pay 25% of the rent. According to the definition provided by the Canadian government, affected small businesses are those paying less than $50,000 per month in rent and who have temporally closed operation or have experienced 70% drop due to COVID-19.

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What are the measures taken by the government to support for businesses during the coronavirus pandemic?

Some ways that the Canadian Government is supporting business during the pandemic are: providing small businesses with wage subsides, establishing a business credit availability program, and offering a guarantee in loans.

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What are the Government help during Covid-19 overall summary?

The Canadian Government showed its organized and orderly way of working by its response to the pandemic. They came up with seperate and specific ways to help the people based on catagories. Seniors, disabaled people, and students had their own regulations while business had different rules. The Canadian Government also offered tax benefits in light of current events.

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What are the COVID-19 measures, updates, and guidance issued by Transport Canada?

The Canadian government has very specific rules for each form of transportation. Clcik here to learn about eah specific type of transportation and its restrictions:

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What are the Collecting Open Government Approaches to COVID-19?

They are collecting information about citizen-led community responses, digital platforms that keep the citizens informed, and publishing practive information for affected communities.

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Mental Heath and Substance support

We recognize the significant strain that COVID-19 has placed on individuals and families across the country. Many people are concerned about their physical and mental well being.

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Kids Help phone

Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868 provides kids and teens access to a professional counsellor by phone to discuss their issue or concern 24 hours a day.

Adults Mental Health and Addiction resources

The terms “mental illness” and “addiction” refer to a wide range of disorders that affect mood, thinking and behaviour. Examples include depression, anxiety disorders and schizophrenia, as well as substance use disorders and problem gambling.

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Ways to take care of your mental health during covid19 pandemic

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Find ways you and your family can reduce stress.

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How do I manage my stress and anxiety while I await my test results?

One of the most challenging parts of having an imaging exam (or any medical test) is waiting for the results. It’s easy to imagine a negative outcome, and it can be challenging if you don’t know when or how you’ll get the results. Here at UVA Radiology, we want you to have the tools you need to feel calmer and more in control of your healthcare decisions.

How to avoid Anxiety Disorder?

feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear interfere with your concentration, your sleep, or your ability to socialize, it could indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder.

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Strategies to maintain your mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic

We may experience increased feelings of anxiety, powerlessness, impatience, irritability or frustration. We might also experience a sense of scarcity, or be concerned about increased stigmatization or xenophobia

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What to do if you feel anxious for positive test result in covid19?

Outbreaks like the COVID-19 outbreak that has affected millions of people around the world can be stressful for many people. Fear and anxiety about the disease are becoming more evident in people. Common signs of stress include changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty in sleeping or concentration, worsening of chronic health problems, and worsening of mental health conditions. There are many ways to reduce this stress: watch a movie you like, read a book, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. Talk to your loved ones and help stop the spread of rumours. Support your loved ones via e-mail, telephone, video chat, or social media.
People coming out of quarantine will have mixed emotions running from anxiety to guilt and sometimes even anger. It is important to keep a check on them and give them emotional support.

A few things that can be done,
Call 911
Visit the Disaster Distress Helpline, call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746
Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224

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Virtual Mental Health supports

SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

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Mental health advice for self isolation

Welsh government have written to people who they have identified as being at higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus. This is because of pre-existing physical health problems

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Mobile App with Symptom tracker for Android and iOS

The app will support you to track your symptoms, receive the latest updates, and access trusted resources.

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iOS Mobile App to reduce wait times at Canadian ports of entry and limit the point of contact

This tool is used to facilitate the collection of information needed to administer and enforce legislation to help contain COVID-19 and keep Canadians safe and healthy.

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Android Mobile App to reduce wait times at Canadian ports of entry and limit the point of contact

Are you a traveller entering Canada? You can provide all of the required information you need for COVID-19 upon arrival by using the new ArriveCAN app:

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Canada COVID-19 situational awareness dashboard

Canada COVID-19 situational awareness dashboard.

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Web based COVID-19 symptom self assessment tool

COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool.

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WHO Info

Have the latest health information at your fingertips with the official World Health Organization Information App. This app displays the latest news, events, features and breaking updates on outbreaks.

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HealthLynked has developed its own Corona Virus tracker that allows users to self-report symptoms, if they test positive for the virus, alert contacts so that they can seek medical care to prevent spread.

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COVID-19 self-Assessment by Ontario

Take this self-assessment if you’re worried you were exposed to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) or have symptoms.

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COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool by Georgian Bay General Hospital
COVID-19 Self-Assessment by 811 Healthline

Use this self-assessment tool to help determine whether you should be tested for COVID-19.

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How to get medical advice through telehealth?

Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential service you can call to get health advice or information. A Registered Nurse will take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Telehealth Ontario is only offered over the phone. Email advice is not available.

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How to get access for Self-assessment Tool?

The self-assessment is only meant as an aid and cannot diagnose you. If you have medical questions, consult a health care provider or your local public health unit.

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How does Telehealth help to experience Massive growth with covid 19?

Telehealth technology is expected to rise dramatically as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt the practice of medicine and the delivery of healthcare worldwide

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How to telehealth resources respond to COVID-19?

The resources on this page have been collected for use by stroke care and rehabilitation professionals to provide telehealth services due to COVID-19 isolation or social distancing.

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How telehealth boon for rural and remote patients and practitioners?

A rural virtual locum doctor program will serve communities without a full-time physician and support doctors serving not-easily-reached rural and remote populations with a second virtual presence if needed.When the provincial 811 COVID-19 information service was overwhelmed by callers, a virtual assessment program was quickly mobilized.

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During COVID-19,how do you take care of yourself?

If you are in immediate danger or need urgent medical support, call 911.If you are experiencing gender-based violence, you can access a crisis line in your province or territory.You may also access support workers, social workers, psychologists and other professionals for confidential chat sessions or phone calls by texting WELLNESS .

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How COVID-19 is ramping up insurance needs for Telemedicine?

COVID-19 has sharply increased the demand for telemedicine in Canada, and with it comes emerging risks and possible unexpected gaps in coverage for clients.

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How to use telehealth services and resources during COVID-19?

Telemedicine (also referred to as telehealth) refers to technology that allows the remote delivery of healthcare services. If the word telemedicine evoked images of doctors doing patient assessments by webcam.

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How telemedicine reduces the mental health during COVID-19?

The Role of Telehealth in Reducing the Mental Health Burden from COVID-19.Telehealth, or more specifically telemental health services, are practically feasible and appropriate for the support of patients, family members, and health service providers during this pandemic.

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How many indigenous communities are there in Canada?

The Canadian Constitution recognizes three groups of Aboriginal peoples: Indians (more commonly referred to as First Nations), Inuit and Métis. These are three distinct peoples with unique histories, languages, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs.

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Funding for Indigenous people?

Crown-Indigenous Relations Canada (CIRNAC) and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) provide funding for programs, services and initiatives to First Nations.

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How can I help the Aboriginal communities in Canada?

More than 1.67 million people in Canada identify themselves as an Aboriginal person, according to the 2016 census.

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Indigenous health plans

Find information about health care services and non-insured health benefits (NIHB), careers, how to fight drug and substance use,

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Information on Tax exemption on Aboriginal people

Throughout the following text, for purposes of the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) uses the term “Indian” because it has a legal meaning in the Indian Act.

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Can I self identify as Aboriginal?

People who identify themselves as ‘Aboriginal’ range from dark-skinned, broad-nosed to blonde-haired, blue-eyed people.

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What benefits do Aboriginal get?

Generally, Indigenous people receive the same level of public benefits as non-Indigenous people. Individuals do not get extra funding because they are Indigenous

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How do I apply for the Essential Worker Child Care Services Program?

Eligible families can find more information and apply at ottawa.ca. Applicants will need to create an account on the City’s Child Care Registry and Waitlist and identify their need for emergency child-care services.

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How do I know if I am considered an essential employee and am eligible for child care services?

Canada’s National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure defines critical infrastructure as the processes, systems, facilities, technologies, networks, assets, and services essential to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of Canadians and the effective functioning of government.

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Why am I not eligible just because I am working from home or my partner is working from home?

We understand that there are those who have work from home arrangements while taking care of their normal household responsibilities and caring for loved ones, all while paying close attention to the rapidly unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize these changes in routine and lifestyle can pose various challenges. However, the Essential Worker Child Care Services Program is intended to assist essential workers who are unable to care for their children while at work and that children will be cared for by the adult or adults who are at home.
We do recognize there may be extenuating circumstances for those working primarily in the health care sector that prevent you from caring for your children (e.g., frontline health care workers such as nurses working 12 hour shifts with a partner who is maintaining a full workload from home and families who have both parents working opposite rotational shifts and are required to rest when coming off shift). We also recognize that such extenuating circumstances may exist for some in the private sector.
If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from caring for your children, you will be required to provide additional information and documentation from your
employer. Specifics of this information will be requested as needed during the application process.

Who is required to sign the employer form?

Regardless of where you work, the Employer Verification Form must be signed by an individual who has the authority to determine your status as an essential employee. This could be an HR representative or a Manager/Director.

What if my employer is unable to actually sign the form? Is there another way for them to provide verification?

If you are an essential worker in a core government department or agency, board or commission, the form can be provided through a government or agency, board or commission email account. The applicant can PDF the email and upload it through the normal web based process as part of the application (i.e., upload both the completed employer verification form as well as the PDF email verification).

Will this affect my child care service providers EI?

We are not able to answer questions related to EI eligibility or impacts on EI. Please refer your question to Employment Service Delivery Canada who is responsible for the EI program

Is the private child care amount of $200 per week, per child tax exempted or will it have to be claimed as income in the 2020 tax year?

The $200 will not have to be claimed as income for the 2020 tax year. However, you are also not able to include the $200 per week receipt as a deduction on your 2020 income tax return.

Is the $200 taxable either upfront or when the 2020 tax season is upon us?

The $200 is not taxable up front or on your 2020 tax return. You also cannot claim the $200 per week receipt as a deduction on your 2020 tax return.

Types of child care services

Every province and territory is responsible for monitoring and licensing regulated child care services according to their provincial legislation and regulations. Regulated child care services include centre-based full-day child care, regulated family child care, school-aged child care, and in most provinces, nursery schools and preschools.

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Child Care Priority by Essential Service Type

Child care providers in receipt of Temporary Emergency Funding will prioritize placements for your children based on the essential services workers list using the following tiered system:

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What are the new information related to COVID-19 and child care?

The COVID19 pandemic has been a fact of life in Canada since mid-March 2020, profoundly impacting child care provision along with just about every aspect of life for Canadians. The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) has developed a comprehensive information source on child care and COVID-19 in Canada.

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Who can get the CERB

If you have completed an application for Employment Insurance (EI) or for the CERB through Service Canada and have received a payment or are waiting for a payment from Service Canada, you cannot apply for the CERB with the CRA.

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When and how to apply for the CERB

You need to submit a separate application for each 4-week period that you are eligible for.Eligibility periods that are open for application:

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How to re-apply for the CERB

If your situation continues, you should apply for the CERB again for another 4-week period, up to a maximum of 4 periods (16 weeks total).

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when you can expect CERB

If you are eligible for the CERB, you can expect $2,000 ($500 per week) for a pre-set 4-week period.

The CERB is paid by direct deposit in 3 business days if you have direct deposit with the CRA. If you don’t, you should get a cheque in about 10 business days.

Why and how to return or repay the CERB

The CERB is pai by direct deposit in 3 business days if you have irect deposit with the CRA.If you don’t,you should get a cheque in about 10 business days.

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How to contact the CRA with your questions about the CERB

To determine if you should apply for the CERB through EI or the CRA, answer the questions under Determine where to apply, on the Canada Emergency Response Benefit page.

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Who is eligible for the CESB

If you are able to work, you must be actively looking for work to be eligible to receive the CESB. If you still cannot find work due to COVID-19, you can re-apply for each CESB eligibility period that you are eligible for

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what are Payment amounts and dates for CESB eligibility periods

The benefit provides a payment of $1,250 for each 4-week period from May to August 2020.

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Determine how many CESB eligibility periods you can apply for

The number of eligibility periods you can apply for and the total amount you can receive, depends on whether you’re a graduating or post-secondary student, or a graduating high school student.
The CESB is a taxable benefit that provides relief for eligible students for a maximum of 16 weeks.
You can only apply for one eligibility period at a time. If your situation continues, you must re-apply for another 4-week eligibility period.

When and how to apply for the CESB

You need to submit a separate application for each 4-week period that you are eligible for.CESB eligibility periods that are open for application:May 10 to June & June 7 to July 4.

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Looking for work during COVID-19 and when to re-apply for the CESB

you are unable to work due to COVID-19
you are looking for, but cannot find work due to COVID-19
you are currently working during the COVID-19 pandemic, but your income from employment and self-employment has been $1,000 or less (before taxes) during the 4-week period you are applying for.

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When and how to return or repay CESB

You must return or repay the CESB if you:
• are able to find work and are earning more than $1,000 (before taxes) during an eligibility period you’ve applied for
• applied for CESB and later found that you are not eligible
• received more than what you are entitled to
You can return or repay your CESB payment online or by mail.
If you were paid by direct deposit or don’t have the original CESB cheque
To repay the CESB, choose one of the following options:
• Online: through CRA My Account
• Online banking: with your financial institution
1. Sign in to online banking
2. Under “Add a payee” select option “CRA (revenue) – tax instalment”
3. Enter your 9-digit Social Insurance Number (SIN) as the CRA account number
• By mail: send a cheque or money order to the CRA
1. Make payment out to “Receiver General for Canada”
2. Indicate it is for “Repayment of CESB”
3. Indicate which eligibility period you are repaying
4. Include your Social Insurance Number (SIN) or your Temporary Tax Number (TTN)
5. Mail your payment, refer to: Mail back your payment
If you still have the original CESB cheque
You can return the cheque by mail.
Be sure to include:
1. the reason for returning the cheque (not entitled or overpayment)
2. Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Temporary Tax Number (TTN)
For the mailing address,
Revenue Processing – Repayment of CESB
Sudbury Tax Centre
1050 Notre Dame Avenue
Sudbury ON P3A 0C3

How to contact the CRA with questions about CESB

Apply for the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)
Update your address and direct deposit information

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What Does the benifit offer?

Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits can provide you with up to 15 weeks of financial assistance if you cannot work for medical reasons. You could receive 55% of your earnings up to a maximum of $573 a week.


What Qualification Criteria is required?

The information below should be used as a guideline. We encourage you to apply for benefits as soon as possible and let a Service Canada agent determine if you’re eligible.


EI sickness benefit- How much could you receive?

You won’t know exactly how much you will get until Service Canada processes your application for EI sickness benefits. Generally speaking, it will be 55% of your average insurable weekly earnings, up to a maximum amount.

Currently, the maximum EI sickness payment is $562 per week and is based on an income of $53,100 or more. These are based on 2019 rates and are subject to change each year as they are adjusted for inflation.

You may be entitled to a higher benefit amount — called the family supplement — if you have children and your net family income is below $25,921.

How to apply for EI sick benefits

Apply as soon as possible after you stop working. If you wait more than 4 weeks after your last day of work to apply, you may lose benefits.


What after applying

After you apply for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, you’ll have to submit reports to Service Canada every 2 weeks for as long as you receive benefits. They help show your ongoing eligibility and make sure you get the benefits to which you’re entitled.


What are the other EI benifits

Employment Insurance benefits and leave information for workers, families, fishers and sickness, as well as how to apply and submit a report.


Appealing a denial of EI sick benefits

You have the right to appeal any decision regarding your EI sickness benefits. There are three levels of appeal:

Service Canada Reconsideration Appeal
Social Security Tribunal (General Division)
Social Security Tribunal (Appeal Division)
Reconsideration Appeal
If your application for EI sickness benefits is denied, you have the right to request a reconsideration appeal. You have a 30-day deadline to request a reconsideration appeal. You request the appeal by submitting a “Request for Reconsideration of an Employment Insurance (EI) Decision” form either online or in person at any Service Canada centre (Download).

Social Security Tribunal (General Division)
If Service Canada denies your reconsideration appeal, then you have the right to appeal that decision to the Social Security Tribunal (General Division). You do this by filing a “Notice of Appeal – Employment Insurance – General Division” form (Download).

Social Security Tribunal (Appeal Division)
If the Social Security Tribunal (General Division) denies your appeal, then you can appeal to the Social Security Tribunal (Appeals Division). You do this by filing an “Application to the Appeal Division – Employment Insurance” form (Download).

What Type of income is not deducted from EL sick payments?

They following sources of income are not deductible from EI sickness payments:

CPP disability payments
Survivor or dependent benefits
Workers compensation payments not related to wage loss
Payments for pain and suffering
Sickness payments from supplemental unemployment plans
Sickness or loss of income payments under a private insurance policy
Retroactive increases in your salary.

What Type of income can be deducted from EL sick payments?

The following income will be deducted from your EI sickness payments:

Employment income (including self-employment)
Workers compensation payments made for lost wages
Short- or long-term disability payments
Motor vehicle accident payments for lost income
Retirement income from private or public pension plans

Can i work during sick leave

Yes, you can earn some income while receiving EI sickness benefits — as long as you report it to Service Canada. You can keep 50 cents of every dollar you earn, up to the point where you are earning 90% of the weekly insurable earnings used to calculate your EI sickness benefit. Once you reach 90%, Service Canada will start deducting your income dollar-for-dollar.

is it taxable?

Yes, EI sickness benefits are taxable. Both federal and provincial income taxes are deducted from your payments.

What is Work Sharing Program?

A Work Sharing Program is a program that helps the employees avoid layoffs when there is a temporary decrease in business that is beyond the control of the employer.

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What are key feautures of Work Sharing Program?

WS Unit: employees with similar work Equal sharing of Work: all members of a WS unit decide to reduce the same amount of hours they work so that they could evenly split the work that is available for them. Expected Work Reduction: a WS unit must reduce the number of hours they work by 10% – 60%. Agreement length and extension: A WS agreement has to be atleast 6 consecutive weeks long.

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How will Work Sharing program help me(employer /worker) if I am affected by COVID-19?

The program provides Employment Insurance (EI) benefits to eligible employees who agree to reduce their normal working hours and share the available work while their employer recovers. Work-Sharing is an agreement between employers, employees and the Government of Canada.
The Program allows employers to:
• retain qualified and experienced workers, and
• avoid recruiting and training new employees
The Program allows employees to:
• keep their jobs, and
• maintain their work skills
WS unit: A WS unit is a group of employees with similar job duties who agree to reduce their hours of work over a specific period of time
Equal sharing of work: All members of a WS unit agree to reduce their hours of work by the same percentage and to share the available work
Expected work reduction: A WS unit must reduce its hours of work by at least 10% to 60%. The reduction of hours can vary from week to week, as long as the average reduction over the course of the agreement is from 10% to 60%
Agreement length and extension: A WS agreement has to be at least 6 consecutive weeks long and can last up to 26 consecutive weeks. Employers may be able to extend their agreements up to a total of 76 weeks
The Government of Canada is introducing temporary special measures:
• Extension of the maximum possible duration of an agreement from 38 weeks to 76 weeks
• Mandatory cooling off period has been waived for employers who have already used the Work-Sharing program so that eligible employers may immediately enter into a new agreement
• Reduce the previous requirements for a Recovery Plan to a single line of text in the application form
• Reduce the requirement and expand eligibility to employers affected by accepting business who have been in business for only 1 year rather than 2, and eliminate the burden of having to provide sales/production figures at the same time, and
• Expand eligibility for staff who are essential to recovery, Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) and non-for-profit organization employers.

What is the elegibility for applying for Work Sharing program?

To be eligible for a WS program, the business must be: at least 1 year old, be a private business or a publicaly held comapny, and have atleast 2 employees in the WS unit.

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How to apply for Work Sharing Program?

Employers are requested to submit their applications at least 10 business days before their requested start date.

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How to get more info on Work Sharing program(Contact info)?

Email the program or call them with the given phone numbers on the website.

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What is the increase to the GST/HST credit amount?

You will get the extra payment amount automatically if you normally receive the GST/HST credit and have filed a 2018 tax return. Payments will be issued on April 9, 2020.

Who gets the increase?

Good and Services Tax (GST) or Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is levied when you pay for most goods and services in Canada.

Will I get the one-time special GST/HST credit payment automatically?

If you normally receive the GST/HST credit amount, you will get the one-time special GST/HST credit payment amount automatically.If you were previously not entitled to the GST/HST credit, and have filed your 2018 tax return, you may also get the one-time credit amount based on your family net income.

Why did I receive a GST/HST credit payment on April 3 but I did not receive the one-time special GST/HST credit payment on April 9?

For any balance owing amounts on the 2019 income tax year, the CRA recognizes these amounts are not payable until September 1, 2020. As a result, the CRA is taking corrective action and will reach out to those negatively impacted.

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When will I get the one-time special GST/HST credit payment?

You will receive the one-time special GST/HST credit payment starting April 9. Your regular quarterly GST/HST credit payment will be sent or deposited separately on April.

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What is the one-time special GST/HST credit payment amount based on?

The one-time special GST/HST credit payment amount is calculated based on information from your 2018 tax return.

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Do I have to file my 2019 taxes to get the one-time special GST/HST credit amount?

You don’t have to file your 2019 taxes to receive the one-time special GST/HST credit amount, the payment will be based on your 2018 taxes. You do have to file your 2019 taxes to ensure you continue to get your benefits and credits for the July 2020 to June 2021 benefit year.

Will I get the one-time special GST/HST credit amount if I haven’t filed a 2018 tax return during covid-19?

The amount you receive will be calculated based on information from your 2018 tax return. Therefore, if you didn’t file taxes for 2018, you won’t receive this payment.

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How much will I get?

The one-time special GST/HST credit payment will be calculated based on information from your 2018 tax return.

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What is the child benefit scheme in Canada?

Starting in July 2019, the Canada Child Benefit has been increased once again to keep pace with the cost of living.

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Who can apply?

You must meet all of the following conditions:

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When to apply for child benifit?

You should apply for the Canada child benefit (CCB) as soon as any of the following situations happen:

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How to apply?

How to apply : Read more…

How much will child get?

Use the child and family benefits calculator to help plan your budget.

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Important dates

The CRA makes Canada child benefit (CCB) payments on the following dates:

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How to keep getting the benefits?

To keep getting your Canada child benefit (CCB) and related provincial and territorial payments, you must file your tax return on time every year.

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Contact information of CRA

What you can do online:

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How will COVID-19 affect the scheme?

The Canada child benefit (CCB) is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.

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Why do I have to register for a NSLSC account?

Registering will ensure that your personal information is protected and that you have secure access to online loan information and services through your NSLSC account.

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Are there any technical requirements i need to know of before registering with the NSLSC?

You must protect your personal information. We recommend that you sign out, clear your browser’s cache and close down your browser after you finish your online session.You must have cookies enabled in your browser. If cookies are disabled in your browser’s security settings, you’ll have trouble signing in and you won’t be able to use the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) Account.

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Why do I need to provide my banking information as part of my MSFAA?

By doing so you will ensure that you receive your student funding directly in your bank account.

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How do I get a secure access code (SAC)?

During the registration process you will be asked to generate the secure access code. You will receive the SAC by email only. The SAC is required in order to validate your identity and register on the NSLSC website.

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Does the NSLSC change my address with my financial institution or provincial loan providers?

To protect your privacy, the NSLSC will not share any information you submit without your consent. Therefore, you also have to update your address with your financial institution and your provincial loan provider.

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I would like to update my bank account information. Can I do it on-line?

Yes. You can use NSLSC on-line services. After logging in, click My Account and select Financial Institution Information.

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How can I make sure my information is secure once I’ve left NSLSC On-Line Services?

If you leave your computer on after completing your transactions with the NSLSC On-Line Services, be sure to sign out, clear the cache and close and re-open the browser to eliminate copies of Web pages that may have been stored on your computer’s hard drive.

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I think an unauthorized user accessed my account. How do I lock them out?

The NSLSC uses sophisticated security techniques to protect this Web site and the data transmitted.NSLSC On-Line Services use 128-bit SSL encryption to protect your information. This type of encryption is one of the most secure forms of encryption available worldwide. It protects information by verifying the identity of the parties on both ends of the Internet connection before confidential information is exchanged.

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Want more info or help with sign in partner (securekey concierge)?

The privacy-enhancing SecureKey Concierge Service™ is a next generation authentication network for conveniently connecting people to critical online services using their secure banking credentials they already have and trust. SecureKey Concierge is configured to be Triple Blind®, ensuring that no party receives sensitive or personal information from other parties.

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Want more information about GCKey?

GCKey is a unique login solution that allows users to communicate securely with online enabled government programs and services. GCKey is offered as another choice for users who cannot or choose not to log on to NSLSC using their financial institution’s login process

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What are the available resources for landlords and tenants?

Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses provides relief for small businesses experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19

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How to deal with Mortgage Payment Difficulties tip sheet?

When unforeseen financial circumstances impact your ability to make regular mortgage payments, it’s important for you to take quick action


What does the IMPP measures do?

The IMPP is an emergency program. It allows CMHC to purchase up to $150 billion of insured mortgages pooled into National Housing Act Mortgage Backed Securities (NHA MBS) directly from financial institutions

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I Can’t Pay my Mortgage, What are my Options?

Your mortgage professional is there for the long haul. They want to establish and maintain a positive relationship with you

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What are Eviction bans and suspension to support renters?

The COVID-19, or coronavirus crisis has left many in Canada without a job or with reduced hours and wondering how to pay their rent. readmore

How is National Housing initiative strategies are impacted?

The COVID-19, or coronavirus crisis has left many in Canada without a job or with reduced hours and wondering how to pay their rent.

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CECRA for small businesses?

CECRA for small businesses will provide forgivable loans to qualifying commercial property owners to cover 50 per cent of three monthly rent payments that are payable by eligible small business tenants who are experiencing

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How they are supporting financial stability during covid-19?

We are continuously monitoring developments around COVID-19. For more details about how Canada is responding to the outbreak, please refer to Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and Businesses.

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What are the additional measures taken to support canadian seniors?

Seniors : Read more…

What are the temporaray measures to return the papers?
What are the penalties which the individual have to pay?
Deadlines set for the corporations and the self imployes individuals?
Extended eligibility criteria for the canada emergency business accounts?
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) to be extended?
Clarification given by the from CRA on recent SR&ED update?
?Application of GST credit and other amounts against personal tax owing?
CRA extension for filings under Part XVIII and Part XIX of the Income Tax Act?

What are the requirements to process a transfer of contracts or arrangements between RSP or RIF specimens?

We describe below situations where contracts or arrangements are transferred between specimens and outline the Registered Plans Directorate’s requirements for processing these transfers.

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How do we amend our RSP specimen plan or RIF specimen fund to include the new definition of “common-law partner”?

As of January 1, 2001, the extended definition of spouse has been repealed and the new term “common-law partner” has been added to the Income Tax Act. The new term has been defined to include same-sex and opposite-sex partners.

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The 2005 Budget eliminated the foreign content rule for RRSPs and RRIFs. As an issuer or carrier, do I have to amend my specimen plan in order to allow for this change?

If the plan terms, trust agreement or endorsement clearly specifies the limits of foreign content to 30%, then the specimen plan or fund must be amended to reflect the changes under the Budget.

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Can information about the spouse or common-law partner be removed from a spousal or common-law partner RRSP or RRIF if the contributor and annuitant’s marriage or common-law partnership breaks down?

Yes. The annuitant can ask the issuer of the RRSP or carrier of the RRIF to remove the information about the contributor from the plan or fund. However, certain conditions must be met. These are outlined below.

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What is the new income tax treatment for non-qualified investments?

The new rules impose a 50% tax on the annuitant of an RRSP or RRIF if the RRSP or RRIF trust acquires a non-qualified investment or if an existing investment becomes non-qualified in the year.

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What is the income tax treatment for prohibited investments?

The new rules impose a 50% tax on the annuitant of an RRSP or RRIF if the RRSP or RRIF trust acquires a prohibited investment or if an existing investment becomes prohibited. The tax is refundable in certain circumstances (generally inadvertent cases that are promptly resolved).

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What is the income tax treatment for advantages?

The new rules impose a 100% tax if an advantage is provided in relation to an RRSP or RRIF. The tax is payable by the RRSP or RRIF annuitant, unless the advantage is extended by the financial institution, in which case it is payable by the financial institution.

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Are swap transactions prohibited under the new rules?

Yes. A swap transaction is expressly included in the list of transactions that are treated as an advantage, with effect from July 1, 2011. Swap transactions that are undertaken to remove an investment from an RRSP or RRIF

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How are RRSP or RRIF asset transfers of non-qualified or prohibited investments between institutions reported?

Form T2033 (or similar form by financial institutions) is currently completed between the transferor and transferee institutions, and will continue to be used to report the transfer of property between registered plans.

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What recourses are available to the taxpayer when an amount is taxable under the new rules?

The new rules allow for the refund or a waiver in whole or in part of the tax under certain circumstances. For additional information, refer to the information page on the tax return, RC339, Individual Return for Certain Taxes for RRSPs or RRIFs for Tax Year 2011.

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what is COVID-19 Emergency Loan request form

Only complete this form if requested by Global Affairs CanadaReadmore…

What is the Emergency Loan Program?

The Government of Canada has created the COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program for Canadians Abroad as a temporary financial assistance program to help Canadians outside Canada return home or to help them shelter in place while they are working toward returning to Canada. If you are:

Who is eligible to apply for the loan?

You are eligible to apply for the loan if you are a Canadian citizen whose plans to return to Canada have been disrupted by COVID-19 and who has no other source of funds to return home. These sources of funds can include:

What types of expenses can be covered?

Each situation is unique and consular officials will determine and approve the amount of the loan on a case-by-case basis. Expenses covered by the loan include, but are not limited to: Readmore…

Do I need to come in to an embassy or consulate to apply?

You do not need to make an application in person at the embassy or consulate. Readmore…

What are the loan conditions?

This loan must be repaid to the Government of Canada. We will provide you with further details when you apply.

How can I apply?

If you are an eligible Canadian, are outside Canada and need financial assistance, contact the nearest Government of Canada office or Global Affairs Canada’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa at +1 613-996-8885 (call collect where available) or CAN.finances.CV19@international.gc.ca
Read more…

How soon can I access the funds if approved?

We are currently processing a large number of COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program for Canadians Abroad applications.

I have returned safely to Canada. How do I repay the loan?

Global Affairs Canada is establishing the repayment process and will provide more information soon. It is not possible for you to pay back the loan at this time.
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What is FCC?

FCC is agriculuture and food based company that offer expert advise to its entrepreneurs and helps other develop their company.Read more…

what is FCC Annual Report?

Growth in loans receivable: $2.2 billion or 6.5% Number of loans: 146,126 Net income: $656.7 million Net interest income increased by $79.4 million. Read more…

what is the covid suppport programme?

To make sure that agribusinesses and food processors could focus on their jobs and not on how the pandemic may affect it FCC came up with three things: a deferral of principal and interest payments up to six months for existing loans, a deferral of principal payments up to 12 months and access to an additional credit line up to $500,000, secured by general security agreements or universal movable hypothec (Québec only). Read more…

Calculators for martgage,equipment loan and equipment lease?

The FCC calculator: Click Here

What is RDA?

The RDA, the estimated amount of a nutrient (or calories) per day considered necessary for the maintenance of good health by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council/ National Academy of Sciences. read more

What is to be if COVID-19 is affecting my business oprerations?

If your business is affected by COVID-19, update your Google My Business profile to provide the most accurate information to your customers. You can provide updates about your business read more

What are the new services launched by RDA in view of COVID 19?

Research Data Alliance (RDA) has set up a fast track Working Group titled the “RDA COVID-19 Working Group” and has launched an urgent call for contributions. read more

What is Regional Relief and Recovery Fund: COVID-19(RRRF)?

The Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) provides financial contributions (interest-free loans) to help support fixed operating costs of SMEs, where business revenues have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and they have been unable to access other Government of Canada measures. read more

What is Canadian Seafood Stabilization Fund?

The Government of Canada is taking exceptional action to support sectors facing unprecedented financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. read more

What is Northern Business Relief Fund?

The Northern Business Relief Fund (NBRF) will provide support to northern SMEs impacted by the economic disruptions associated with COVID-19 through short-term relief for operational costs. The NBRF has been designed to be complementary to other federal/territorial/municipal initiatives.read more

What are other sevices provided by Canadian govt for business?

Find everything that government can do for your business, all in one place. The Innovation Canada digital platform can match you with the best-fitting programs and services from across federal, provincial and territorial governments—in less than 3 minutes. read more

How do I contact my RDA?

The staff at the RDA can be reached at 219-644-3500. read more

What does the state of emergency mean for my business?

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is the country’s champion of small business. With over 110,000 members, we’re Canada’s largest non-profit organization devoted to creating and supporting an environment where your business can succeed. Read more…

Should I cancel my event/festival?

At this time, the Government of Nova Scotia is limiting all public gatherings to no more than 10 people. The limit is the same indoors and outdoors, with an exception for outdoor weddings and funeral services, which can have 15 people.Read more…

Does my taproom/bar/restaurant have to close?

The Province of Nova Scotia has announced the next steps toward reopening the province. Effective June 5, most businesses ordered to close due to COVID-19 can re-open, provided they follow sector-specific health protocols. Eligible businesses include: Read more…

What about national parks?

Recreational fishing may be allowed at some Parks Canada places. Please call ahead to ensure fishing permits are available and or can be validated. Read more…

I’m getting calls about cancellations – when will the Canadian government reopen the border to tourists?

The Government of Canada has temporarily restricted non-essential travel to the country to Canadians and permanent residents, with some exceptions.Read more…

What is the current situation in Parks Canada?

The health and safety of Canadians, visitors and Parks Canada team members is our top priority. We are only opening places and activities where risks can be managed, according to the advice of public health experts. Read more…

What is Ontario disability program?

Ontario has made additional resources available to enable Ontario Works administrators and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) staff to provide additional assistance for those currently receiving social assistance, who are facing additional costs related to the COVID-19 outbreak.Read more…

What is Canada Emergency Response Benefit?

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) gives financial support to employed and self-employed Canadians who are directly affected by COVID-19. Read more…

What is Family Responsibility Office (FRO)?

The Family Responsibility Office (FRO) continues to help families get the support they are entitled to by collecting, distributing and enforcing child and spousal support payments during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Read more…

What is Good Parents Pay?

Good parents pay support orders to help their children. You can help Ontario children and families by helping us find missing, irresponsible parents who have defaulted on the payments owed to their kids. Read more…

How do I post an information about a person?

You can help Ontario children and families by helping the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) find the missing defaulting payors shown on the Good Parents Pay page. Any information you have as to the location of these individuals or their assets can be sent anonymously to FRO.Read more…

How do I help others with their daily living?

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are temporarily expanding the list of eligible expenses under the Passport program to support people and their families while community-based activities and settings are closed. Read more…

How to avail clinical supports?

Specialized clinical services help adults with a developmental disability who have higher support needs.Ontario’s Community Networks of Specialized Care coordinate and enhance specialized services for people with a developmental disability. This includes people with a dual diagnosis who have a developmental disability combined with a mental illness and/or behavioural challenge .Read more…

More information about the ministry.

Policy directives and guidelines provide more detailed rules and information that community agencies follow when making decisions about services and supports.Read more…

Moto of the ministry

Helping to improve outcomes for children, youth, families and individuals who need support, advancing the interests of women across Ontario and helping new immigrants settle and integrate. Read more…

How is COVID-19 impacting the immigration services industry?

To manage the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Prime Minister announced travel.Read more…

Must the applicant travel to Canada as part of the immigration process?

The applicant need not visit Canada as part of the immigration process. However in some cases, familiarity with the Canadian landscape and particularly with the area of intended destination can impact positively on the assessment. Read more…

Who must attend the selection interview?

The applicant need not visit Canada as part of the immigration process. However in some cases, familiarity with the Canadian landscape and particularly with the area of intended destination can impact positively on the assessment. Read more…

How can I become permenant residant of Canada?

Apply to travel, study, work or immigrate to Canada, apply for citizenship, a permanent resident card.Read more…

How is my immigration application affect by COVID-19?

The applicant need not visit Canada as part of the immigration process. However in some cases, familiarity with the Canadian landscape and particularly with the area of intended destination can impact positively on the assessment. Read more.

What if indended occupation reqiures registrartion/licensing?

The applicant need not visit Canada as part of the immigration process. However in some cases, familiarity with the Canadian landscape and particularly with the area of intended destination can impact positively on the assessment. Read more…

Must an individual reside in Canada inorder to maintain the permanent resident status?

The applicant need not visit Canada as part of the immigration process. However in some cases, familiarity with the Canadian landscape and particularly with the area of intended destination can impact positively on the assessment. Read more…

What if a prospective applicant is destined to the Province of Quebec?

The applicant need not visit Canada as part of the immigration process. However in some cases, familiarity with the Canadian landscape and particularly with the area of intended destination can impact positively on the assessment. Read more…

Who can apply for Canadian Citizenship?

To be eligible to become a Canadian citizen, you must:
be a permanent resident
have lived in Canada for 3 out of the last 5 years
have filed your taxes, if you need to
pass a test on your rights, responsibilities and knowledge of Canada
prove your language skills
Other requirements may apply.

What is the eligibility criteria to become a Canadian citizen?

To be eligible to become a Canadian citizen, you must:
be a permanent resident
have lived in Canada for 3 out of the last 5 years
have filed your taxes, if you need to
pass a test on your rights, responsibilities and knowledge of Canada
prove your language skills
Other requirements may apply.

Who has to take the citizenship test and go to the interview in Canada?

Whether you have to take the test or go to the interview depends on your age and application. Read more…

Who has to take the Oath of citizenship and ceremony in Canada?

Adults and children aged 14 or over must go to the citizenship ceremony and take the oath.
Parents will get certificates of citizenship for their children under age 14. Children under age 14 don’t have to go, but are welcome to. Read more

What are the Steps to become a Canadian citizen?

Apply to become a Canadian citizen, prepare for the citizenship test, and find out how you can resume or give up your Canadian citizenship.Read more…

How to apply for Citizenship in Canada?

Get an application package
Pay your fees
Submit your application
Apply for citizenship urgently.Read more…

How the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting citizenship services?

Due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we are prioritizing Canadians who are trying to return Canada
can’t provide accurate processing times
You can check your application status online, or
if you can’t check your status online, contact us using our Web form

Benefits of Canadian Citizenship

freedom to express your beliefs and opinions (including through free press)
freedom to associate with anyone you wish and gather peacefully with other people. Read more…

Applying for a Permanent Resident Card (PR Card)

The permanent resident card (PR Card) is the official proof of your status as a permanent resident in Canada.Read more…

Is ICCRC maintaining full regulatory operations?

Yes, this has been made possible by leveraging technology and implementing remote collaboration.As usual, we can be reached by phone at: 289-348-0422 .Read More…

How is ICCRC helping RCICs impacted by COVID-19?

The Council has deferred the April 1 quarterly payment of annual membership dues for those members who have opted to pay quarterly. Read More…

What guides ICCRC’s response to COVID-19?

We rely on our Business Continuity Plan and Emergency Preparedness Plan to make rapid decisions. We appreciate your patience as we adapt our policies and processes to address this unprecedented public health crisis. Read More..

How is COVID-19 impacting the immigration services industry?

COVID-19 impacting the immigration services industry is given as: Read More…

Is the immigration industry impacted by COVID-19 fraud?

Officials have noticed a rise in scams and in attempts to gain access to personal bank accounts and personal information. Read More…

When can I expect to receive my member ID card?

Our identification cards are printed in-house by ICCRC staff. While staff are working remotely at this time, the office is not closed to all staff members. Read More…

What professional obligations apply during the COVID-19 pandemic?

While the pandemic certainly poses challenges to RCICs, the obligation for RCICs to practice ethically and follow ICCRC’s By-Laws, Codes, and Regulations remains. Read More…

How to contact ICCRC?

The ICCRC can be contacted by using : Read More…

What are the details about permanent residents status?

A permanent resident is someone who has been given permanent resident status by immigrating to Canada, but is not a Canadian citizen. Permanent residents are citizens of other countries.Read more…

How to get a PR card?

When you are travelling, you need a permanent resident (PR) card to prove you’re a PR when you return to Canada.Read more…

How to apply for a PR card?

did not receive your card within 180 days of immigrating.Read more…

What is the permenant resident status about humanitarian and compassionate grounds?

People who would not normally be eligible to become permanent residents of Canada may be able to apply on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
Humanitarian and compassionate grounds apply to people with exceptional cases. These applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Factors include:
How settled the person is in Canada,
General family ties to Canada,
The best interests of any children involved, and
What could happen to you if we do not grant the request.readmore

How to apply Voluntarilt renounce Permanent Residence card?

applicant’s birth certificate showing the applicant’s name, date of birth, place of birth and the names of the parents or adoptive parents.Read more..

How to avoid travel delays if you are not sure of your PR status?

Permanent resident (PR) status does not expire. Even if you haven’t lived in Canada for many years, you could still be a PR. However, you need to prove your PR status to enter Canada. You usually do this by presenting a valid PR card at the border. Read more…

What is PR travel document?

You need a valid PR card to return to Canada by plane, train, bus or boat.Read more…

How to apply for PR travel document?

Permanent residents returning to Canada by airplane, boat, train or bus must show a valid Permanent Resident Card (PR card) or Permanent Resident Travel Document (PRTD) before boarding.Read more…

How can I determine whether I can apply for permanent residence?

To find out if you can apply for permanent residency try the Come to Canada tool. It will help you figure out which immigration program will work best for you. Read more….


How to extend USA Visa?

People can apply for an extension. Most nonimmigrants can file for an extension in a timely order by filing for an Extension of stay (EOS) or a change of status (COS). US citizenship and Immigration Services continue to accept applications during Covid-19. Read more…

What are the Rules that an incoming International Passenger should follow?

The Presidential Proclamations 9984,9992, 9993, and 9994 bans the entry of non-U.S. citizens who are from or recently been to China, Iran, and certain other European countries. The Department of Homeland Security issued a notice of arrival restrictions stating that American citizens, legal permanent residents and their immediate families are all required to travel only through one o the 13 airports upon arrival into the US, submit to an enhanced entry screening, and self quarantine for at least 14 days once they reach their destination. Read more….

How are the Passengers treated with Simptomatic or Screened positive for Corona Virus?

Travellers who are simptomatic would be directed to CDC for medical evaluation. Read more….

What are the safegaurding measures for Riders and Employees?

According to the CDC, workers should protect themselves by: limiting close contact with others by maintaining a distance of at least six feet, when possible; avoiding touching surfaces often touched by transit passengers; practicing routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, including those in the operator area commonly touched by the operator, following the directions on the cleaning product’s label; and using gloves if required to touch surfaces contaminated by body fluids. Read more…

What are the guidlines for public transport operators?

Staff wash and dressing rooms, meeting rooms and offices should be equipped with hand disinfectants and paper tissues; The effect of respiratory masks is debated. Public transport operators should obtain local and/or national advice on the use of masks and recommended types of masks. General advice of the WHO is to wear masks when tending to an infected or potentially infected person; Cleaning routines may have to be adapted and increased focus should be put on disinfecting common surfaces and spots to touch as well as waste disposal. For working places, where no cleaning may be possible between shifts, employees should be equipped with the necessary means and be made responsible to remove any waste and disinfect surfaces before taking over as part of the routine; Staff that has to tend sick travellers, clean body fluids or potentially contaminated items and surfaces, should wear disposable gloves. Read more…

How Department of Transportation handles to contain COVID spread?

As a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, DOT helps support the Administration’s efforts to contain and mitigate the spread of the virus, and ensure continuation of critical infrastructure support and relief for the American people. Response measures implemented by the Department to date have included stakeholder outreach and guidance, expanded federal assistance, and regulatory relief. Read more…

How to plan travel post-corona virus?

When planning for travel trips after Covid-19, one should be cautious, and clean and hygenic places to stay instead of any random place. One should also wait until it is completely safe to travel. They should wait for three things to happen: the State Department has to lift its level 4 travel advisory, the centers for disease control and prevention should give the “all clear,” and the World Health Organization (WHO) should also approve. Read more…

What are the consideration for travellers?

Is Covid-19 spreading to the place that you are travelling to? Is Covid-19 spreading in your community? Will you be sure to not come in contact with anyone else? Does your state or local government require you to stay home for at least 14 days after travel? Read more….

How to anticipate travel needs?

Clean your hands often. Wear a cloth mask in public. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth. Avoid close contact with others (6 ft.). Cover coughs and sneezes. Pick up food from drive thrus and curbside pick up. Read more…

What is Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act?

On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law. The CARES Act provides emergency assistance and health care response for individuals, families and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and provide emergency appropriations to support Executive Branch agency operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.readmore

How is public transport essential during COVID times?

Many people are working from home because of the pandemic. This has greatly decreased the number of passengers riding public transport. In some places, people are using public transport as a transit to deliver goods to people’s houses. Read more…

what are the information for travellers returning to United States?

Only American citizens and permanent residents are allowed to return from countries such as China, Iran, and Brazil. Cruise travellers are required to self quarantine for at least 14 days post travel. Students are advised to come back to the US as soon as possible. Read more…

What should US students Abroad should do?

They are advised to return back to the US as soon as possible. They may face travel restrictions if they do not return. Read more…

What are the restrictions for cruise ship passengers?

The No Sail Order bans new passangers from boarding cruise ships. CDC is commited to help passangers while they are on board and preparing to disembark. Read more…

How is a US citizen treated when returning from China?

American citizens, legal permanent residents, and their immediate families who are arriving from impacted area must travel through one of 13 airports where DHS has established enhanced entry screening capabilities.
All American citizens, legal permanent residents, and their immediate families who are returning from the impacted area must self-quarantine for 14 days after their arrival. Screening & Quarantine:
Upon arrival, travelers will proceed to standard customs processing. They will then continue to an enhanced entry screening where the passenger will be asked about their medical history, current condition, and asked for contact information for local health authorities. Additionally, some passengers will have their temperature taken.readmore

After the enhanced entry screening is complete, passengers will be given written guidance about COVID-19 and be allowed to proceed to their final destination.

Once home, individuals must immediately self-quarantine in their home and monitor their health in accordance with CDC best practices.

In order to ensure compliance, local and State public health officials will contact individuals in the days and weeks following their arrival.

What is Aviation policy?

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs carries a broad portfolio of responsibilities covering domestic and international aviation, international trade, and a range of other international cooperation and facilitation issues. Read more

About migrant workers?

Migrant key workers continue to participate in crucial tasks on the front lines of the global pandemic. But the shutting down of economies, closure of borders, and fear of Covid-19 is leading to the hardening migration policies. Read more….

What vaccines or medicines should I get before traveling to my destination?

Travel vaccines, also called travel immunizations, are shots travelers can get before visiting certain areas of the world that help protect them from serious illnesses.read more

What are the prices of vaccines needed for travel outside the United States?

There’s no difference between travel vaccines and a regular or routine vaccine. Both vaccines introduce small amounts of certain viruses or bacteria (antigens) into your body so that you can build protection or immunity (antibodies) in case you’re exposed.Read more

Who owns and operates VisitTheUSA.com?

VisitTheUSA.com is owned and operated by the Corporation for Travel Promotion, now doing business as Brand USA.Read more

I don’t see my country’s flag on the website. How can I view in my language?

The most simple and effective way to let people switch language is to just list the languages you support. This is what Facebook does that and so do we.read more

Where can I find information on such items as currency exchange, taxes, health and medical?

There are many options if you need medical attention while traveling in the U.S.Read more

How long do travel vaccines last (when do I need to get a booster dose)?

Visiting another country can put you at risk for diseases that may not normally be found in the United States. Getting vaccinated against certain diseases is one of the most effective things you can do to protect your health abroad.Read more

What if my travel is after June 30?

Air India on Wednesday said it will operate 75 outbound passenger flights to select destinations in the US and Canada between June 9 and June 30 under the Vande Bharat Mission. Read more

What basic steps can travelers take to help protect themselves?

Compiling information about your travelers’ destinations is one of the best ways to help protect their health and safety while they’re away.Read more

Which countries require yellow fever vaccine for travel?

The virus is transmitted by infected mosquitos, and most people do not experience any symptoms or they are very mild.Read more

Should I cancel my international trip?

When you choose to rethink your travel plans can impact the amount of money you’re able to recoup and the flexibility you’ll get in rebooking. read more

What can I expect when arriving to the United States?

At this time, travel restrictions and entry screening apply only to travelers arriving from some countries or regions with widespread ongoing spread of COVID-19.Read more

When can I return to work after international travel? Air or Cruise Travel?

Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, after touching surfaces frequently touched by others, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, and before touching your face or eating. read more

Are government-assisted evacuation flights free?

Generally, individuals evacuated on a U.S. government-coordinated transport, including charter and military flights or ships, even if those transports are provided by another country’s government, must sign an Evacuee Manifest and Promissory NoteRead more

Will the Embassy arrange transportation from my location to the evacuation airport?

Passengers are responsible for their own transportation to the departure airport. If you are in a country where travel by road is restricted, contact the Embassy or consulate.Read more

Where can I check for travel advisories if my employee would like to travel and would like to assess the threat level?

These days, you’re probably not planning a trip to Iraq or Afghanistan—most nations are currently advising citizens against all non-essential travel to these countries. And due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, governments around the world are issuing even more travel advisories and alerts than usual. read more

What risk does a sponsored employee have when traveling for business or immigration purposes?

To obtain an NIW Green Card, you must file, and receive approval of, an I-140 Immigrant Petition and an I-485 Adjustment of Status Application. There are two application filing strategies available, Concurrent Filing or Separate Filing.Read more

Are additional travel bans likely? South Korea/Italy?

In view of the evolving situation related to COVID-19 being reported from other countries, the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday issued an additional travel advisory stating that Indians should refrain from non-essential travel to Republic of Korea (South Korea), Iran and Italy. Read more

What does Health Insurance not cover?

Navigating health insurance coverage is a monumental task. Consumers generally have no say in which services are rendered, which services are covered, and how much they will ultimately be responsible for paying. Read more

What happens if i need treatment and it’s not covered by my province?

Sometimes, a patient needs medical treatment or care that cannot be provided in Manitoba. Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living may cover some of the costs of this care, based on a specific approval process. Read more

Medicare Coverage Outside the United States

Medicare coverage outside the United States is limited. Learn about coverage if you live or are traveling outside the United States. Read more

Medical insurance for visitors to USA

There are many visitor insurance, most of them USA and overseas trips from as short as five days and as long as three years. Read more

USA Health Care System

The U.S. health system is a mix of public and private, for-profit and nonprofit insurers and health care providers. The federal government provides funding for the national Medicare program for adults age 65 and older and some people with disabilities as well as for various programs for veterans and low-income people, including Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Read more

How to Apply For Public Health Insurance?

There are several ways to apply for and enroll in 2020 Marketplace health coverage. Choose a method below to see next steps: Read more

Finding Health insurance?

There are several ways to apply for and enroll in 2020 Marketplace health coverage. Choose a method below to see next steps: Read more

Prenatal Care in USA

Prenatal care is the health care you get while you are pregnant. Take care of yourself and your baby by:Getting early prenatal care. If you know you’re pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. Getting regular prenatal care. Your doctor will schedule you for many checkups over the course of your pregnancy. Don’t miss any — they are all important. Following your doctor’s advice.Read more

Care during pregnancy

Prenatal care is health care that a woman gets while pregnant. Going early and regularly for prenatal care can help moms-to-be — and their babies — stay healthy. Regular care lets doctors find and deal with any problems as soon as possible.Read more

Maternal and Infant Health

The well-being of mothers, infants, and children determines the health of the next generation and can help predict future public health challenges for families, communities, and the medical care system.Read more.

Perinatal Mental Health Program

Pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting bring dramatic changes to your life – and your emotional health.While it can be an exciting and joyful time, the changes that accompany the perinatal period can also leave you feeling sad, guilty, overwhelmed, irritable, or unable to relax and enjoy your developing relationship with your baby and family. Read more

Hospital Birthing Centres

Birth centers (or birthing centers) provide prenatal and peripartum care for low-risk women who desire an out-of-hospital birth experience and who are expected to have an uncomplicated birth.Read more.

Breastfeeding – Instructional Video

Good attachment will help a baby get more milk and make breastfeeding more comfortable.Read more

What are the tips for the family against covid-19?

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Top 10 Tips From Your Family Doctor readmore

Does The Biggest Worry for Doctors Fighting the Pandemic?

America’s medical professionals are risking their lives. But their greatest fear is that they’ll move from being part of the solution to part of the problem. readmore

Does coronavirus pushes primary care to the brink?

KEY POINTS readmore

Doctors that have specialties not related to COVID 19, but fighting against it?

The pandemic’s spread is creating new challenges for doctors who usually care primarily for patients with particular medical needs. readmore

How doctors can keep their families safe after providing COVID-19 care?

Many physicians are struggling to understand what disinfection is necessary before coming home readmore

Does The US needs foreign doctors and nurses to fight coronavirus?

Right now, the biggest worry is whether the medical system has enough ventilators and protective equipment to treat patients with Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. readmore

What are the duties and responsibilities of a caregiver?

Caregiver duties are wide-ranging. One moment a caregiver may be shopping for meals or cleaning the carpet and the next they could be discussing medication dosage with the pharmacist, or arranging transportation for a specialist appointment. Read more

Can I get paid to care for a family member?

We receive hundreds of calls every year from family and friends asking, “How can I get paid to care?” These caregivers aren’t asking for a handout, they are simply trying to find a way to make ends meet while dedicating their time to caregiving. Read more

Can FCA help me find employment as a caregiver?

Sorry, but Family Caregiver Alliance is not a caregiver staffing agency nor an employment service for posting your credentials as a caregiver seeking work. Read more

How can I find someone to help care for my family member at home?

Many older or disabled adults live at home but need daily assistance with a broad range of activities such as bathing, dressing, eating and taking their medications. They may also need assistance with household chores, such as cooking, cleaning and laundry. Read more

What Qualifications Do You Need to be a Caregiver in a Care Home?

Ideally, everyone would have the option to remain in the comfortable and familiar setting of their own home throughout their retirement years. Read more

How can I take time off work to care for a family member?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), a federal law, provides certain employees in all states up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year to care for themselves, a sick family member (limited to a spouse, child or parent), or a new child without losing their jobs or health care insurance. Read more

Private Seniors’ Housing and Care

United states of america – Retirement housing and Care homes Read More..

Outbreaks at seniors’ homes linked to almost half of COVID-19

Atleast 28,100 residents and workers have died from the coronavirus at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States, according to a New York Times database. Read More..

Costs of Senior Care

The costs related to senior care continue to climb, but with more options available, the process is becoming more manageable. The trend toward a more customized senior assisted experience is shifting from the nursing home or assisted living facility, Read More…

Guide to Seniors Housing in USA

It is very important to make the right choice while opting to move to seniors housing during old age. The key to making the best choice is to match your housing with your lifestyle, health, and financial needs. An assisted living facility may be a good choice if:
You need more personal care services than are feasible at home or in an independent living retirement community.
You don’t need the round-the-clock medical care and supervision of a nursing home. A nursing home may be a good choice if:
Both your medical and personal care needs have become too great to handle at home or in another facility. This may be due to a recent hospitalization, or a chronic illness which has gradually been worsening.
You need a higher level of care temporarily after a hospitalization, but it’s anticipated you will be able to return to home or another facility after a period of time. Read more

Private seniors’ residences

American Retirement Homes, Inc is a family-owned management company that has been enhancing the lives of seniors in Virginia since 1968. With over 50 years experience, we understand seniors, their variety of needs and what it takes to provide unsurpassed proper care to each one. Read More..

When will schools/colleges reopen?

The link has a list of states where the schools will be closed, and no date has provided and hence redirecting is enough. Read more

Given the current situation I am very anxious? How can I get help?

Keep things in perspective, get the facts, keep yourself healthy, use practical ways to relax, pay attention to your body, feelings, and spirit,take care of your physical health to help lower your stress. take a break to focus on positive parts of your life, like connections with loved ones. Read more

As an international student, do I qualify for any benefits from the Government of USA?

Developing Issues. Fall 2020 Semester. SEVP has not issued guidance to international students and schools for the fall semester. Readmore…

How do I cope with living alone in self-isolation?

Everyone is struggling to develop new skills and options for managing day-to-day life in these trying times. Readmore…

How do I extend my study permit?

Under normal circumstances, foreign nationals visiting the United States of America must leave the country before their visa or ESTA expires.] Readmore…

How can I get emergency finanacial aid?

As colleges begin receiving the federal funds and finalizing plans to distribute the money, students may need to jump through a few hoops to get coverage of their expenses resulting from this disruption. Know that the way federal financial aid works is that students must first apply for the aid by answering a series of questions used to determine their ability to pay for college. Read more

What are the expected guidelines when schools reopen?

In the United States, 43 states and Washington, DC, have ordered or recommended keeping in-person schooling closed for the rest of the academic year. In the U.S., the White House released guidelines to re-open the country in three phases. It proposes that schools may reopen in “phase two,” along with theaters, religious centers, sporting events and restaurants. The guidelines suggest that states could make the decision after documenting a 28-day decrease of COVID-19 cases and putting in place a strong testing program. Read more

What has USA’s education system’s response been to Covid-19?
Where can I learn in-demand skills for free?
Are there any exemptions for OPT?

No exemptions so far for Optional Practical Training (OPT). One must be in the US to apply for OPT. This pass allows you to work in the country for up to three years after graduation. Read more

How can I help during the outbreak?

No exemptions so far for Optional Practical Training (OPT). One must be in the US to apply for OPT. This pass allows you to work in the country for up to three years after graduation. Read more

Where can I find healthcare resources?

COBRA Continuation Coverage  may be the right choice if you are experiencing a lapse  of employment.
Medicare and Medicaid benefits may help people attain healthcare.
Browse the  Healthcare and Medical Assistance  category to explore healthcare programs.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Novel Coronavirus Page for healthcare information for veterans and guidance regarding tele-health and protection or the Veterans FAQ Page.
Find your State’s Health Department for updates about the coronavirus and state guidelines.
Visit Coronavirus.gov for more information on the coronavirus. Read more

Am I eligible for any benefits?

Benefits.gov won’t store or share your answers. See our Privacy and Terms of Use Page or our Help Center for more information. Readmore..

How to use Google Meet?

To join a call on Google Meet, simply click on the link provided by the host, or enter the phone and pin number on your smart phone to join the call. If you are the host and want to set up a call, use your google account to schedule a meeting through the google meet extention. Read more…

How to use Zoom?

A simple way of joining a meeting is to click on the link provided in the invitation you received through mail.
You can view all your meetings in the meetings tab,
To schedule a meeting, click the schedule a new meeting tab, now you can change the time, date, recurrence of the meeting, topic, duration meeting id, password, default video and audio settings, meeting options.
You can add the meeting to several online calendars, also share the invitation by copying the meeting link.
Once the meeting has started you can choose to either display your video or not and you can also mute/unmute to avoid background noises.
You can add participants to the meeting.
There’s a chat box where you can chat during the meeting,
A manage participants option which shows the people present in the meeting, where you can mute the or give host permissions or remove them, only if you’re a host.
You can also record the video, there’s a closed captions option which enables auto generated captions.
There’s also a share option where you can choose to share a specific window or your whole desktop.
There’s an options tab hovering over the top of the screen which enables you to a tool kit. Read more

How to use Microsoft Teams?

Sign in to Teams
1. Start Teams.
 In Windows, click Start > Microsoft Teams.
 On Mac, go to the Applications folder and click Microsoft Teams.
 On mobile, tap the Teams icon.
2. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password.
The best way to get familiar with teams and channels is to pick a team and channel and start exploring!
Pick a team and channel
1. Select Teams on the left side of the app and then pick a team.
If you’re not on a team and want to create one, see Onboard your teams.
2. Select a channel and explore the Conversations, Files, and other tabs.
For more info, see Teams and channels.
Start a new conversation…
…with the whole team
1. Click Teams , then pick a team and a channel.
2. In the box where you type your message, say what’s on your mind and click Send .
…with a person or group
1. At the top of the app, click New chat .
2. In the To field, type the name of the person or people you want to chat with.
3. In the box where you type your message, say what’s on your mind and click Send .
Reply to a conversation
1. Find the conversation thread you want to reply to.
2. Click Reply, add your message, and click Send .
Share a file
1. In your channel conversation, click Attach under the box where you type your message.
2. Select from these options:
 Recent
 Browse Teams and Channels
 OneDrive
 Upload from my computer
3. Select a file > Share a link.
If you’re uploading a file from your computer, select a file, click Open, and then Send .
You can always see all the files you post to a channel by going to the Files tab.
@mention someone
1. In the box where you type your message, type @, then type the first few letters of the person’s name. You can also @mention entire teams and channels.
2. Select the person. Repeat for as many people as you want to @mention.
Stay on top of things
1. Click Activity .
2. Feed shows you a summary of everything that’s happened in the channels you follow.
 Click Filter to show only certain types of notifications such as @mentions or reactions.
 Select Feed > My Activity to see a list of everything you’ve been up to lately in Teams.
Search for messages, people, or files
Searches cover your entire organization — all the teams and channels that you’re part of.
1. Type a phrase in the command box at the top of the app and press Enter.
2. Select the Messages, People, or Files tab.
3. Select an item in the search results. Alternatively, you can select More filters to further refine your search results. Read more

What are the possible cyber threats?

APT groups are using the COVID-19 pandemic as part of their cyber operations. These cyber threat actors will often masquerade as trusted entities. Their activity includes using coronavirus-themed phishing messages or malicious applications, often masquerading as trusted entities that may have been previously compromised. Their goals and targets are consistent with long-standing priorities such as espionage and “hack-and-leak” operations.Read more

How do we get graded?

The colleges are either adopting pass fail system or sticking with letter grades, to find out if your college is among one of these, Read more

How is an online classroom typically structured?

Online classes during the Covid-19 lockdown are usally a mix of pre-recorded videos, live sessions, and course work that the students can do on their own time. Read more…

Do students need to attend classes at specific times?

Most online schools generally have a self-paced portion where students get to work on their assignments on their own pace but still would have to meet deadlines. Read more…

How do students interact in an online course?

For online classes, students can interact through online polls, discussion forums, social media, videoconfrencing, phone calls and emails. Read more…

What is the typical workload for an online course?

Just because classes are online doesn’t decrease the amount of workload that students get. Many online students say that they get about the same workload online compared to when they used to go to physical classes. Read more…

How many weeks do online classes run?
What are typical assignments in online classes?

Online classes usually have assignments that are similar to on-ground classes such as research papers, proctored exams, and online-specific assignments. Read more….

How do students take proctored exams in online classes?

During most online proctored exams, the proctor may watch the students take an eXam virtually through a webcam or proctors might have a computer software which detects cheating by checking the test-taker’s screen. Read more…

What if my campus has closed due to the coronavirus? Will I be able to finish the term and keep my federal student aid?

On March 27, 2020, the president signed the CARES Act into law, which, among other things, provides broad relief for federal student loan borrowers. Below we have answered questions about several provisions of the Act. Questions that have been added or updated are identified with “NEW” or “UPDATED” before each question. Read More

If my campus is closed or offering only online instruction, will I still get paid for the hours I am unable to work for my Federal Work-Study job?

After the Pratt Institute in New York City closed its campus in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, Emlyn Orr said she received an email from her supervisor at her Federal Work-Study job telling her not to report to her shifts as a photography dark room attendant.

My parents can’t go to their jobs because of the coronavirus, and they don’t get paid if they don’t work. Their unemployment means my financial need has increased. Can I get more financial aid?

President Trump has signed a bipartisan $2 trillion economic relief plan to offer assistance to tens of millions of American households affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Someone in my family has the coronavirus, so our whole family has self-quarantined, and I can’t attend classes. How can I keep up in school, so I don’t fail classes and lose my financial aid?

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides emergency assistance to families and individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. For questions about how the CARES Act relates to your financial aid, email the Financial Aid Help Center at facc@dcccd.edu.

If my school moves classes online, am I going to get less financial aid?

The NCAA on May 20 had said Division I football and basketball student athletes could begin participating in on-campus voluntary athletics activities next month.

How do I contact my school’s financial aid office if the school is closed?

It’s important for you to obtain your academic and financial aid records if your school closes since you might need those records if you plan to attend another school or want your student loans discharged. Read More

I am a college student who needs additional financial assistance due to the disruption of operations on my campus. Is there money available to help me?

At the University of Southern California, students can apply for up to $3,000 in federal stimulus cash. The private research university in downtown Los Angeles is getting $9.6 million from the federal government. Read More

Will my Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application be processed if my school is closed?

If your or your family’s financial situation has changed significantly from what is reflected on your federal income tax return (for example, if you’ve lost a job or otherwise experienced a drop in income), you may be eligible to have your financial aid adjusted. Read More

Can I update my Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information if I (or my parent) lost a job because of closings due to the coronavirus outbreak?

In normal times, colleges and universities in the U.S. couldn’t simply flip a switch to become virtual learning institutions and continue to provide students federal financial aid without proper approval. Read More

I haven’t filled out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form for the 2020–21 year because I didn’t think I needed financial aid. Now I’m unemployed because my company closed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Is it too late to fill out a FAFSA form?

The National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division I Council has voted to allow student athletes in all sports to participate in voluntary athletics activities beginning June 1. The NCAA on May 20 had said Division I football and basketball student athletes could begin participating in on-campus voluntary athletics activities next month.

Will my state and/or school Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) deadline be extended?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) is used to apply for federal grants and student loans. Many states also rely on the information provided in the FAFSA to determine a student’s eligibility for state aid, including grants and scholarships. Read More

Interest is being temporarily set at 0% on federal student loans. Which loans does the 0% rate apply to?

Please note that some FFEL Program and HEAL loans are owned by commercial lenders, and some Perkins Loans are owned by the institution you attended. Read More

How can I take advantage of this 0% interest period if I have Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program and Federal Perkins loans not owned by ED?

To provide relief during the COVID-19 national emergency, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) has stopped collection activity on defaulted federally owned student loans and/or grant overpayments. Read More

Who can tell me if my loans will have their interest rate temporarily reduced to 0%?

With more than 26 million people out of work and a growing number of Americans feeling severely cash-strapped, historically low borrowing rates means that loans are cheaper — if you can get them.

If my loans are owned by ED, do I need to do anything for the interest on my loans to be set at 0%?

In recent weeks, unemployment rates have skyrocketed due to the coronavirus outbreak, leaving many student loan borrowers concerned about how to afford their payments. Read More

If I make loan payments during the 0% interest period, how will they be applied?

Payments are currently suspended, without interest, for federal student loan borrowers until September 30. The six-month suspension was announced in mid-March as part of a measure included in the coronavirus relief package. Read more

Are private student loans eligible for the 0% interest benefit?

In recent weeks, unemployment rates have skyrocketed due to the coronavirus outbreak, leaving many student loan borrowers concerned about how to afford their payments. Read More

I understand that my loans will be placed in administrative forbearance, temporarily suspending my monthly payments. How long will the administrative forbearance last?

To provide relief to student loan borrowers during the COVID-19 national emergency, federal student loan borrowers are automatically being placed in an administrative forbearance, which allows you to temporarily stop making your monthly loan payment. Read More

If I’m currently in an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan, will my suspended payments count toward IDR forgiveness?

Generally, your payment amount under an income-driven repayment plan is a percentage of your discretionary income. The percentage is different depending on the plan. Read More

Will suspended payments count toward Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)?

Under Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), borrowers with federal direct loans can qualify for loan forgiveness after making 120 monthly payments while working full-time for an eligible employer, which include government agencies and nonprofit organizations.

What will happen to my regular auto-debit payments if I do nothing?

There are two ways the banks are taking action on RBI guidelines on granting Moratorium for three months on monthly repayments. Read More

If I made a payment after the president signed the CARES Act on March 27, 2020, can I receive a refund?

To provide relief during the COVID-19 national emergency, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) has stopped collection activity on defaulted federally owned student loans and/or grant overpayments. In addition, interest is temporarily set at 0% on defaulted federally owned student aid debt. Read More

If I’m trying to rehabilitate my defaulted student loan, will my suspended payments count toward my rehabilitation?

You can renew eligibility for new loans and grants and eliminate the loan default by “rehabilitating” a defaulted loan. To qualify for FFEL or Direct Loan rehabilitation, you have to make 9 monthly payments within 20 days of the due date during a period of 10 consecutive months. Read More

How will I know when I will have to start making payments again?

If you pay only the monthly ‘minimum due amount’, which is generally about 5 percent of the total amount of the bill, to the lender/issuer, you can repay the outstanding amount over a period of time.Read More

What if I want to continue making payments?

This is why your checkout page is critical. It’s the final stop for people shopping on your website. It’s the place where they hand over their credit card information and finally part with their hard-earned cash. Read More

What if my loan is currently in a grace period, and I was supposed to start making payments on a date that falls between March 13, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2020?

As part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the CARES Act, passed on Friday, March 27, 2020, we have suspended payments and interest accrual on all U.S. Department of Education (ED) federally held student loans until September 30, 2020. Read more

My Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) recertification date is coming up soon. Will the administrative forbearance affect when I should recertify?

Yes. You will not have to recertify your income before Sept. 30, 2020, regardless of whether your recertification date would have happened prior to Sept. 30, 2020. Read More

If I enter IDR during the administrative forbearance, will my payments automatically remain suspended? Will those months count toward IDR forgiveness?

If you’re concerned about your studies or loan repayment, we can help you understand what to do in certain circumstances. We’ll be adding information for students, borrowers, and parents to this page on a regular basis, so please check back frequently. Read Moretudentaid.gov/announcements-events/coronavirus

If I consolidate into a Direct Consolidation Loan during the administrative forbearance, will my new consolidation loan automatically be placed in administrative forbearance?

As part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the CARES Act, passed on Friday, March 27, 2020, we have suspended payments and interest accrual on all U.S. Read More

Why is USAJOBS using login.gov?

USA JOBS recently switched their login system to login.gov. Your USAJOBS username and password no longer work. You must create a login.gov account to sign. Read more

How can I reapply to a job?

If you’ve already applied to a position and the job has been reposted, you can apply again. Carefully read the job opportunity announcement and follow the application instructions in the How To Apply section. Read more

What can I do if I do not have a current address?

If you do not have a MAILING address at the time of job application, you may want to consider using an address of a family member, friend, or religious or social organizations. Another option is General Delivery service that is offered by the U.S. Postal Service. Read more

How can I tell if an email really came from USAJOBS?

“Phishing”, the act of sending fake emails to obtain your personal or financial information, is a real threat. Phishing emails may try to get you to visit a fake link or website, or include a malicious attachment. Read more

Where can I find internships?

If you’re a current student or recent graduate, you may be eligible for federal internships and job opportunities through the Pathways and other student programs. Read more

How does USAJOBS use my profile information?

Your USAJOBS profile provides us with important information about you, your background and your work preferences. You must complete the required sections of your profile if you want to apply to a job on USAJOBS, but there are benefits to completing all sections of your profile. Read more

How do I set up notifications for future job announcements?

You can search and get notified for jobs that haven’t been posted yet by setting up a saved search. For example, if you search for a job using a keyword, location or filters and get no search results, you can still save your search. When you save a search, and agree to receive email notifications, we’ll send you an email if a new job is posted that matches what you’re looking for. Read more

How to understand job search results?

The search results page displays all jobs that match the criteria you provide in a search. You can narrow your results using the filters on the right side of the page and save your results using the Save this search link at the top of the results page. Read more

How to unsubscribe from a saved search email notification?

To stop receiving saved search email notifications: Read more

How to travel Inside the U.S.?

You do not need special papers to travel from state to state or to U.S. territories but you must always carry your immigration documents. This is particularly true while traveling through states along the Mexico or Canada borders.Read more

As an international student, do I qualify for any benefits from the Government of USA?
How does COVID-19 affects citizenship applicants?
Additional Documentation Requirements for a student in order to prove their work authorization in the U.S.

Certain non-immigrants and exchange visitors who present a List A document, must also present additional documents to prove their work authorization in the United States.Read more.

How Will Covid-19 Affect My Application?

At this time of global uncertainty, you may be nervously wondering whether your application to university will be affected.Read more

How to study as a full-time student in the United States?

If you would like to study as a full-time student in the United States, you will generally need a student visa. There are two nonimmigrant visa categories for persons wishing to study in the United States. These visas are commonly known as the F and M visas.Read more.

What about international students in F-1 or students in the J-1 Exchange Visitor program?

Both F-1 and J-1 visas may permit international students to study at a college or university in the United States.Read more

Guidance for Institutions of Higher Education with Students Participating in International Travel or Study Abroad Programs

Given the global outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) institutes of higher education (IHE) should consider postponing or canceling upcoming student international travel programs. IHE should consider asking current program participants to return to their home country. Read more.

What about student housing in USA?

6 Essential Tips for Finding Student Housing in the U.S. readmore

How do I get rental verification?

For all rental verifications, please send an email to BusOps@berkeley.edu with the subject line “Rental Verification,” and a Student Affairs Cashier’s team member will process the verification. readmore

What housing option are available to me?

All students are eligible for on-campus housing in the residence halls. Typically, traditional second-year students (sophomores) are eligible for housing in Greiner Hall and Creekside East apartments. readmore

How do I obtain on-campus housing for next year?

All students interested in living on-campus next year must apply for housing. readmore

How long does apartment agreement last?

Creekside Village East (1-11), Flint Village, Hadley Village and South Lake Village have academic-year (late August—mid May) agreements in all units except in South Lake readmore

When do Housing agreement starts?

Housing agreements start shortly before classes begin. Please see your move-in guide for more information. readmore

How do I pay rent?

Your rent is conveniently billed directly to your student account. readmore

Can I cancel my room reservation?
When is Housing Selection for UB students?
How do I select my housing with my friend(s)?
Can I choose roommate in student housing?

Yes, you may indicate a roommate preference during the application process. readmore

How to hit pause button on mortgage payments during the pandemic?

Disheartening levels of jobless claims will likely drive more homeowners to seek mortgage relief in the weeks ahead. Read more

What are the major mortgage relief options during the coronavirus pandemic?

A new federal law, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, puts in place two protections for homeowners with federally backed mortgages: Read more

Banks Offering Deferment on Mortgage Payments During Coronavirus

With the huge spread of the coronavirus and its associated illness, COVID-19, the national economy and global economy have been immensely disrupted. Read more

Does deferring a mortgage payment hurt credit?

If you’ve been financially affected by COVID-19, your bank may offer assistance by suspending foreclosures, providing deferral programs, and waiving late fees.
Banks like Bank of America, Chase, Citi, and HSBC are helping customers with mortgage payments during the global health crisis.
If your bank (or credit union) isn’t on the list, visit its website or call directly anyway — your institution may provide some sort of assistance.

Bank of America will let customers defer mortgage payments

Bank of America is letting customers request to defer payments on mortgages and small business and auto loans in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Read more


Remote working changes the way we do business. Borrowers need digital closing options. Fannie Mae supports many digital mortgage solutions, including full eClosings, hybrid eClosings, and full eClosings using remote online notarization (RON). Read more

Suspend Your Mortgage Payment And Keep Your Home With COVID-19 Forbearance

If you have lost your job, received a layoff notice or are otherwise struggling to pay your mortgage, it’s critical that you reach out to your creditors and mortgage servicer immediately and request assistance. Read more

COVID19 Mortage payment faq

Your Mortgage and the Coronavirus. Read more

What about Mortgages in USA?

Refinancing your mortgage allows you to pay off your existing mortgage and take out a new mortgage on new terms. You may want to refinance your mortgage to take advantage of lower interest rates, Read More..

Who Regulates Mortgage Lenders?

Buying a home is one of the biggest investments many Americans make in life. Few can afford a home outright with cash. Read More..

Various types of Private Mortgage Insurance

If you’re making a down payment of less than 20% on a home, it’s important to understand what mortgage insurance is and how it works. Private mortgage insurance (PMI) isn’t just for people who can’t afford a 20% down payment. Read More..

how private mortgage insurance is useful to both lender and borrower in USA?

Private mortgage insurance enables borrowers to gain access to the housing market more quickly, by allowing down payments of less than 20%, and it protects lenders against loss if a borrower defaults. Read More..

Temporary mortgage relief due to COVID-19 pandemic

If you’re among those financially impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, you might be concerned about how to pay your mortgage or rent. Federal and state governments, as well as financial institutions Read More..

What is today’s mortgage rates in USA?

Lenders nationwide provide weekday mortgage rates to our comprehensive national survey to bring you the most current rates available. Here you can see the latest marketplace average rates for a wide variety of purchase loans. The interest rate table below is updated daily to give you the most current purchase rates when choosing a home loan. Read More..

What is private mortgage Insurance in USA?

Private mortgage insurance, also called PMI, is a type of mortgage insurance you might be required to pay for if you have a conventional loan. Read More..

What are the steps for the mortgage loan process?

Mortgage applications jumped more than 9% last week, compared with the previous week, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported. Meanwhile, refinancing on mortgages increased 11% from a week earlier. Read more

How to qualify for a US home loan if you’re not a citizen?

If you’re a permanent resident alien, you’ll need your green card and your social security number. Your mortgage application process will be very similar to that of US citizens.Readmore

What documents do I need to provide when I apply for a mortgage?

By the time you’re ready to apply for a mortgage, you may have already submitted documents needed for a mortgage preapproval. The lender may ask for further documentation now that you’ve found a home, agreed on a price with the seller and asked the lender to help you finance the purchase. Readmore…

What is the difference between pre-qualify and pre-approve?

Being pre-qualified means a lender has decided you will likely be approved for a loan up to a certain amount, based on your current financial situation.Readmore..

Who are the top 14 US Mortgage lenders?

Before you buy a home or refinance your mortgage, shop around to find the best mortgage lenders of 2020. NerdWallet has selected some of the best mortgage lenders across a variety of categories. Readmore…

How to choose best mortgage for you?

The two main parts of a mortgage are principal, which is the loan amount, and the interest charged on that principal. Readmore…

Are there any tests that I can do on myself at home for Covid19?

The FDA has not authorized any COVID-19 test to be completely used and processed at home. However, on April 20, 2020, the FDA authorized the first ever at home Covid-19 testing kit. It is still being studied and processed. Read more…

What do the funeral home workers need to know about handling bodies of people who die of Covid19?

It is advised not to touch the body of a perosn who dief of COVID-19, but there are no confirmed cases of someone acquiring symptoms from a dead COVID-19 patient. Read more….

Is the US food supply safe?

There is no confirmed evidence that food processed in the US or imported into the US can transmit COVID-19. Read more…

Who is eligible for economic impact payment?

Tax filers with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns will receive the full payment. For filers with an income above those amounts, tax will be decreased $5 for every $100 about the $75,000/$150,000 thresholds. Read more….

Is the Government delaying the tax day?

The Treasury department and the IRS have delayed tax day from April 15 to July 15. You will not be required to file your taxes until July 15, 2020. Read more…

Are there going to be drug shortages due to medical facility closures across the world?

The FDA has been closely monitoring the supply chain with the expectation that the COVID-19 outbreak would likely impact the medical product supply chain, including potential disruptions to supply or shortages of critical medical products in the U.S.
We have been reaching out to manufacturers as part of our approach to identifying potential disruptions or shortages. We will use all available tools to react swiftly and mitigate the impact to U.S. patients and health care professionals when a potential disruption or shortage is identified. Read more…

Testing of Sars-Cov-2

There are many forms of testing for Sars-Cov-2. There are also many forms of testing that are no longer authorized. Read more…

I am pregnant and a nurse. Can I work with patients who are potentially infected with COVID-19?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on daily life inside and outside of the hospital, there are many questions and concerns about what this outbreak means during pregnancy. read more

How can nurses help to limit the spread of COVID-19 at their home?

Given their congregate nature and resident population served (e.g., older adults often with underlying chronic medical conditions), nursing home populations are at high risk of being affected by respiratory pathogens like COVID-19 and other pathogens, including multidrug-resistant organisms read more

What are the changes to my nursing licensure as a result of the pandemic?

World Health Organization declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) a global pandemic. NCSBN has gathered information about NCLEX updates, business impacts, impacts to nursing regulatory bodies

What are some ways to support the mental health and resilience of nurses?

Mental health nurses were able to strengthen their resilience through a process of understanding resilience, and applying cognitive and emotional strategies such as positive self‐talk, managing negative self‐talk, being aware of and managing emotions, and showing more empathy, to address workplace challengesread more

What is the role of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) according to US gocernment in this epidemic?

The prevalence of chronic illness and multimorbidity rises with population aging, thereby increasing the acuity of care.read more

How should nurses decide between their personal and professional responsibilities?

During pandemics, nurses and their colleagues must decide how much care they can provide to others while also taking care of themselves..
read more

When nurses go to work, how should they be supported?

If you’re at home reading this and your biggest worry is perhaps running out snacks or ahem, toilet paper, you’re definitely among some of the lucky ones in the country right now.read more

I’m an American citizen and I recently traveled to one of the countries under travel restrictions. Can I return to the United States?

Yes, American citizens, legal permanent residents, and their immediate families can return to the United States. Read more

What Law Enforcement Personnel Need to Know about COVID-19?

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The outbreak first started in China, but cases have been identified in a growing number of other areas, including the United States. Read more

What steps are being taken to protect the U.S. blood supply from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19?

Blood donors must be healthy and feel well on the day of donation. Routine blood donor screening measures that are already in place should prevent individuals with respiratory infections from donating blood. Read more

Can I get COVID-19 from my pet or other animals?

There is a very small number of animals around the world reported to be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 after having contact with a person with COVID-19. There is currently no evidence that animals are a source of COVID-19 infection in the United States. Read more

How do we hold meetings during this emergency? How do we handle public comment and public hearings?

During this emergency, agencies are not required to have a physical location for a meeting of a governing body. In fact, Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, issued March 24 (and extended most recently through June 17 by the state legislative leadership and Proclamation 20-28.4), actually prohibits a physical location. Read more

What are the recommendations for first responders?

EMS clinician practices should be based on the most up-to-date COVID-19 clinical recommendations and information from appropriate public health authorities and EMS medical direction. Read more

How can health centers access the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to get Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and additional supplies in response to the coronavirus?

If a health center’s regular distributors are unable to fulfill orders for critical medical supplies such as PPE, the health center and/or the Primary Care Association should contact the local and/or state public health department for assistance. Read more

What are the vulnerable population programs?

The Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Human Rights Team houses the Programs for Vulnerable Populations, which works to reduce risks to vulnerable populations and to help communities, non-governmental organizations, and governments provide services and protection for at-risk groups.Read more

List of COVID-19 Essential Services

Learn more about businesses and organizations that were designated as providing COVID-19 Essential Services Lists:Read more

The Impact of Change on Vulnerable Populations

At its first organizational meeting, the committee underscored the importance of focusing its attention not only on assessing the future viability of safety net providers but also on how the major trends affecting safety net providers may affect those vulnerable populations traditionally dependent on these providers Read more.

Emergency Preparedness for Vulnerable Populations

Everyone must remain safe in an emergency. But for some, it’s more difficult. Children may be separated from families, those with chronic conditions can lose access to critical medicines, others may need assistance with evacuation and accessing emergency services. Read ,more

Need of Social services providers

HHS oversees programs and services that improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.Those are Read more

How will you find people living with health conditions?

Based on the chronic disease ,we will find our halth conditions .Read more

providers of services for people experiencing homelessness

HHS is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and supporting the delivery of essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. Read more

what are the critical sectors in USA?

Critical infrastructure describes the physical and cyber systems and assets that are so vital to the United States that their readmore

How many esssential things are in critical in USA?

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) executes the Secretary of
Homeland Security’s authorities to secure critical infrastructure readmore

How they protect the people from critical infrastructure?

The longer the COVID-19 pandemic has continued, the clearer it has become that essential workers do not have the rights and protections they need and deserve readmore

How do i know if my bussiness is considered as critical?

The Department of Homeland Security developed a listexternal iconexternal icon of essential critical infrastructure workers to help state and local officials as they work to protect their communities, readmore

what are the sectors are in infrastructure in USA?

Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21), National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), and federal policies identified and categorized U.S. critical infrastructure into the following 16 critical infrastructure sectors: readmore

Is education are under critical in USA?

the COVID-19 pandemic spreads around the world, and across every state in the U.S., school systems are shutting their doors. readmore

what is the fedral government doing in response to covid-19?

Get information from federal agencies on how they’re responding to the coronavirus pandemic.readmore

What is the help provided by the government on agriculture?

We are committed to delivering USDA programs and services to America’s farmers and ranchers while taking safety measures in response to the coronavirus outbreak. USDA Service Centers are open for business by phone appointment only, and our team is assisting agricultural producers with disaster assistance, conservation, safety net, and farm loan programs and services like conservation planning and acreage reporting. Read more

agriculture related programs

The International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program will provide fellowships to eligible U.S. citizens to assist developing countries in establishing school-based agricultural education and youth extension programs.

The program was created by Congress in the 2018 Farm Bill to:

Develop globally minded United States agriculturists with experience living abroad;
Help meet the food and fiber needs of the domestic population of eligible countries; and
Strengthen and enhance trade linkages between eligible countries and the United States agricultural industry.
Candidates must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in an agriculture-related field and must understand U.S. school-based agricultural education and youth extension programs.

Food Programs Ease Rules for Coronavirus Pandemic

You may now have an easier time getting food through government meal programs. During the coronavirus emergency: Read more

Agriculture and Food Sectors and the Economy

The U.S. agriculture sector extends beyond the farm business to include a range of farm-related industries. The largest of these are food service and food manufacturing. Americans’ expenditures on food amount to 13 percent of household budgets on average. Read more

Latest news in agriculture

News Releases. Read more

impact of covid-19 on agriculture in usa

Farmers and ranchers are committed to rising every day to grow the food we all depend on. But we can’t do that work alone. It takes all of us safely working across the supply chain from the workers harvesting crops to the grocery store employees stocking shelves. Read more

Food Safety Guidelines for Child Care Programs in usa

As a child care provider, you play a key role in children’s lives. By working with children each day, you help them learn and grow. By serving them nutritious meals and snacks, you help children get the nourishment and energy they need to learn and grow – and be healthy. That makes your job very important. Read more

covid-19 impact on Communications and information technology

The COVID – 19 Pandemic has caused drastic changes in many industries, and Information Technology (IT) industry is the major among them. The negative impacts during this situation are more compared to positive effects. Read More..

last news of Communications and information technology

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing widespread concern and economic hardship for consumers, businesses and communities across the globe. Read More..

Digital technologies critical in facing COVID-19 pandemic

Governments need to make full use of digital technologies to confront the COVID-19 pandemic and address a wide range of pandemic-related issues according to another new policy brief issued today by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Read More..

service provide of Communications and information technology

Information and Communication Technology or “ICT,” includes products that store, process, transmit, convert, duplicate, or receive electronic information. Read More..

What is the CARES Act implemented by government for transit relief?

Projects funded with CARES Act funds that are administered under the Urbanized Area Formula Program that involve substantial changes to the function, location, or capacity of transit system Readmore….

What type of disaster loans are available for small businesses?

SBA disaster loans are available to businesses, regardless of size, and nonprofits including charitable organizations such as churches and private universities. Readmore..

How to respond if an employ tests positive for corona?

The following steps for responding when an employee tests positive for the coronavirus are based on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employees. Readmore…

What are the protocals issued by CDC for manufacturing facility?

The following FAQ was developed for the National Association of Manufacturers by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and addresses manufacturing-specific issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Readmore..

What are the guidelines to provide paid sick leaves in industry bcz of the pandemic?

If you are taking paid sick leave because you are unable to work or telework due to a need for leave because you (1) are subject to a federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation Readmore…

Can a related company make Alcohol based hand sanitizers during this period, what are the guidelines?
How are inspections affected by covid?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, FDA announced that we are temporarily postponing all domestic and foreign routine surveillance facility inspections. These facility inspections are assigned biannually using a risk-based Site Selection Model. Readmore..

What should i know and take care of, as an airline crew?

Airline crew should check passanger’s temperature. They should immediately report passangers with a fever and/or with a persistent cough and difficulty breathing. Airline crew should also also review the CDC. CDC reccomends that Airline crew should routinely wash heir hands, identify sick passangers (with above description), treat all body fluids as infectious, and clean and disinfect surfaces according to airline protocol. Read more…

What protocols need to be taken care of, for transportation through Highways?

The safety of our transportation networks is vital to maintaining economic durability and the free flow of essential supplies, food, fuel, and medical equipment. Response measures implemented by the Department to date have included stakeholder outreach and guidance, expanded federal assistance, and regulatory relief. FHWA continues to work closely with the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and state transportation partners around the country to facilitate the safe, efficient, and seamless transport of critical supplies across the Nation. This includes support for maintaining the operation of rest areas. Read more…

I’m a driver/carrier. Can i take local shelters as per visual? and what are the other restrictions imposed?

Drivers delivering supplies should try to stay in their vehicle as much as possible. Any form of transportation drivers should follow classic COVID-19 protection protocols. Read more…

Are there any exemptions/ waivers provided in taking the driving license (CDL) test, in wake of the current situation ?

After the annoucement of the emergency lockdown, many people left their day jobs to practice social distancing and self quarantine as advised by the world health organization. Given the public health emergency, there is a public need for immediate transportation of essential supplies, equipment, and persons, which requires an adequate and sustained supply of drivers trained to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). Read more…

What precautions/ guidelines have been layed down for the rail road network?

The Safety Advisory recommends that railroads develop and implement procedures and practices consistent with the best practices and that railroads take certain other actions to ensure the safety of railroad operations and maintenance during this national emergency. FRA believes that actions consistent with this Safety Advisory will reduce the risk of railroad employees, contractors, and members of the public contracting or spreading COVID–19. Read more….

Can the airlines carry cargo on seats to minimize their loses due to passenger drop?

Airlines are temporarily removing their passanger seats to carry cargo instead. Once the country leaves lockdown the airlines can once again carry passangers after installing the passanger seats. Read more….

Is it safe to treat COVID 19 with Convalescent plasma?

Transfusions of plasma from people who have recovered from COVID-19, the illness that SARS-CoV-2 causes, appear to be safe for severely ill patients and may speed their recovery, according to a preliminary study. Read More

How does the process of obtaining convalescent plasma products work?

Convalescent plasma (kon-vuh-LES-unt PLAZ-muh) therapy is an experimental treatment that some doctors are using for people with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Read More

What must I do after my patient(s) receive the plasma product?

The main indication for the transfusion of plasma is to correct deficiencies of clotting factors, for which a specific concentrate is not available, in patients with active bleeding. Read More

Am I eligible to donate blood or plasma products?

If you have fully recovered from COVID-19, you may be able to help patients currently fighting the infection by donating your plasma. Read More

Can we ask our local IRB to review and approve?

Under FDA regulations, an IRB is an appropriately constituted group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. Read More

Who Can Consent Patients for the Convalescent Plasma Expanded Access Program?

This expanded access program will provide access to investigational convalescent plasma for patients in acute care facilities infected with SARS-CoV-2 who have severe or life-threatening COVID-19, or who are judged by a healthcare provider to be at high risk of progression to severe or life-threatening disease. Read More

Can I direct my plasma donation to a person of my choosing?

A directed donation is the donation of blood or platelets that is designated for a specific patient. There is no scientific evidence that designated blood is safer than blood from other volunteer donors. Read More

Do hospital blood banks need certificates in order to obtain convalescent plasma?

The information on this page is intended for clinicians and hospitals to obtain COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma for their patients. Read More

How can I reach the Mayo Clinic IRB with questions?

Contact the Institutional Review Board at Mayo Clinic with inquiries about the rights and welfare of human research subjects and the submission and management of human subject research applications for external institutions. Read More

How many units of convalescent plasma can be transfused and at what rate? What reporting is required?

COVID-19 is currently a big threat to global health. However, no specific antiviral agents are available for its treatment. In this work, we explore the feasibility of convalescent plasma (CP) transfusion to rescue severe patients. Read More

How to enroll your patient(s) in the COVID-19 plasma treatment study?

People who have moderate to severe illness are the right candidates for treatment through plasma therapy. Medically, I would say people who have pneumonia with type Read More

How Blood trails help in COVID 19 treatment?

The Solidarity Trial will compare four treatment options against standard of care, to assess their relative effectiveness against COVID-19. Read More

What is COVID-19 convalescent plasma therapy?

Some researchers and doctors have started using plasma from people recovering from COVID-19 to treat others who have developed the disease. Read More

patient Eligibility for COVID-19 convalescent plasma?

FDA has issued guidance to provide recommendations to health care providers and investigators on the administration and study of investigational convalescent plasma collected from individuals who have recovered from COVID-19

Who can donate COVID-19 convalescent plasma?

People who have fully recovered from COVID-19 for at least two weeks are encouraged to consider donating plasma, which may help save the lives of other patients. Read More

Can recovered COVID-19 patients help save the lives of others?

13 March, with the COVID-19 pandemic exploding and drugs elusive, Arturo Casadevall published what he considers “maybe the most important paper” of his long career. Read More

Who can I contact for Plasma Donation?

If you have fully recovered from COVID-19, you may be able to help patients currently fighting the infection by donating your plasma. Because you fought the infection, your plasma now contains COVID-19 antibodies. Read More

Is there any other way to use convalescent plasma than using the EAP?

Convalescent plasma has been administered to treat different infectious diseases previously with some success. There is currently no approved and proven treatment options available for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19 virus). Read More

What is an Expanded Access Program?

Sometimes called “compassionate use”, expanded access is a potential pathway for a patient with an immediately life-threatening condition or serious disease or condition to gain access to an investigational medical product

Where can I find a blood donation center in the US?

Thank you for your interest in blood donation! Looking for your local blood center? We are here to help!. Read more

Where can I find a plasma donation center in the US?

Several resources are available regarding options to donate convalescent plasma in your area. To learn more and find the site nearest you: Read more

How can I donate plasma for COVID-19 treatment through American Red Cross?

In coordination with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Red Cross is seeking people who are fully recovered from the new coronavirus to sign up to donate plasma to help current COVID-19 patients. Read more

Is there any accredited blood donation website or online portal for donating Convalescent Plasma?

AABB encourages eligible individuals to donate blood regularly to help ensure that this lifesaving resource is readily available to patients whenever and wherever it is needed. To find an AABB-accredited blood donation site near you, please provide at least a state or zip code using the Blood Donation Site Locator below. Read more

Where can I book an appointment for donating blood in American Red Cross?

The American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood and platelet donations. There is no known end date in this fight against coronavirus, and the Red Cross urgently needs the help of blood and platelet donors and blood drive hosts to meet the needs of patient care. Read more

How can I host a blood drive and how the process works?

If you are already familiar with the process, you can start your application using the button below. Otherwise, here you can learn: what the host provides, what the Red Cross provides, and how the blood drive process works. Read more

Where do I get started hosting a blood donation drive in American Red Cross?

As the COVID-19 public health crisis continues, our mission to sustain the blood supply is tested in new ways that require our vigilance and flexibility. When viral spread subsides, recovery will require steadfast unity, and equal parts planning and adaptation for months to come. Read more

From where do I check the blood supply centers in America?


Where can I find contact info on Red Cross Blood Services?

Contact Us. Read more

I am a clinician or a hospital representative. Where can I find Coronavirus (COVID-19) Convalescent Plasma Clinician Information?

The information on this page is intended for clinicians and hospitals to obtain COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma for their patients. If you are an individual who has recovered from a COVID-19 infection and wish to be a convalescent plasma donor, Read more

How long do you have to wait to donate at another plasma center?

The time it takes depends on your body weight and other factors, and also whether you’re a first-time donor. Your first visit can take up to 2 hours because it includes a health screening, in-depth questionnaire, and medical history questions to make sure you can donate plasma. After that, each visit takes less time – about an hour to an hour and a half. Read more

How often can I donate plasma in a donation center in the US?

You can donate twice a week. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows 2 donations within a 7-day period, with at least 48 hours between donations. So if you donate on a Monday, you can donate again Wednesday. Drink plenty of water after you donate to help your body replace fluids. Read more

Where can I find American Blood Centers in social Media?
How do I become a member of American Blood Centers?

America’s Blood Centers has multiple membership categories designed to meet your needs. Read more

How can I find all donation centers across America using mobile phone?

Requirements for blood donation.

Requirements for blood donation.Donation frequency: Every 56 days* ,You must be in good health and feeling well,You must be at least 16 years old in most states
You must weigh at least 110 lbs
Read more

How often can I donate whole blood?

Whole blood is the type of donation most people think of when donating blood. One unit (about one pint) of whole blood is collected during this donation, containing the three essential components of blood: red cells, plasma, and platelets.Read more

Why donate plasma?

Plasma acts as a carrier for blood cells, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones, and contains clotting factors that can be critical to recovery and survival for newborn babies and patients undergoing open heart surgery. A typical liver transplant patient can require 25 units of plasma, while 20 units or more may be needed to sustain the life of a severe burn victim.Read more

Am I eligible?

In addition to general donor eligibility requirements (such as age, weight, and health status), only males are eligible to donate plasma with Nebraska Community Blood Bank (details below). Blood types A+, B+, AB+, and AB- are especially needed for plasma donations. Type AB blood is the universal plasma donor, and males with type AB are encouraged to donate plasma.Read more

How often can I donate plasma?

Plasma can be donated every 28 days. Starting 7 days after donating plasma, you may be eligible to donate whole blood or platelets.Read more

The government has put in place stay at home orders. Can I still come in to donate?

Donating blood is considered essential by the Governor’s Executive Order and by the Federal Government. If you are feeling healthy and well, giving blood is a great reason to go out. In order to meet the blood needs of patients, we must maintain a sufficient blood supply each day over the coming weeks.read more

Are you loosening any of the eligibility requirements during this time?

No. All blood collection agencies must adhere to all FDA guidelines for donor eligibility. The guidelines are in place to ensure the safety of the donor and of the blood being donated. No matter what the situation is, we must maintain the safety and integrity of the blood supply.Read more

I think I may just have allergies, can I still donate?

To be on the safe side, we would ask you not to come in. You should be feeling 100% on the day of donation.Read more

Who can donate at this time?

Healthy, eligible individuals are asked to donate blood at this time to support our blood supply. Do not attempt to donate if you are experiencing active cold or flu symptoms, or have had contact with anyone with these symptoms.Read more

If I donate blood, will I be able to fight an infection later?

There is no research evidence that donating blood affects your ability to fight infection later. While white blood cells needed to fight infection slightly decrease after donation, abundant cells remain in the event of an infection. Furthermore, donated cells are regenerated post-donation.Read more

Can I donate if I’m over 70?

We are not disallowing donors who are 65 and older that feel healthy and well from donating. No measures can completely eliminate the risk of exposure, of course; and staying home per the strong countywide recommendation will always be safer than leaving the household. Younger donors are stepping up to donate. Donors who are 65 and older can feel good about staying home.Read more

I have recovered from COVID-19. Can I donate convalescent plasma?

Blood Bank will be collecting convalescent plasma from patients who have recovered from COVID-19.Read more

What additional measures are being taken at donor centers?

In order to ensure a safe, controlled donation environment, social distancing guidelines and additional cleaning protocols are in effect at all donation sites. We ask blood donors and staff to stay home if they are not feeling well, and are performing temperature checks of staff and donors upon arrival.Read more

How does MBC determine if people are eligible to donate blood?

We ask if you are feeling healthy and well on the day of donation. Our health questionnaire and laboratory screening are designed to identify donors who may be at risk for transfusion transmitted infections.Read more

Can I donate blood if I’ve traveled recently?

We currently ask each donor about recent travel to regions where there is a higher risk for transfusion transmitted infections such as malaria and CJD. FDA has not established this same kind of requirement for the coronavirus since it is not known to be transmitted by blood.Read more

Can I donate blood to find out if I have COVID-19?

No, MBC does not test for COVID-19. You should not donate blood to find out if you have COVID-19.Read more

Will we run out of blood?

It is important for healthy donors to donate now to build up our reserves now so that we have enough blood available to withstand any temporary shortages and help those in need.Read more

I have recovered from COVID-19 and want to donate plasma. What should I do?

While there is no proven treatment, it is possible that convalescent plasma, which has antibodies against the virus, could help patients with serious or life-threatening infections. Memorial Blood Centers will collect, process, and maintain a supply of convalescent plasma for hospitals.Read more

What documentation of positive diagnostic testing do CP donors need to submit?

All potential CP donors must attach through the NYBC CP donor registration form a copy of their test results which states the following: donor’s first and last name, date of test, name of testing facility, and results. In some cases, a prescription or note from their physician, which must list their physician’s name and address and attest to the diagnosis of COVID-19, will be accepted.Read more

What is the donation frequency and time period of donation for CP?

CP donors can donate a total of 8 times over 3 months. Antibody titers may spontaneously wane over time, but this has not been studied yet, hence the 3-month donation limit. The minimum time between donations is 7 days, but CP donors have the freedom to donate less frequently, or not return for a repeat donation.Read more

How should CP donors prepare for donation?

Donors should eat, hydrate, and get a good night’s sleep before donating. Visit the Donation Process page for more information on how to prepare for donation.Read more

What is the criteria for the CP donor’s temperature?

Donors must meet all standard allogeneic blood donor criteria. NYBC criteria for temperature is ≤ 99.5 °F.Read more

Can CP donors who are diabetic still donate?

Yes, as long as the diabetes is well controlled. They should make sure to eat and hydrate prior to their appointment.Read more. read more.

What are the donor criteria for donating CP?

Donors must meet all standard allogeneic blood donor criteria, and thus may be deferred for reasons unrelated to COVID-19. In addition, they must be at least 14 days from the date of complete symptom resolution.Read more

Can CP donors with sickle cell trait donate?

Yes, CP donors with sickle cell trait can donate.Read more

Can CP donors direct their donation to a family member who is ill from COVID-19?

NYBC is not doing directed donations. If donors donate through specific hospital programs (rather than directly with NYBC), those units are returned to that hospital, but NYBC is focusing on building an inventory that can meet all patient needs.Read more

Reporting COVID-19 in the United States

US Healthcare providers who are concerned that a patient may have Corona Virus should contact their readmore

Information for Health Departments on Reporting Cases of COVID-19

The COVID-19 Case Report Formpdf icon collects key information on COVID-19 case-patients, including: readmore

National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) Disaster Complaint Form

Please Visit the following webiste to file a complaint with the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF).:https://www.justice.gov/disaster-fraud/webform/ncdf-disaster-complaint-form readmore


When a child is using your computer, normal safeguards and security practices may not be sufficient. readmore.

COVID-19 Case Report Form

The COVID-19 Case Report Formpdf icon collects key information on COVID-19 case-patients, including: readmore

Reopen CT Online Complaint Form

In order to ensure compliance with Connecticut’s Sector Rules and Certification for May 20th Reopen,readmore

Can landlords evict tenants?

Yes, landlords can evict tenants, but only under certain circumstances. If your home is covered by the federal CARES Act (keep reading to find out if it is), you’ve got almost two months before the threat of eviction begins to rise. It temporarily bans evictions and late fees until July 25. It also requires a 30-day notice to vacate before you can be evicted. In almost all instances it’s probably best to work out an arrangement with your landlord or leasing agency, if at all possible.

Sources of coronavirus assistance for landlords and tenants

As the coronavirus crisis continues, unemployment is rising, and more and more renters will struggle to pay rent. And, as struggles the tenant, so struggles the landlord. Landlords who don’t receive their rent checks—especially smaller-scale and part-time landlords—could face financial challenges in the form of mortgage defaults, unpaid utility bills, and delinquent personal financial obligations. Read more

Federal Level: No Evictions, Some Forbearance

Interestingly, the Federal Government has been the most measured and sane with it’s directives affecting the program it controls, offering forbearance on loans in exchange for no evictions and offering increases in subsidies for people who’ve lost income. Read more

Emergency Bans on Evictions and Other Tenant Protections Related to Coronavirus

Many states, cities, and counties are taking steps to minimize the impact of the novel coronavirus crisis on tenants, including placing moratoriums on evictions, holds on shutting off utilities due to nonpayment, and prohibiting late rent fees. Read more

Despite Federal Ban, Landlords Are Still Moving to Evict People During the Pandemic

Landlords in at least four states have violated the eviction ban passed by Congress last month, a review of records shows, moving to throw more than a hundred people out of their homes. Read more

will L.A. County’s Temporary Eviction Moratorium and Rent Freeze

The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs published these guidelines to implement the County’s eviction moratorium. Read more. Read more

Is assistance available for landlords to continue paying their own mortgages if tenants aren’t paying rent?

Tenants are not relieved of their obligation to pay rent.
We recommend that you immediately contact your mortgage servicer to find out if loan forbearance is an option, or if your lender has a program in place to help get through this unprecedented situation. Read more

I’m not able to pay my rent due to a decrease or loss of income related to the COVID-19 emergency. What should I do?

Please contact your landlord or mortgage servicer to work out a solution if you are not able to pay rent in full or make mortgage payments. Tenants and homeowners are strongly encouraged to utilize financial resources that may be forthcoming, such as unemployment benefits or a federal stimulus check to stay current on rent and mortgage obligations. If you still need help paying rent or a mortgage, learn more about the Montana Emergency Housing Assistance program at COVIDRELIEF.MT.GOV.

If I’ve suffered a loss of income due to COVID-19 and am unable to pay my rent. Do I need to provide documentation to my landlord?

Yes. An individual who seeks the protection of the April 13 Directive provisions to prevent a foreclosure, eviction, or disconnection after June 1 must make a basic showing to their bank, landlord, or utility that they are (1) sheltering in place under this order, are (2) a member of a vulnerable population, and (3) have been financially impacted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. In order to qualify under the protection, an individual must meet all three requirements. Read more

I am quarantined due to a COVID-19 diagnosis or required to self-quarantine. What documentation do I provide my landlord?

A self-certification or documentation from health a care provider that meets the vulnerable definition described in the April 13 Directive will be sufficient. You are not required to provide specific health diagnosis information.

I am over age 65 and/or have a health condition that places me at enhanced risk for COVID-19. What documentation do I provide my landlord?

Tenants are not required to provide health diagnosis information that is privacy protected to their landlord or property owner. The tenants can self-certifying to their landlord or property owner that they “have a health condition that places me at enhanced risk for COVID-19. Read more

How is USA reponding to COVID-19?

Get information from federal agencies on how they’re responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Read More..

what are the unemployment benefits in USA?

Learn how to apply for unemployment benefits, workers’ compensation, welfare or temporary assistance, and other programs and services that can help if you lose your job. Read More..

what is financial aid for student(FAFSA)?

If you need help paying for college, technical, or career school, check out the options you may be eligible for from the federal government and other sources. Read More..

What are medicare given by US government ?

Coronavirus.gov is the source for the latest information about COVID-19 prevention, symptoms, and answers to common questions. Read More..

what is safety tip for American people?

As some communities begin to reopen during the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, public health officials say the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Read More..

what are public health services?

Public health systems are commonly defined as “all public, private, and voluntary entities that contribute to the delivery of essential public health services within a jurisdiction.” Read More..

what are prevention measure taken by US government?

Visit these federal government websites for current information about the coronavirus (COVID-19). Read More..

What are the travel restrictions, exemptions and advice?

Several Presidential proclamations established restrictions on the entry of certain travelers into the United States in an effort to help slow the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Read More..

What are the awareness resources for Covid 19?

CDC, The Center for Disease and Control is a crucial awareness resource that brings information to the limelight regarding the present situation of COVID-19

Protective equipments FAQs

Please visit the following website to get more information regarding Protective Equipment:

What are the number of COVID – 19 test cases in USA?

Viral tests tell you if you currently have an infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. A positive test result means you have an infection.Readmore..

How the US government help for financially poor people?

Critical infrastructure industries, including many FDA-regulated industries such as food, drugs, and medical equipment,Readmore…

What is federal government’s COVID-19 response?

Visit these federal government websites for current information about the coronavirus (COVID-19).Readmore….

What actions are being taken at US borders to stop COVID-19 from entering US?

With specific exceptions, foreign nationals who have been in any of the following countries during the past 14 days may not enter the United States.Readmore…

How is US monitoring the supply of drug and medical devices to ensure that there are no shortage?

Also, as part of our efforts, the FDA has identified about 20 other drugs, which solely source their active pharmaceutical ingredients or finished drug products from China.Readmore…

How US is responding to COVID-19?

Get information from federal agencies on how they’re responding to the coronavirus pandemic.Readmore…

How the US Government support for businesses?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the most up-to-date information on COVID-19. This interim guidance is based on what is currently know Readmore…

How US financially help if you are outside US for COVID-19?

The information below is provided for general information only and may not be applicable in a particular case Readmore….

How to get E-mail updates on Covid 19?
What are the locations where you may have been exposed to COVID-19?

What are the recent updates on the coronavirus pandemic?

President Trump decided to sever ties with the World Health Organization. US stocks end mixed despite rally at the end of the day. California plans to have 10,000 contract tracers by July 1st. Read more….

What are the Government Action Plan To Support the International Response to COVID-19?

The Department of State is releasing the U.S. Government Action Plan to Support the International Response to COVID-19. The“SAFER” package builds on current, substantial, and longstanding U.S. government global health and humanitarian assistance of over $170 billion abroad over the past 10 years, which has created the foundation for many international partners to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats, including COVID-19. Read more…

What is the Federal Government Doing in Response to COVID-19?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is studying the virus worldwide and helping communities respond locally. Several other departments and agencies are also helping. Read more…

What are the Coronavirus Medical Consulting and Planning Services?
Explain in detail about rent reliefs.

Rent forbearance is available through some of the same programs that have suspended evictions. Additional rent assistance is offered by various social service agencies as well as state and local programs. Read more…

What are the measures taken by the government to support for businesses during the coronavirus pandemic?

The government is helping businesses through grants, loans, and tax deferrals. Read more…

What are the Government help during Covid-19 overall summary?

Each government department is helping its set of people by laws and lifting restrictions. Read more…

What are the COVID-19 measures, updates, and guidance issued by Transport Canada?
What are the Collecting Open Government Approaches to COVID-19?

They postponed Open Gov Week events to later in the year and replacing the activities planned for May 3-10 with a series of online community events. There are also many ways that people can help the community through the Open Government. Read more…

How to know the daily update on COVID-19?

WHO reports the daily situation report of COVID-19 and can be found at this site:

Managing mental health during covid19

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Find ways you and your family can reduce stress. Read More

3 Ways to protect your mental health during Covid19

Our traditional media and social media feeds are filled with urgent and often conflicting imperatives to change our routines and be constantly vigilant. Read More

The Mental Health Crisis Generated By COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the need to urgently increase investment in services for mental health or risk a massive increase in mental health conditions in the coming months, according to a policy brief on COVID-19 and mental health issued by the United Nations today. Read More

Taking Care of Ourselves During Infectious Disease

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Find ways you and your family can reduce stress. Read More

Working Remotely During COVID-19

Remote working is increasing as a means of practising social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Led by business in response to calls from the World Health Organization, it is having a daily impact in helping manage the novel coronavirus. Read more

Taking care of Childrens Mental health during covid19

Make sure you are taking care of the basics just like you would during a spring break or summer vacation. Structured days with regular mealtimes and bedtimes are an essential part of keeping kids happy and healthy. Planning daily walks can be a good way to create structure and ensure physical activity. Read More

factors that impact mental health and well-being for older adults

The world’s population is ageing rapidly. Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s older adults is estimated to almost double from about 12% to 22%. Read More

Nature can boost your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic

Staying at home and keeping away from crowds is important for protecting people from COVID-19. Yet such practices also upset daily routines, push people into isolation and add to their stress. Read More

Living With Mental Illness During COVID-19 Outbreak– Preparing For Your Wellness

The national Disaster Distress Helpline (call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746) offers 24/7 emotional support & if you have any medical concerns speak to a trusted healthcare provider. Read More

WHO faq answers to covid19

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Read More


Doctors and researchers at the University of Washington with Microsoft volunteers have built a tool to alert you about highly relevant public health announcements, potential exposure to COVID-19, and to assist public health officials and contact tracing teams without compromising your personal privacy. Read more

How We Feel?

HowWeFeel is a global community fighting COVID-19. Read more

Private Kit: Safe Paths
Covid Watch

Protect yourself, your family and your community with anonymous mobile alerts. Read more

COVID-19 Apple / Google App

This tool can help you understand what to do next about COVID-19. Read more


CoEpi is a privacy-first system for anonymous Bluetooth proximity-based exposure alerting based on voluntary symptom sharing. Read more


Anonymously and reliably trace your exposure to COVID-19 to keep yourself and others healthy. Read more

COVID-19 self-assessment tool

This tool will help you assess your symptoms and determine if you’re a good candidate for a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) test in your home community. Read more

Check Your Possibility For COVID-19

Check Your Possibility For COVID-19. Read more

MORE Health COVID-19 Self-Assessment

If you feel ill and are concerned about the possibility that you have the COVID-19 infection, our Assessment is intended to assist you in making decisions about whether to be tested or seek immediate medical care. Read more

COVID-19 Telehealth Program

The COVID-19 Telehealth Program provides $200 million in funding, appropriated by Congress as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, to help health care providers provide connected care services to patients at their homes or mobile locations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Read more

Self-assessment Tool by Telehealth

The Telehealth Program offers ways for self-assessment and it reduces the load on the health care system well. The screening tools help narrow down the possibilities of illness.

How to use telehealth during the COVID-19?

Telehealth may be a helpful option any time, but it’s especially important to know about during a public health emergency. Telehealth protects you — and your doctor — from possibly spreading or getting COVID-19.Read more

why telehealth is important for rural providers?

Telehealth can help rural providers deliver better health care by connecting rural providers and their patients to services at distant sites and promoting patient-centered health care.Read more

Policy changes during the COVID-19 public health emergency

The federal government has taken concrete steps to make telehealth services easier to implement and access during this national emergency. These changes are temporary measures during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and are subject to revision.Read more

During COVID-19,how do you take care of yourself?

Everyone Should Wash your hands often,Avoid close contact,Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others,Cover coughs and sneezes,Clean and disinfect,Monitor Your Health.Read more

Planning your Telehealth workflow

Your process for setting up and managing appointments may need to shift to accommodate telehealth appointments. You can save time and frustration by thinking through each stage of the workflow ahead of time.Read more

Preparing patients for Telehealth.

The transition to telehealth platforms is an adjustment for patients as well as health care professionals. It is important to let people know that you offering telehealth. You may want to update the information on your website, send an email to patients, or mail a letter. Let patients know what Telehealth is about and how their privacy is protected. A few things to mention are the types, benefits, and the procedure involved in setting up an appointment.

Telemedicine and Mental Health Services

Telemedicine is the delivery of health care services or consultations while the patient is at an originating site and the licensed health care provider is at a distant site. Telemedicine may be provided by real-time two-way, interactive audio and visual communications, including secure videoconferencing or store-and-forward technology to provide or support health care delivery.Read more

Telehealth for Global Emergencies.

The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is again reminding us of the importance of using telehealth to deliver care, especially as means of reducing the risk of cross-contamination caused by close contact. For telehealth to be effective as part of an emergency response it first needs to become a routinely used part of our health system.Read more

How many indigenous people live in the USA?

Indigenous peoples in USA are mainly American Indian peoples or Alaska Native peoples. readmore

Do Indian tribes have their own laws?

Yes. As U.S. citizens, American Indians and Alaska Natives are generally subject to federal, state, and local laws. readmore

What are the Indigenous Rights in the U.S?
What are the policies of Native American?

The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which the United Nations adopted in 2007, addresses both individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples and their relationship to land and natural resources. readmore

What is a federally recognized tribe?

The Department of Justice Policy on Indian Sovereignty and Government-to-Government Relations with Indian Tribes reaffirms the Justice Department’s recognition of the sovereign readmore

How do you prove you are Native American?

A federally recognized tribe is an American Indian or Alaska Native tribal entity that is recognized as having a government-to-government relationship with the United States, readmore

Do you have to pay taxes if your Native American?

The fraught relationship between the United States government and Native American tribes has led to recurring conflict and confusion over the issue of taxation readmore

The situation of indigenous peoples in the United States of America is?

In this report the Special Rapporteur examines the human rights situation of
indigenous peoples in the United States, on the basis of research and information gathered,readmore

What are the 5 native American funding facts?

Many people believe the U.S. government meets the needs of Native Americans through treaty benefits and entitlements. readmore

if you are esssential worker in need of child care who should you contact?
what services are provided?

Should your family need financial assistance in covering the cost of child care services, you are welcome to apply to our Eligibility List for subsidized child care services. Enrollment for these services is based upon the state-mandated guidelines for eligibility. Read more

How to get started?
which all jurisdictions is this service valid in?
where can i apply to avail this service?

The Child Care and Development Fund provides assistance to low-income families who need child care due to work, work-related training and/or attending school.readmore

where can contact for further info?

The Office of Child Care supports low-income working families through child care financial assistance and promotes children’s learning by improving the quality of early care and education and afterschool programs.readmore

How does the PERS work?

SCAN works with a company called Connect America to provide you with the PERS. Once approved, Connect America will send you: Read More..

Does the emergency button work when I’m away from home?

Yes. The PERS unit provides Connect America location Read More..

Do I need a special type of phone line?

No. The device is GPS enabled Read More..

In an emergency—should I push my emergency response button or call 911 instead?

In the event of an emergency, you should always call 911 if you’re near a phone. Read More..

What kind of emergency help do I get?

That depends of what kind of emergency you’re having. Read More..

Is it hard to set up the system?

It’s easy to set up and use your PERS. Read More..

I have a pacemaker. Can I use the PERS unit?

The back of the device and charging cable both contain magnets and should be kept away from devices affected by magnetic fields, such as credit cards, Read More..

Info about unemployment sick leave rules

The information about umexployment sick leaves rules site click here

What is Work Sharing Program?

A program called work sharing, or short-time compensation, encourages employers to temporarily reduce the hours of their employees rather than lay them off during an economic downturn. Work sharing allows employers to keep their skilled workforce and reestablish a full-time schedule when economic conditions improve. With this approach, employees continue to be paid for the hours they work, collecting pro-rated unemployment benefits that help cover the work hours they lose. For example, employers could reduce everyone’s hours by 20 percent and employees would qualify for 20 percent of the weekly unemployment benefit amount.


The CARES Act, signed into law on March 25, 2020, encourages states and employers to use work-sharing programs. The federal government will reimburse 100 percent of the cost of short-time compensation benefits paid in states that have work-sharing programs in place. For those states that do not have a work-sharing program, the CARES act includes funds to pay for short-time benefits at a 50 percent federal coverage rate. Finally, the CARES Act allocates grant funding for states to promote and improve the implementation and administration of work-sharing programs.

How will Work Sharing program help me(employer /worker) if I am affected by COVID-19?

Workers benefit by retaining most of their income and access to health insurance a critical factor in a public health-triggered economic crisis like this one. By helping to keep people in their jobs, work-share programs mitigate unemployment. And short-time compensation benefits are well targeted, reaching exactly the people who are suffering a drop in earnings and are likely to need the money the most. In this sense, they are better targeted and more likely to provide direct economic stimulus than cutting payroll taxes or sending checks to everyone.
In short, shared-work programs are specifically designed to help businesses and workers and their communities get through temporary economic disruptions like those caused by COVID-19.

I need to file a tax return. How long are the economic impact payments available?

Economic impact payments will be available throughout the rest of 2020. Read more…

I have not filed my tax return for 2018 or 2019. Can I still receive an economic impact payment?

The IRS urges anyone with a tax filing obligation who has not yet filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 to file as soon as they can to receive an economic impact payment. Taxpayers should include direct deposit banking information on the return. Read more…

Who is eligible for the economic impact payment?

Tax filers with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns will receive the full payment. For filers with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 above the $75,000/$150,000 thresholds. Read more…

Is the government delaying Tax Day?

The Treasury Department and the IRS have delayed Tax Day from April 15 to July 15. Read more…

What if I can’t complete my taxes by April 15?

Tax Day is delayed till July 15. Read more…

I recently filed a tax return. What do I need to do to get my payment?

You DO NOT need to take any further action if you filed a federal income tax return for 2018 or 2019. If you already filed your tax return for 2019, the IRS will use this information to calculate the Payment amount. Read more…

What do I do if I can’t pay my mortgage?

Many homes are covered by a national moratorium on mortgage foreclosures, and several different relief programs are available for people who are struggling to make their mortgage payments. Read more…

Documents needed for applying child’s benefits

You can apply for benefits by calling our national toll-free service at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or by visiting your local Social Security office.

How to apply for child’s benefits?

Form SSA-4 | Information You Need To Apply for Child’s Benefits. You can apply for benefits by calling our national toll-free service at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or by visiting your local Social Security office. read more

What is child tax credit?

Child Tax Credit is given to American taxpayers for each qualifying dependent child who is under the age of 17 at the end of the tax year. Recent tax legislation passed in December 2017 doubled the credit to $2,000 per child and made much of it refundable. read more

How to apply for disability benefits – child (under 18)?

You will need to complete an Application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) AND a Child Disability Report. The report collects information about the child’s disabling condition and how it affects his/her ability to function. read more

What is the eligibility for availing child tax benefit?

If you are a parent and your kids are attending school, you can claim the fee paid towards their tuition as a deduction from your total gross income. read more

What are the benefits for children?

Child poverty, in particular, risks a significant increase. If the national unemployment rate rises to 30 percent, child poverty could increase by 54 percent—with more than one in five children living below the poverty line. read more

Do I need to formally apply to get the remission?

There is no action required from your end. Your federal student loan will automatically be suspended for all interest and monthly payments due between March 13 and September 30, 2020. Read more

What happens if I continue to make my payments towards student loan during the suspension period?

If your financial situation allows you to continue making payments, any payment you make during the suspension period (March 13 – 30 September, 2020) will be applied to the principal. Read more

Is interest and payments suspended on all student loans or does the remission rule only apply for certain selective type of student loans?

The suspension of payments applies to most of the student loans that are held by the federal government. It is estimated that about 92% of the total student loans are owned by the U.S. Department of Education. Read more

If my loan does not apply under the stimulus package relief what should I do?

For loans held by commercial banks, schools, or private creditors, please contact them directly and explore if they have any interest and(or) payment suspension options available. Read more

Will I be eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness?

The PSLF Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer. Read more

When do I need to contact a nonprofit financial counselor?

If you are having issues paying your student loan, the NFCC and its agencies can help you. You may speak to a nonprofit NFCC® Certified Student Loan Counselor about your options. Read more

Is there financial help for tenants who can’t pay rent or utilities?

Department of Human Services provides information for residents for help with rent, mortgage, utilities, medical or clothing expenses.Also, many utility services are offering some sort of limited protection against terminating services.Read more

Our property management office is closed for COVID-19 and we want tenants to pay their rent online. Can we require that?

Yes, if your lease or rules already allow this provision. You can adopt a policy or rules to implement such a procedure. However, keep in mind that not all tenants have internet access or the ability to do online banking. Reasonable accommodations should be made for these tenants, such as an easily accessible drop box.Read more

Where can I find additional information?

The Virginia Association of Realtors has useful information for landlords and property managers.The US. Department of Housing and Urban Development has information for multifamily property managers.Read more

Can I be evicted?

Your landlord cannot evict you or ask you to leave your residence for having COVID-19 or while seeking medical assistance. You can still go to the court for emergencies, such as if your landlord illegally locks you out.Read more

What is the Federal Government Doing in Response to COVID-19?

Get information from federal agencies on how they’re responding to the coronavirus pandemic.Read more

CRA Consideration for Activities in Response to the COVID-19

The Federal Reserve Board, the FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the agencies) recognize the potential for the Coronavirus Disease (referred to as COVID-19) to adversely affect the customers and operations of financial institutions. readmore

Where can I get tax forms?

If you need IRS forms, here are four easy methods for getting the information you need. readmore

How can I file my District tax return electronically?

Four electronic filing options for individual taxpayers are listed below. For businesses and other taxpayer audiences, see the links to the left. readmore

What is my standard deduction?

The tool is designed for taxpayers that were U.S. citizens or resident aliens for the entire tax year for which they’re inquiring. If married, the spouse must also have been a U.S. readmore

Where should I mail my tax return and/or payment?

Addresses by state for Form 1040, 1040-SR, 1040ES, 1040V, amended returns, and extensions (also addresses for taxpayers in foreign countries, U.S. possessions, or with other international filing characteristics) readmore

How do I request an extension of time to file my individual income tax return?

Individual tax filers, regardless of income, can use Free File to electronically request an automatic tax-filing extension. readmore

Will I be penalized if I am due a refund, but my return is filed late?

File all tax returns that are due, regardless of whether or not you can pay in full. File your past due return the same way and to the same location where you would file an on-time return. readmore

How does the Cares Act affect withdrawals from my retirement account?

If you are younger than 59½, you are ordinarily subject to a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty on top of the income tax owed on your withdrawal. Read more

When will I have to pay taxes on my withdrawal?

To ease the tax burden, under the Cares Act you have up to three years to pay taxes on the withdrawal. You can repay all or a portion of the distribution within three years, and the repayments will not be counted toward the annual contribution limits. Read more

Can I take out a loan from my retirement account?

The Cares Act allows certain changes to employer-sponsored retirement plans to help people impacted by the coronavirus. If your employer allows loans, the Cares Act increased the loan limit to $100,000 from $50,000. Additionally, it’s important to note that employers are not required to increase the loan limit. Read more

What if I can’t afford to make the loan payments during this crisis?

There’s further assistance in the Cares Act that allows workers to delay making payments on retirement account loans. Read more

Should I take a withdrawal or loan from my retirement plan?

These are extraordinary times, which call for extraordinary measures. Avoid tapping this resource, especially if you were already not saving enough for retirement. Read more

What should I do if my company cuts its matching contribution?

Nothing. If you’re already contributing, don’t change a thing. The match is a bonus. In fact, if you can afford it, increase your own contributions to make up for the lost employer match. Read more

How does the Cares Act impact my 2020 Required Minimum Distribution or RMD?

You are required by law to take withdrawals from your IRA, SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA or retirement plan such as a 401(k) once you reach the age of 72. Read more

What is the U.S. Repatriation Program?

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is coordinating closely with the Department of State (DOS), following DOS’ March 19, 2020 Global Level 4 Health Advisory to American citizens living, traveling, and working overseas. Read More..

Who administers this program?

The Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response (OHSEPR) within the Administration for Children and Families Read More..

Who is eligible for this program?

Eligible repatriates are U.S. citizens or their dependents identified by DOS as having returned or been brought from a foreign country to the United States Read More..

What services are available to eligible U.S. citizens and their dependents upon arrival in the United States?

Temporary assistance is defined by Section 1113 of the Social Security Act as money payments, medical care, temporary billeting Read More..

What role do states play during an emergency repatriation incident?

When activated by OHSEPR for an emergency repatriation incident, a state will execute Read More..

How does ACF identify ports of entry?

ACF considers various factors specific to the incident when selecting ports of entry. Read More..

When will OHSEPR provide information to activated states regarding the number of private U.S. citizens and dependents evacuated by DOS for a specific incident?

OHSEPR will provide information to the activated Read More..

Where can I find information that can be shared with state government officials?

Please review OHSEPR’s website for the most current information available. Public messaging will be shared via Twitter @ACF_OHSEPR and @ACFHHS. Read More..

Where can I find the most updated repatriation forms and guidance?

Repatriation forms and guidance can be found in the OHSEPR Resources library. OHSEPR is currently updating the national guidance for emergency repatriation; Read More…

Is technical assistance be available to states to discuss program questions?

ACF will provide technical assistance and support. For additional assistance, please contact Read More…

who are the Various Customer of Farm Credit?

Farm Credit supports rural communities and agriculture by providing reliable, consistent credit and financial services in good times and bad. Read more…

For Details of particular state

Choose a state to learn more about our mission and hear stories from across the country. Readmore

what is the community Engagement for Farm Credit?

Engaging with the communities we serve is an important part of Farm Credit’s mission. We are passionate about rural communities and agriculture. Read more…

who are the Investors?

As the Farm Credit System’s fiscal and disclosure agent, the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation is responsible for issuing and marketing debt securities to finance Farm Credit’s loans Read more…

what are the issues faced by the farm credit?

Farm Credit’s legislative priorities reflect its strong and steadfast support for rural communities and agriculture. Whether it is time to pass a new Farm Bill Read more..

what are the new announcemnets or news made by Farm Credit?

This second blog post in the series “Farm Credit COVID-19 Response,” highlights how Farm Credit institutions Farm Credit institutions have worked tirelessly to help customers access critical emergency funds in the face of COVID-19. Read more…

Inorder to Find a Lender?

Farm Credit’s 72 lending institutions serve every county in the United States and Puerto Rico. Enter your zip code, or your state and county, to find a lender near you. Read more..

What are the various development agencies in USA?(EDA-Economic Development Agencies)

Association of University Research Parks , International Economic Development Council (IEDC) , National Association of Counties , National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) , Association of Defense Communities Click here to see more development agencies

How do I contact these agencies?

As the only federal government agency focused exclusively on economic development, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) plays a critical role in facilitating regional economic development efforts in communities across the nation.

What are the various programs under EDA?

Public Works, Economic Adjustment, Planning, Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms Click here for more agencies

What is EDA and how would it help me?

EDA works directly with communities and regions to help them build the capacity for economic development based on local business conditions and needs. EDA’s grant investments in planning, technical assistance, and infrastructure construction are designed to leverage existing regional assets to support the implementation of economic development strategies that make it easier for businesses to start and grow. Read more…

What types of events are not eligible to apply?

The only way to stay in the US for more than 90 days is to obtain a B1/B2 visa, which will allow you to stay up to 6 months. However in general the US is relatively strict regarding granting B1/B2 visas to people who are otherwise eligible to use the Visa Waiver Program (which allows for stays up to 90 days) … Read More

What are eligible TEP costs?

Tucson Electric Power offers four unique plans that give residential and small commercial customers the ability to reduce their bills by changing their energy usage habits. With these pricing plans, you can choose to save energy and lower your bill. read More

Can I apply to the TEP if I am already receiving a grant from the Province for my event?

The Ministry of Tourism Arts and Culture’s top priority is protecting the health and safety of people in B.C. We recognize the immense and unprecedented impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the province’s tourism sector, including impacts to funded Tourism Events Program projects. Read More

What are ineligible TEP costs?

Events may not be primarily commercial or academic in nature (e.g., consumer shows, symposia, conventions, meetings and conferences, seminars and clinics, educational competitions etc.); however, ancillary events/festivals created to coincide with these examples may be eligible. Read More

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Along with other federal, state, and local agencies and public health officials across the country, the FDA continues critical work to protect public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find the most recent FDA updates on our Coronavirus Disease 2019 page.

Can I send all my attachments in a zip file?

Gmail attachments can be a great way to share information. If you need to send an original document or image, you’ll probably want to attach those files directly to a Gmail message, and send them off quickly. Read More

Administration for children and families

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is a division of the Department of Health & Human Services. Read more

Child care covid-19 Resources

Below are resources regarding COVID-19. Read more

How to apply for a grant?

For more information on available funding opportunities, please visit the Funding Opportunity Announcements page. In order to apply for a grant, you and/or your organization must complete the Grants.gov registration process. Read more

About child support professionals

OCSE partners with state, tribal and local child support agencies and others to encourage parental responsibility so that children receive financial, emotional, and medical support from both parents, even when they live in separate households. We promote effective child support enforcement tools coupled with quality customer service. Read more

What is children’s bureau?

The Children’s Bureau (CB) focuses on improving the lives of children and families through programs that reduce child abuse and neglect, increase the number of adoptions, and strengthen foster care. Read more

What is child support enforcement?

The Office of Child Support Enforcement assures that support (both financial and medical) is available to children through locating parents, establishing paternity, identifying support obligations, and enforcing those obligations. Read more

What is child support incentive program?

OCSE is the federal government agency that oversees the national child support program.
Read more

Can I work in U.S while waiting for my green card?

A common way to work temporarily in the United States as a nonimmigrant is for a prospective employer to file a petition with USCIS on your behalf.If you have the right combination of skills, education, and/or work experience, you may be able to live and work permanently in the United States by seeking an employment-based immigrant visa.Read more

How to get green card through family?

In order to apply for a Green Card, you must be eligible under one of the categories listed below.Read more

What is lawfull permanent resident?

Lawful permanent residents (LPRs), also known as “green card” holders, are non-citizens who are lawfully authorized to live permanently within the United States. LPRs may accept an offer of employment without special restrictions, own property, receive financial assistance at public colleges and universities, and join the Armed Forces.Read more

What is conditional permanent resident?

A conditional permanent resident receives a Green Card valid for 2 years. In order to remain a permanent resident, a conditional permanent resident must file a petition to remove the condition during the 90 days before the card expires. The conditional card cannot be renewed.Read more

What types of visas are available for people to come to the US?

There are more than 20 nonimmigrant visa types for people traveling to the United States temporarily. There are many more types of immigrant visas for those coming to live permanently in the United States. The type of Visa you need is determined by the purpose of your intended travel.Read more

My visa expires in 5 years,what does this mean?

A visa must be valid at the time a traveler seeks admission to the United States, but the expiration date of the visa (validity period/length of time the visa can be used) has no relation to the length of time a temporary visitor may be authorized by the Department of Homeland Security to remain in the United States.Read more

My visa application has been refused. Why can’t I get my money back?

The fee that you paid is an application fee. Everyone who applies for a U.S. visa anywhere in the world must pay this fee, which covers the cost of processing your application. This fee is non-refundable regardless of whether you are issued a visa or not, since your application was processed to conclusion.Read more

How to Apply for U.S. Citizenship?

Becoming a citizen through naturalization is a process in which a non-U.S. citizen voluntarily becomes an American citizen. U.S. citizens: readmore

Renounce or Lose Your U.S. Citizenship

You might lose your U.S. citizenship in specific cases, including if you: readmore

U.S. Citizenship for People Born Abroad or in U.S. Territories

You are a U.S. citizen if:rreadmore

Dual Citizenship or Nationality

Section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that “the term ‘national of the United States’ means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, readmore

Infographic: Pathway to Citizenship Steps

This infographic provides a step-by-step guide on the naturalization process for a person to become a U.S. citizen.readmore

U.S. Citizenship through Naturalization

Becoming a citizen through naturalization is a process in which a non-U.S. citizen voluntarily becomes an American citizen. U.S. citizens: readmore

Establish Citizenship Without a Birth Certificate

If you were born in the U.S. and there is no birth certificate on file, you will need several different documents to prove your citizenship: readmore

What is Green card eligibility?

In order to apply for a Green Card, you must be eligible under one of the categories listed below. Once you find the category that may fit your situation, click on the link provided to get information on eligibility requirements, how to apply, and whether your family members can also apply with you. Read more

How to apply for Green card?

Before starting the application process, there are two questions that you should answer first: Read more

How to replace your Green card?

The following sections will help you learn more about replacing your Green Card. Read more

How to check your Green card status?

Use this tool to track the status of an immigration application, petition, or request. Read more

How to report immigration scams?

Have you been a victim of an immigration services scam, and need to find help? You can always report scams to the Federal Trade Commission. In the accordion below, we’ve included information on where to report scams in your state, as well as links to the laws that protect you as a consumer. Read more

How to get a Green card?

A Green Card holder (permanent resident) is someone who has been granted authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. Read more

How to apply for PR travel document?

Permanent residents are free to travel outside the United States, and temporary or brief travel usually does not affect your permanent resident status. To travel to a foreign country, you will need to present a passport and your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card). Read more

How to get Green Card For Family Members Of A Permanent Resident?

To promote family unity, immigration law allows lawful permanent residents of the United States (Green Card holders or LPRs) to petition for certain eligible family members to obtain immigrant visas to come and live permanently in the United States or to adjust their status to LPRs if they are currently living in the United States. Read more

How to become a Lawful Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder) Through A Job Offer?

You may be eligible to become a lawful permanent resident based on an offer of permanent employment in the United States. Read more


What is the Travel Advisory given during COVID?
How to apply for Curfew e-pass by state during Lockdown?

The e-pass will only be issued to those performing what is classified as essential work – healthcare work, the supply and distribution of food and medical supplies, police and fire services, security forces, courier services, providers of utility services such as electricity and water, supply and distribution of animal feed…

Read more…

What are the conditions for Interstate travel during COVID?

Dos and Don’ts shall be provided along with tickets to the travellers by the agencies concerned.

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What are the Travel and Visa restrictions for due to COVID?

All regular (sticker) Visas/e-Visa (including VoA for Japan and South Korea) granted to nationals of Italy, Iran, South Korea, Japan and issued on or before 03.03.2020 and who have not yet entered India, stand suspended with immediate effect. Such foreign nationals may not enter India from any Air, Land or Seaport ICPs. Those requiring to travel to India due to compelling reasons, may seek fresh visa from nearest Indian Embassy/Consulate.
Regular (sticker) visa / e-Visa granted to nationals of Peoples Republic of China, issued on or before 05.02.2020 were suspended earlier. It shall remain in force. Such Chinese nationals may not enter India from any Air, Land or Seaport ICPs. Those needing to travel to India under compelling circumstances may apply for fresh visa to nearest Indian Embassy/Consulate.
Regular (sticker) visas/e-Visas granted to all foreign nationals who have travelled to Peoples Republic of China, Iran, Italy, South Korea and Japan on or after 01.02.2020, and who have not yet entered India stand suspended with immediate effect. Such foreign nationals may not enter India from any Air, Land or Seaport ICPs. Those requiring to travel to India under compelling circumstances may apply for fresh visa to nearest Indian Embassy/Consulate.
Diplomats, officials of UN and other International bodies, OCI cardholders and Aircrew from above countries are exempted from such restriction on entry. However, their medical screening is compulsory.
All foreign and Indian nationals entering into India from any port are required to furnish duly filled self declaration form (including personal particulars i.e. phone no. and address in India) and travel history, to Health officials and Immigration officials at all port.
Passengers (foreign and Indian) other than those restricted, arriving directly or indirectly from China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan must undergo medical screening at port of entry.

How is Amazon delivering products during lockdown?

Amazon India, one of the leading ecommerce marketplaces in the country has enhanced its partnership with the Indian Railways to transport consignments via rail across the country.

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Are Dabbas and Truck repair shops opened during COVID?

Yes, Dhabas/Truck repair shops opened during COVID-19.
Read more…

How are mini buses disinfected to prevent the spread of COVID?

In a press note, Transport Commissioner A. S. Sivakumar said as the general population was using public transport vehicles like PRTC buses, stage carriage buses, contract carriages (minibuses), tourist buses, minivans, tourist taxis and autorickshaws for their daily transportation needs, it was necessary to prevent spread of corona virus in public transport vehicles.
Accordingly all owners/operators of public transport vehicles including PRTC buses were advised to clean/disinfect their vehicles thoroughly on daily basis so as to avoid the spreading of the viral infection through such vehicles.

What is the standard operating procedure for transporting a suspect or a confirmed case of COVID?

Corona Virus is a highly transmissible disease and hence precautions need to be taken while transporting a suspected or confirmed case. A set number of ambulances must be set aside specifically got transporting COVID-19 patients. Currently, there are two types of ambulances, ALS and BLS, with and without ventilators respectively. Ambulance staff (technicians as well as drivers) should be trained and oriented about common signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Both the EMT and driver of the ambulance must wear PPE while handling, managing and transporting the COVID identified/ suspect patients. The patient and attendant should be provided with a triple-layer mask and gloves. All surfaces that may have come in contact with the patient or materials contaminated during patient care should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using 1% Sodium Hypochlorite solution. The reusable patient care equipment must be disinfected with an alcohol-based rub. All surfaces and equipment should be cleaned in the morning, evening and after every use with soap/detergent and water.
Read More…

What are the post lockdown conditions for bus operations?

The COVID-19 outbreak has posed unprecedented challenges for public bus users and service providers. To help build their resilience during this pandemic, ITDP India Programme has prepared a simple step-by-step guidelines document for the public bus service providers in India– providing recommendations to ensure the smooth and safe functioning of our city bus services.

Read more…

does india facilitate to foreigners who stuck in india during lockdown

As per their estimates, around 30,000 international visitors stranded in various parts of the country, have returned to their home countries by now through several rescue flights operating from key airports.
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Are infants/children who hold foreign passports with OCI cards but parents is Indian allowed?

Indians are strongly advised to avoid non essential travel to Corona Virus affected countries. On their return to India from affected countries China, Republic of Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain, France and Germany they will be mandatorily quarantined.
Read More…

Whether OCI Card holders after obtaining fresh visa coming from/visited Republic of Korea and Italy require COVID-19 Negative Certificates?

YES, OCI Card holders after obtaining fresh visa coming from/visited Republic of Korea and Italy require COVID-19 Negative Certificates No airline will bring any passenger from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany etc.

Read More…

Are Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives passport holders allowed?

Nepal and Bhutan nationals are allowed. Maldives nationals would require visa. … Only those foreigners who have RC/RP/Stay Visa w.r.t. Employment/ Project Visas.

Read More….

Whether Employment and project visa holders allowed from restricted countries?

As number of positive cases of coronavirus rises to 151 in the country, Ministry of Home Affairs has released a document with 30 questions and answers, addressing queries on travel and Visa restrictions.
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Whether they will be quarantined upon arrival in India (quarantined for 14 days)?

Air travel is set to resume from Monday across the country and many of the states have opted to set their own rules instead of following the Centre’s guidelines for departing and disembarking passengers.

Read More…

Can foreigners who are currently in India extend their visas before expiry?

India visa extension is necessary for anyone wishing to overstay their India visa validity. Without visa extension, foreigners’ overstaying is illegal and they will face legal consequences like being fined, deported, and banned from entering India in the future.
Read more…

did india started exporting farm products

India has started export of major farm products such as rice, meat, dairy and processed food items after the government stepped in to resolve the issues related to transportation and packaging in the wake of COVID-19 lockdown.

why is Family health Insurance neccessary?

A single health Insurance for you and your family !. It offers financial assistance against hospitalizationamd any health emergencyfor both you and your family.Read more.

Is it possible to consider a plan with wide network of Hospital?

Yes, it is possible to consider a plan with wide network of hospital .In this case there are two scenarios are: Planned Hospitalization and In case of emergency . Read more

Medical Insurance

Medical Insurance provides coverage against the hospitalization expenses related to your treatment.Under the same ,the person gets the required coverage in the form of cashless benefits or reimbursement.Read more

Is headache a symptom of the coronavirus disease?

The virus can cause a range of symptoms, from ranging from mild illness to pneumonia. Symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, sore throat and headaches. In severe cases difficulty in breathing and deaths can occur.Read more

What are the guidance for international arrival?

Before boarding, all travellers shall give an undertaking that they would undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days – 7 days paid institutional quarantine at their own cost, followed by 7 days isolation at home with self-monitoring of health.Read more

Delievery of Perinatal Care in India: priorities and policies

In India a large proportion of perinatal deaths are preventable. High fetal and childhood mortality adversely affect the acceptance of family planning (7). Therefore, perinatal care is important for India and must form an integral part of national goals of “health for all” by 2000 AD.Read more

Care during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time full of excitement and anticipation. But for expectant mothers facing the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), fear, anxiety and uncertainty are clouding this otherwise happy time.Read more

Maternal and Infant Health services

Maternal mortality is considered a key health indicator and the direct causes of maternal deaths are well known and largely preventable and treatable.he Government of India has been focusing on initiatives to improve maternal health indicators. Much progress has been made in ending preventable maternal deaths in the past two decades. Read more

Postpartum Depression

Mothers with postpartum depression can usually continue to breastfeed. Healthcare providers should work with mothers to ensure they receive appropriate treatment, support, and medications that are safe to use while breastfeeding.read more

Pregnant mothers and babies born during COVID-19 pandemic threatened by strained health systems and disruptions in services

New mothers and newborns will be greeted by harsh realities, UNICEF said, including global containment measures such as lockdowns and curfews; health centres overwhelmed with response efforts; supply and equipment shortages; and a lack of sufficient skilled birth attendants as health workers, including midwives, are redeployed to treat COVID-19 patients.Read more

Breastfeeding – Instructional Video

Good attachment will help a baby get more milk and make breastfeeding more comfortable. This video shows why good attachment is so important to breastfeeding success and what a mother can do to deeply attach her baby to her breast.Read more

How doctors, nurses in India are treating Coronavirus patients amid lack of protective gears?

Doctors are in the frontline of the battle against coronavirus pandemic which has now affected close to 5,000 in India and has claimed 149 lives.Covid 19 is highly infectious and thus to treat the patients, doctors and para-medical staff has to wear Personal Protection Equipment or PPE which comprises of protective clothing, goggles, gloves etc. Read more

How many doctors and nurses have tested positive for coronavirus in India?
What was said by Health Ministry about Recovery rate?

The Ministry, however, maintained that this improved recovery rate should not allow complacency to set in.Read more

How does Indian IT helps global healthcare firms fight Covid-19?

Indian IT services providers are playing an important role in helping healthcare and pharmaceutical companies fight the Covid-19 pandemic globally.hey are using predictive analytics, creating Covid-19 response teams and accelerating drug trials, to name a few ways in which they are playing a critical role at the backend.Read more

How to provide care for the caregiver?

The person in the wings is often overworked to the extent that daily stressors add up to put huge pressure on their minds and bodies.Read more.

what happens if mother or child diagnosed with covid-19?

The state Hospital, which has designated wards for COVID-19 patients, follows the guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) when it comes to handling cases where mothers or young children who are dependent on caregivers, are diagnosed with COVID-19.Read more

5 Things Every Caregiver in India Should Know
what do skills to be caregiver?
what are the do’s and dont’s of caregiver?

Dos for caregivers:Wash hands before helping the older individuals,Cover nose and mouth adequately using a tissue or clothwhile attending on the senior citizen. Don’ts for caregivers : Do not go near senior citizens if you are suffering from fever, cough, breathing difficulty.Read more

Private Seniors’ Housing and Care
Living arrangements of seniors

In India, the notion of kinship ties for support through the life course is central to everyday life. It stipulates that it is the duty of a child- particularly a male child- to provide parental support in their old age, traditionally in the form of coresidence.Read more

Outbreaks at seniors’ homes linked to almost half of COVID-19

Outbreaks at seniors’ homes have caused hundreds of deaths across India, close to half the COVID-19-related fatalities in the country,Read more

Costs of Senior Care
Guide to Seniors Housing in India
Private seniors’ residences

Citizens aged above 60 years and especially those with medical conditions are particularly susceptible to nfections during Covid times. The ministry of social justice and empowerment, along with the ministry of health and family welfare and department of geriatric medicine.Read more

When will colleges reopen?

College sessions will begin in August for current students and September for new ones, said by the University Grants Commission. The admission process in universities will also begin from August. Schools and colleges have been closed across the country since last month amid the coronavirus pandemic.

How to deal with stress and anxiety during these trying times?

Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting.Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditateexternal icon. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep. Avoid alcohol and drugsexternal icon.
Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy. Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.

How do I cope with living alone in self-isolation?

Controlling emotions and normalising them by saying to yourself that 80 per cent of COVID-19 infections are mild can reduce sadness, anger, or frustration.Monitoring yourself or being monitored by others for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 is very stressful. During this time, keep yourself occupied with Yoga, indoor games, movies or anything that can divert your mind. Try relaxation techniques like breathing exercises that will help you de-stress and cope with loneliness. Loneliness can lead to health problems, including an impaired immune system. So, sleeping a bit more and hydrating yourself particularly when you feel tired can help you deal with stress, reduce your anxiety and speed up recovery as well.

Will examinations happen for school students?

All the students from I to IX standard are directly promoted without any examination. The students of X standard will be promoted based on the performance in the exams written before the covid 19 situation.

What is the timetable of my board exams?(Different for different boards)
Will I be having online classes?

Amid Covid-19-disrupted academic year, cancelled classes and examinations, the students across india use various application to pursue studies. The teachers take classes virtually through various applications like skype,zoom, whatsapp, microsoft teams etc.

What will be the effect on campus placement?

In the wake of coronavirus outbreak in the country, students who got campus placements are left in a lurch as some companies have begun delaying offers, while some have withdrawn their offers. However, there are other companies that are ready to honour all job offerings.In the light of rising concerns about the COVID-19 spread, many companies have put hold on their placement process. Colleges in India are facing a tough year ahead with disruptions in their campus recruitments as the pandemic affects businesses worldwide. Generally, most business and engineering schools conduct campus placements between December and April every year. While many students have been placed already, some still struggle to find a good job offer.
However, due to the prolonged lockdown to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, few companies are deferring the offers made, while some have withdrawn offers made already. Still, there are companies also that are honouring the offers made to students and will not cut any salary. Let’s read about them below.

How does this effect my plans to study abroad?

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, studying in colleges abroad has almost come to a standstill for Indian students. Overseas education consultants said that uncertainty around resumption of physical classes and fears of re-infection are forcing students to re-think their decision.
Study abroad consultants told Moneycontrol that a revival of activities is possible only January 2021. However, by then, a portion of the academic calendar would be over and not all students are eager to pursue new programmes online.

How was the Indian Universities’ response to the pandemic?

The Indian universities faces severe problems during the pandemic. But they are finding the solutions to that problems. For more info

click here…

Are colleges being used as quarantine wards?

Yes. but not all the colleges are made as quarantine wards. The cities which does not have sufficient quarantine rooms, they request to the colleges and make them as quarantine wards.

How to use Zoom?

First, the user has to create an id for them and sign in . Then download the application from any browser for pc, and from google play for mobile phones. For more details read more..

How to use Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams.nOn Mac, go to the Applications folder and click Microsoft Teams.On mobile, tap the Teams icon.n2)Sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password.Sign in to Microsoft TeamsnPick a team and channel

1) Start Teams.
In Windows, click Start Start button > Microsoft Teams.
On Mac, go to the Applications folder and click Microsoft Teams.On mobile, tap the Teams icon.
2)Sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password.Sign in to Microsoft Teams
Pick a team and channel
For more info, click here

What online resources are available?

NPTEL provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering, Science and humanities streams. The mission of NPTEL is to enhance the quality of Engineering education in the country by providing free online courseware. Read more

How/Where can I find/compare an internet connection?

Top Ten Internet Providers offers high-speed, premiere quality and cost effective internet connectivity for homes, authorizing clients to search the genuine potential of the Internet. Their services are evaluated at competitive rates and are in sync with the latest technology. The products and service offered by Internet Providers in India are both flexible and scalable and ensures clients satisfaction. Read more

Technology driven Systems – Online Education during COVID-19

Large-scale, national efforts to utilize technology in support of remote learning, distance education and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic are emerging and evolving quickly. Read more

How can I apply for PM relief fund for medical treatment?
Educational reforms under aatmanirbhar bharat abhiyan package

The Prime Minister has announced a Rs. 20 lakh crore economic package under the ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan’, to aid our country out of the Coronavirus crisis (by making us self-reliant). This section covers all the relevant Infographics, Videos, PDFs and certain Policy reform initiatives based on the announcements made by Honourable Finance Minister covering the ‘#AatmaNirbharBharatAbhiyaan’, in 5 tranches from 13th May till 17th May, 2020. For more info, click here

What kind of job offers does IIMC provide for students?

IIM-C Director Anju Seth said the institution has taken a host of measures in view of the coronavirus crisis, including changing the academic calendar for various programs. Read more

Does students suffers a lot for not getting government job for 1 year in Haryana?

In a bid to scale up the offense against coronavirus, the Haryana government on Tuesday announced no new jobs in the government sector for the next year Read more

What’s the future of your company?

The ongoing all-India lockdown could be lifted after 21 days or get extended. If the latter happens, the economy will get worse and firms may have to shut shop. Here’s how you can achieve career growth even in a lockdown, as you preprare for things to swing either way. Readmore

Will newly joined IT students will continue to work from home post-lockdown?

More than one million information technology employees are expected to continue to work from home even after the coronavirus-inflicted lockdown


Will many things about jobs could change in the post-lockdown era ?

In the days following the long lockdown and social distancing rules released by the Indian government, employment and the job market is expected to see a brand new normal. Read more

Does covid-19 affect students palcement?

A task force call for placements may be set up in institutes to liaise with various companies to ensure that adequate placement not below the levels of past years may take place in these institutes. Academic calendar of the institutes may be prepared so that students do not lose summer and winter internships. Read more

How COVID-19 Is Impacting Placements?

The highly contagious coronavirus pandemic, which has infected over 2.5 million people worldwide, has had a massive impact on the global economy. Growth rates have plunged, millions have lost jobs and offers made in healthier and happier times are now being reconsidered.Readmore

what are the Impact on Campus Placement Offers?

In the wake of coronavirus outbreak in the country, students who got campus placements are left in a lurch as some companies have begun delaying offers, while some have withdrawn their offers.


What are the rules and regulations regarding Foreigners Registration in India for?

Every foreigner coming to India must have valid Passport and Visa. In order to continue his/her stay in India, it is mandatory for the foreigner to carry documents of his identification as listed: passport with visa endorsed, registration certificate issued by registration office, and residential permit. Read more…

What are the requirements for the extension of VISA?

Foreigners must submit application for extension of residential permit / visa at least 60 days before the date of expiry of respective residential permit/visa .. Read more

What are the different visa options for international students in India?

India has several requirements for obtaining a student visa however they do not require proof of insurance for a student visa. International students should still purchase health insurance, however to protect them in case something happens. Read more

How was the Indian Universities’ response to the pandemic?

There have been no comparable breakthroughs from Indian universities, and to the extent that studies on India have been done, most have been carried out by scholars based in foreign universities rather than those working in Indian universities. Read more…

Whether they can go out of India and return back?

India has a list of countries in which they do not let people come in. If the person decides to travel to one of those countries, they will not be able to come back. Foreigners currently in India can extend their Visa. Read more…

What are restrictions on international students travelling back to India?

If the students are trying to return to India from one of the banned countries they will not be able to do so. Foreigners in India are advised to apply for an extention of Visa instead of travelling. Read more…

Travel and visa restrictions related to covid 19

People with regular Visa from the banned countries are not allowed to enter India. If there is an emergency and they need to visit the country, they need to get a new Visa from the nearest Indian Embassy. Restrictions do not apply to OCI cardholders and Aircrew from abroad but they have to go through a compulsary screening. Read more….

What are red zones? Are these are same as ‘Hotspot’?

Red, orange, green zone state-wise list: The Union Health Ministry has placed 130 districts across the country in the red zone, 284 in orange zone and 319 in green zones. Read More

Which are classied as Orange Zone?

The states will not be allowed to relax the zonal classification of districts classified as red and orange zone. However, the states can designate additional red and orange zones. Read More

When does a district make it to green form red zone?

The health ministry provided a formula on the basis of which an area can be declared as a red zone depending on the number of containment zones or clusters in it. READ MORE

Can public transport will be available in red zone?

As per sources, auto-rickshaw and taxis may also be allowed in Red zones with restrictions on the number of passengers. However, these too will only be allowed in non-containment areas. Read More

Can I go to office in red zone?

Essential government departments and other services are permitted to function, following the COVID-19 prevention rules. Read More

I live in red zone. Does it mean I cannot come out of my house?

Movement of people for all non-essential activities is prohibited between 7pm and 7am in all three zones. It’s not applicable to containment zones, which are earmarked pockets inside red and orange zones, because of stricter guidelines Read More

Is red zone and containment zones are equal?

Red Zones are areas with a substantial number of COVID-19 positive cases. Red Zones are where the highest number caseload districts contribute to more than 80 per cent of coronavirus cases for each state in the country or districts with a doubling rate of fewer than four days.. READ MORE

Where can i find the list of hotspot districts?

Detailing the govt’s plan to contain local outbreak of coronavirus, Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, MoHFW, underlined that the affected areas have been divided into two zones- Containment zone and Buffer Zone.

How to attain financial stability during COVID 19?

COVID-19 has spread across the globe and claimed thousands of lives. Uncertainty in markets, the declining economy, and rising unemployment have created restlessness in public.Read more

Banks in india decision on mortage payment dereferal

After reports of borrowers still getting SMSes that their EMI is due from their lending banks, even after the RBI had advised lending institutions to offer three month moratorium on repayment of all term loans, some public sector banks have announced the offer of the moratorium to customers via their Twitter handles.Read more


Yes, Bank has allowed moratorium period on the Instalment + Interest for TL(including Non-EMI/EMI/Bullet Payment Loans/Credit Card Dues) and interest in case of working capital facilities. It is for All commercial banks (including regional rural banks, small finance banks andlocal area banks), co-operative banks, all-India Financial Institutions, and NBFCs (including housing finance companies and micro-finance institutions). For more info click here

RBI’s 3-month moratorium

With the government extending the nationwide lockdown up to May 31, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is likely to extend the moratorium on repayment of loans for three more months, according to an SBI research report.Read more

How can I derefer my SBI loan?

The bank is also proactively reaching out to all of its eligible loan customers to obtain their consent to stop their Standing Instructions (SI) /NACH mandate for the EMIs falling due from 01.06.2020 to 31.08.2020. For this, the bank has simplified the process of stopping the EMIs by initiating a SMS communication to all eligible customers to stop EMIs.Read more

List of Banks giving Moratorium

While some banks and non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) are asking their borrowers if they want to avail the loan repayment 3-month moratorium, others are automatically ‘opting-in’ their borrowers for taking the loan moratorium.Read more

Should I opt for the Moratorium on Loan repayment?

If you are experiencing a liquidity cruch, please opt for a moratorium because it allows a borrower to defer a loan instalment by three months. In other case, you should opt for a loan repayment. Read More

RBI financial FAQ

India’s lenders have begun offering moratoriums on loan repayments, as a relief to borrowers who have been hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. On March 27, the Reserve Bank of India had permitted all bank and non-bank entities to defer, by three months, the collection of equated monthly instalments on all term loans outstanding on March 1.
The details of the package have now started to emerge on banks’ websites, and it’s not all black and white. There are catches if you opt for the moratorium. The frequently asked questions related to the scheme read more

What about Mortgages in India?

The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) move would make additional liquidity available to non-banking finance companies (NBFC), which have a significant share in overall credit disbursement but are struggling to raise funds cheaply after the IL&FS defaults.
Read more

What is today’s mortgage home rates in India?

Compare the lowest home loan interest rates starting from 7.25% p.a. and apply for the best home loan. Get the complete list of current housing loan rate of interest in India from all leading banks and financial institutions. Read more

How to choose best mortgage for you?

Unless you can buy your home entirely in cash, finding the right property is only half the battle. The other half is choosing the best type of mortgage. Read more

Does Private mortgage insurance vary by lender?

PMI allows buyers to own a home much sooner, capitalize on home appreciation, and avoid rising rents. In turn, lenders can approve a mortgage at well below the 20% down mark. Thanks to PMI, buyers can own a home sooner. The four types of mortgage insurance does not include those offered with government-backed loans such as FHA MIP, or “mortgage insurance premium.” Rather, these are private mortgage insurance types which are issued with conventional loans, and they come in four varieties:
Borrower-paid (BPMI)
Lender-paid (LPMI)
Single premium
Split premium
Each type comes with its own advantages that suit various situations. Choosing the right one can put you in an ideal home buying position.

Comparision between Private mortgage insurance and mortgage insurance

Private mortgage insurance is an insurance policy used in conventional loans that protects lenders from the risk of default and foreclosure and allows buyers who cannot make a significant down payment (or those who choose not to) to obtain mortgage financing at affordable rates. If you purchase a home and put down less than 20 percent, your lender will minimize its risk by requiring you to buy insurance from a PMI company prior to signing off on the loan. KEY TAKEAWAYS:
If you purchase a home and put down less than 20 percent, your lender will minimize its risk by requiring you to buy insurance from a PMI company prior to signing off on the loan.
Mortgage insurance premium is an insurance policy used in FHA loans if your down payment is less than 20 percent.
There are different rules if your FHA loan originated after June 2013.

Is private mortgage money lending legal in India?

Most loans are made with close friends and relatives on a handshake, but that may not be enough to make it legally collectable. Agreements regarding certain amounts of money or that have repayment terms that exceed a certain period of time must be in writing or will run afoul of the statute of frauds. The statute of frauds mandates that certain agreements must be in writing or they are unenforceable. As a result, a handshake agreement with a friend or relative that is not in writing could lead to an inability to legally enforce the agreement for repayment. Another consideration is the tax consequence of a loan. If you receive interest from the loan, that is income and must be claimed on your taxes. If you do not get repaid, the money might be considered a gift to the other person, and both you and they may have to account for it in your taxes if over a certain dollar amount threshold. Another forbidden practice in many jurisdictions is the penalty clause. Most jurisdictions will allow for the collection of liquidated damages in contracts, but not penalties. Liquidated damages are sums agreed upon in advance meant to compensate one party for a breach by the other in situations where damages would be hard to predict or quantify. But penalties, on the other hand, are arbitrary and usually designed to be punitive in nature (i.e., they punish the breaching party for the breach). So provisions that say something like “breach of this agreement will result in the payment of a penalty of $___” will generally be unenforceable.

What is mortgage Insurance in India?

Private Mortgage Insurance is a mortgage life insurance product that’s designed to protect the borrower from the lender in case there is a default. This would generally cover a large portion of the capital borrowed. Private insurance companies offer this kind of insurance products. Mortgage Insurance Premium is a mortgage life insurance product that protects the lender in case the borrower does not pay the amount because of some unfortunate event. These life insurance products are usually government insurance products. The first reason that all home buyers should consider purchasing mortgage insurance is the safety factor. Also you will be able to purchase a home with less than 20% down. When you get yourself a Mortgage Insurance, the risk that your lender takes on is lowered because there is more assurance that their money will be paid back. This means that you can qualify for a higher loan than you would normally be able to get.

What are the requirements for mortgage loan?

Documents Required for Mortgage Loan. Read more

Am I eligible for a mortgage loan?
What is the difference between pre-qualified and pre-approved?

You’ve probably heard that you should pre-qualify or be pre-approved for a mortgage if you’re looking to buy property. These are two key steps in the mortgage application process. Some people use the terms interchangeably, but there are important differences that every homebuyer should understand. Read more

What to do if you can’t pay the loan EMI?

It’s your legal and moral obligation to repay your debts including home loans but what are your options if you find yourself in a tight spot, unable to repay your dues? Read more

Who are the top 5 mortgage lenders?

You can avail a home loan from banks or a non-banking finance companies (NBFCs). Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) are a part of NBFCs. You can choose between a bank or an HFC by comparing tenure, interest rate, and processing fees offered by them. Let’s take a look at some of the top housing finance companies in the country. Read more

How to choose best mortgage for you?

Unless you can buy your home entirely in cash, finding the right property is only half the battle. The other half is choosing the best type of mortgage. As you’ll likely be paying back your mortgage over a long period of time, it’s important to find a loan that meets your needs and budget. Read more

How to apply for mortgage loan?

You can easily apply for a Bajaj Finserv Mortgage Loan through a simple online process. Here’s what you need to do: Read more

How to qualify for an Indian home loan if you’re not a citizen?

Owning a home for most of us is a matter of comfort, pride and status. And for those Indians living abroad, buying a home in India is about staying connected to their roots and having a sense of belonging to their native land. Read more

What can be for OCI card holders stranded abroad?

The central government on Friday allowed certain categories of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders, who are stranded abroad, to come to the country. Read more

How will the Shramik special trains operate?

With an increase in demand for non-AC coaches, the Indian Railways has decided to reconfigure some of its COVID-19 isolation coaches and use it for Shramik Special trains. Read more

How are Mumbai slums dealt with respect to Covid19?

In Mumbai slums like Dharavi, which is Asia’s largest, social distancing is nearly impossible. In response, the state government had said it would conduct a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine on slum residents. Read more

What are the guidelines for home isolation of very mild/ pre-symptomatic cases?

The guidelines are in addition to the guidelines on appropriate management of suspect/confirmed case
of COVID-19 issued by MoHFW on 7th April, 2020. Read More..

What are the guidelines issued for the stranded workers, students etc?

The Home Ministry said that it has issued an order to state and Union Territories to facilitate inter-state movement of stranded people including migrant labourers in the country.
Read More..

How can nurses help to limit the spread of COVID-19 at their home?

India’s Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan in April said he valued the guidance and contributions made by the WHO in containing the spread of COVID-19 across the country.Readmore

Is there any insurance scheme from government for nurses fighting COVID-19?

The government today approved the insurance scheme for health workers fighting the novel coronavirus Readmore

Why is there a shortage of nurses in India?

In any health system, the health worker determines the nature and quality of services provided. Data demonstrate that most health systems across the globe face nursing shortages, varying across regions and rural-urban distribution. Readmore

What is the role of ANM to control COVID-19?

In normal times, India’s million plus army of anganwadi workers leads the country’s war against undernutrition. Today, these women have joined another battle – the battle against COVID-19 Readmore

What do nurses need to know about Coronavirus?

The timeline of the virus has been accelerating at a frightening rate—per NPR, the U.S. now has 15 confirmed cases, along with 45 Americans who were infected while onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship or on flights from Asia. Readmore

How many doctors and nurses have tested positive for coronavirus in India?

At least 96 doctors and 156 nurses have tested positive for COVID-19 across India as of April 22. As most of these infections were transmitted by patients in a hospital environment, at least 826 medical workers who came in contact with the infected personnel had to be quarantined and at least 20 hospitals had to be fully or partially closed. Maharashtra accounted for close to 42% of infected doctors, 70.5% of infected nurses and 84% of infected medical workers (does not include administrative staff). Readmore

How are nursing students a part of Hospital management during COVID-19?

The hospital may be divided into 3 broad zones; i) non covid area, ii) covid area looking after patients with mild to moderate illness and iii) critical area like the ICU. In addition a triage area needs to be developed in the emergency where patients with acute severe respiratory illness will be coming. Read more

What is the constitutional and legal framework for the management of epidemics and health emergencies?

Both the union government and the state governments are constitutionally empowered to legislate on matters related to public health. The union law deals with port quarantine, including in connection with seamen’s and marine hospitals, and interstate quarantine. State legislatures may provide for matters relating to public health and sanitation, hospitals, dispensaries, and prevention of animal diseases. Read more…

What measures has the government taken to contain the virus?

On March 11, 2020, the GOM decided that the MoHFW should advise all state and union territories to invoke section 2 of the Epidemic Disease Act, 1897, so that all advisories being issued by the MoHFW, the states and union territories, are enforceable. On the same day, the union government invoked section 69 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, to delegate powers of the Home Secretary, who is chairman of the National Executive Committee (NEC), which is a coordinating and monitoring body for disaster management, to the secretary of the MoHFW. Read more…

How to put on use take off and dispose of a mask?

1. Remember, a mask should only be used by health workers, care takers, and individuals with respiratory symptoms, such as fever and cough.
2. Before touching the mask, clean hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
3. Take the mask and inspect it for tears or holes.
4. Orient which side is the top side (where the metal strip is).
5. Ensure the proper side of the mask faces outwards (the coloured side).
6. Place the mask to your face. Pinch the metal strip or stiff edge of the mask so it moulds to the shape of your nose.
7. Pull down the mask’s bottom so it covers your mouth and your chin.
8. After use, take off the mask; remove the elastic loops from behind the ears while keeping the mask away from your face and clothes, to avoid touching potentially contaminated surfaces of the mask.
9. Discard the mask in a closed bin immediately after use.
10. Perform hand hygiene after touching or discarding the mask – Use alcohol-based hand rub or, if visibly soiled, wash your hands with soap and water.

I am a Doctor and what to volunteer. How can I do it?

The Government of India requests for volunteer doctors who are fit and willing to be available for providing their services in the public health facilities and the training hospitals in the near future. We appeal to such doctors to come forward at this hour of need. You could also be a retired government, Armed Forces Medical Services, public sector undertaking or a private doctor. Read more

Can pets or stray animals spread coronavirus infection?

There is no evidence, either from the history of COVID-19 cases around the world or from the genetic evolution history of the virus itself, that there is any scope of pets (or even stray animals) contracting or transmitting the virus to humans. Read more

How can the emergency response personnels be safe when so many are getting infected?

All doctors in outpatient wards have been advised by the gov .. Read more

Can CoVID-19 be caught from a person who has no symptoms?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

What are the vulnerable population programs?

A vulnerable population is a group of people that requires greater protection than normal against the potential risks of participating in research. Vulnerable group simply means the group of people who could easily be harmed physically, mentally or emotionally.

read more

List of COVID-19 Essential Services

This list was developed by Emergency Management BC in consultation with other government ministries and the Provincial Health Officer (PHO). In consultation with the PHO, essential services should and are encouraged to remain open. This list may be updated as government’s response to COVID-19 evolves. read more

The Impact of Change on Vulnerable Populations

At its first organizational meeting, the committee underscored the importance of focusing its attention not only on assessing the future viability of safety net providers but also on how the major trends affecting safety net providers may affect those vulnerable populations traditionally dependent on these providers. read more

Need of Social services providers

Social service programs provided by governments and social services agencies aim to help individuals, families, groups and communities enhance their individual and collective well-being, and to promote equity and opportunity in communities. read More

How will you find people living with health conditions?

Few things impact your life more than a serious health problem. Chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes; cancer; and communicable diseases affect the health of millions of people and cost billions of dollars in medical expenses every year in Missouri. read more

providers of services for people experiencing homelessness

To the extent that homeless people have been able to obtain needed health care services, they have relied on emergency rooms, clinics, hospitals, and other facilities that serve the poor. read more

what are the procedure to followed for getting essential?

This is perfectly allowed provided that you abide by the rules of social isolation. Plan your shopping in the nearby places and limit your movements. And when you do, maintain the basics of social distance.Read more

Food and agriculture related website in india?
Latest news in agriculture

KVIC said that the decision was taken by the Finance Ministry on the initiative of Union Minister for MSME, Nitin Gadkari, who had urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to increase the import duty on bamboo sticks to discourage heavy import and help local industry.readmore

Agriculture related app in india

app Read more

Food and agriculture policy in india

Agriculture is one of the important backbones of Indian economy. Agriculture has special significance for low income, poor and vulnerable sections of rural society.Read more

Agricultural and Processed Food Export Development Authority

The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act passed by the Parliament in December, 1985. readmore

Food processing industry in india

website:Read more

How is the IT market in India?
What are the ways the technology helps during covid 19 pandemic?

Technology cannot prevent the onset of the pandemics; however, it can help prevent the spread, educate, warn, and empower those on the ground to be aware of the situation, and noticeably lessen the impact. Read more

Covid-19 impact on information and Commincatioin technology

The outbreak of Covid-19 has severely impacted the global economy, with disrupting businesses across diverse sectors around the world. The spread of the virus now has led countries into lockdown, fearing the economy of a recession. Read more

Economy of IT company in india

Indian economy and business trend analysis is as follows, Read More

Are there any chances of exemption whatsover for international resource person travel, which is utterly important to the industry?

No, however, in the coming days, non-existence of certified quality systems would probably be treated as a trade barrier not because of any Government regulations but through the customers, Read More..

Who can be contacted for MSME related queries?

Children below 14 years cannot be employed in India.However, there are few exceptions as mentioned below: Read More..

In lockdwn 4, what the guidelines to open industries

Companies should ensure transportation for their workers.
At the offices there should be a series of checkpoints testing can be done.
There should be holding areas for colleagues to ensure that a red flag can be raised if someone’s feeling unwell.
Ensure that there is no crowding in our office spaces, ensure that only 25 or 50% of the workspace is actually occupied.
Read more

State wise list of whats allowed and what not allowed to open in the extended lockdown

Coronavirus Lockdown 5.0 Guidelines: Union Home Minister Amit Shah spoke to chief ministers on Thursday to take stock of the Covid-19 situation on ground, and sought their views on the extension of lockdown beyond May 31. Read More..

For manufacturing industries what restrictions are releaxed?

Manufacturers will have to contend with the constraints of the country being divided into red, orange and green zones, apart from containment areas that are fully sealed. The situation is fluid and zones could change depending on cases. They also have to ensure supplies from vendors can be transported to plants without a hitch and put enough distance between workers.readmore

Which sectors will be crucial post covid period?

The output of eight core infrastructure industries shrank by a record 6.5 per cent in March due to significant dip in production of crude oil, natural gas, fertiliser, steel, cement and electricity amid the coronavirus lockdown. Exports too contracted by a record 34.6 per cent in March on account of the lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak.readmore

Where can i find a list of dhabbas/repair shops open?

Dhabas/Truck repair shops opened during COVID-19

How are stranded people moved through shramik trains?

The Indian Railways on May 1, 2020, began operating ‘Shramik Special’ trains to transport migrant workers, tourists, pilgrims, students and others, who were stranded due to the sudden nationwide lockdown effective March 22, back to their home States. Readmore

What the Ministry of railway’s latest guidelines for Lockdown 4?

Normal passenger trains in the country will continue to remain discontinued till May 31st, while only special passenger trains and ‘Shramik’ special trains that began operating earlier this month, will continue to operate. Readmore

Has the validity of documents (DL’s) etc been extended for covid period?

Validity of all expired transport documents such as driving licence, fitness, permit etc. has been extended until September 30 in the wake of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari intimated in a tweet Readmore

Where can greviences related to transport and highways be addressed?

Contact details of Empowered Officers/ Incharge of Control Room in Ministry of Road Transport and Highways during Lockdown Period:–Read more

What are the guidelines issued nationwide for trucks carrying goods?

Kindly refers to Ministry of home affairs Read more

What is convalescent plasma therapy?

Convalescent plasma treatment involves injecting the COVID-19 patient with convalescent sera of people who recovered from the infection recently. The patient cured of the disease will have antibodies that drive coronavirus away. Read more

Do India approved Plasma Therapy?

The centre has allowed the state to conduct pool testing of samples of suspected coronavirus patients and also approved the use of plasma therapy in treating COVID-19 patients.
He said that the approval was given by Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan during a video-conference meeting with the health ministers and secretaries of all the states. Read more

How long does it take to donate plasma?

The process of donating plasma to treat COVID-19 is not very complex and can be done in just two hours which includes blood testing, reports analysis, the process of extracting blood and then removing plasma from it and putting the remaining blood again in the body.

India orders on COVID 19 survivors about plasma donation?
How Microsoft Plasmabot In india helps to the government?

As countries including India explore plasma therapy to treat severe COVID-19 patients, Microsoft is launching a plasmabot initiative to encourage people who have been recovered from the deadly disease donate their plasma. Several studies have begun in different parts of the world to test effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in treating COVID-19 patients. The idea behind this therapy is that immunity can be transferred from a healthy person to a sick using convalescent plasma. In India, states like Kerala and Gujarat have started Convalescent Plasma Therapy from to treat Covid-19 patients read more.

Overview of Blood Plasma Fractionation in India

The importance of blood is often overlooked, as we forget to acknowledge this crucial fluid pumping through our body. Blood comprises ~55% plasma (to transport nutrients, hormones and proteins), ~44% red blood cells (carrying oxygen) and <1% white blood cells and platelets (containing immune cells and clotting factors). Read more

Procedure of Blood plasma donation in India

The therapy, like blood transfusion, harvests the antibody from a recovered patient and ingest into a sick person. Helped by the antibody, the immune system mounts robust combat on the virus. Read more

Is donating plasma safe?

Generally, plasma donors must be 18 years of age and weigh at least 110 pounds (50kg). All individuals must pass two separate medical examinations, a medical history screening and testing for transmissible viruses, before their donated plasma can be used to manufacture plasma protein therapies. Read more. All individuals must pass two separate medical examinations, a medical history screening and testing for transmissible viruses, before their donated plasma can be used to manufacture plasma protein therapies. Read more

What do you do with my plasma?

Plasma therapy trials have already started in some states like Maharashtra, UP and Madhya Pradesh — though on a very small scale involving only one or a couple of patients. The use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) tablets as a preventive measures or front-line healthcare workers, and on patients and their contact also has started in some states. Read more

How India’s Covid-19 lockdown has worsened the shortages at blood banks?

Due to the covid 19 pandemic, The blood banks are closed and it takes nearly 14-16 days to transfer a blood to the patients. hospitals are making do with fewer staff, and fewer donors are coming forward due to restrictions on people’s movement and the fear of contracting Covid-19 at a hospital or clinic, our reporting found. People do not want to go to blood banks, and especially blood banks within hospitals, because of the fear of getting infected with Covid-19. The lockdown has restricted movement, so regular donors living far from a hospital or blood bank cannot donate, and finding new donors in nearby areas is a challenge. Even when people come, doctors have to be careful about who is donating blood. Donors will have to be asked questions about travel history or contact with anyone who has travelled abroad. for more info click here

Who will be receiving the treatment from Plasma Therapy?

Initially we will try in a small number of patients. At present it is permitted as an experimental therapy for restricted use for severely affected patients only. We will be getting the informed consent before they are recruited. This will be conducted as a clinical trial. COVID clinics of five medical college hospitals will be partnering. Read more

How important plasma protein in India?

India needs about 9,00,000 liters of plasma proteins per year as per WHO estimates. India has been sourcing these proteins from MNCs. 25 percent of the world Hemophilia population lives in India and needs plasma.

Contact details to donate plasma in India?
Hospitals list so that I can donate blood plasma in India
Do I need to come to check up after I donate my blood plasma?

If you’ve been told that your plasma is “cloudy” it could be because you’re eating foods that are fatty; If you’re noticing that your donation time seems to be considerably longer than others around you, it may be due to dehydration. If you’re not drinking enough water throughout your day, it’s going to make your blood “thicker.” When this happens, there is less plasma (the liquid part of your blood) that can be extracted during each donation cycle. This means you’ll have to sit through more cycles in order to extract the pre-determined amount of plasma; Vibrating or Tickling in the Arm During Donation happens when the needle is resting on the side of your vein (on the inside). This can be easily fixed; If you experience any pain in your arm during your donation, let the Phlebotomist know immediately. This can usually be fixed by having them reposition the needle within the vein. However, a sharp, strong pain may be an indication that the vein being used for your donation has “blown” or broken open.

Where can I find details on Indian Red Cross Society Blood Bank details?

The Indian Red Cross is a voluntary humanitarian organization having a network of over 1100 branches throughout the country, providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promotes health & care of the vulnerable people and communities. READ MORE

Where can I find schedule on blood donations camp?

This National Portal is dedicated to information on Blood Transfusion Services and Resources. NBTC is the policy formulating apex body in relation to all matters pertaining to operation of blood centres.read more

Where can I find IRCS COVID19 Daily Bulletin online?

IRCS thanks the benevolent people who are sending messages, e-mails and making phone calls to express their solidarity with us.read more

How to find any blood bank near me?

If you think you have been exposed to novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and have developed any symptoms (cough, fever or difficulty breathing), call the Govt. of India helpline 1075 or the state helpline numbers for assistance.

How can I locate blood donors?

The complete blood count (CBC) is a test that evaluates the cells that circulate in blood. Blood consists of three types of cells suspended in fluid called plasma: white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs), and platelets (PLTs).read more

Where can I check stock availability of blood?

The National Health Mission is India’s flagship health sector programme to revitalize rural and urban health sectors by providing flexible finances to State Governments.

Where can I find schedule on blood donations camp by e-Rakt Kosh Blood Cell NHM?

The National Health Mission is India’s flagship health sector programme to revitalize rural and urban health sectors by providing flexible finances to State Governments. read more

Is there any iOS mobile app for getting in touch with e-Rakt Kosh Blood Cell NHM?

e-Rakt Kosh enforces Drug & Cosmetic Act, National blood policy standards and guidelines ensuring proper collection & donation, effective management and monitoring the quality and quantity of the donated blood. read more

Is there any Microsoft desktop app for getting in touch with e-Rakt Kosh Blood Cell NHM?

e-Rakt Kosh is an initiative to connect, digitize and streamline the work flow of blood banks across the nation read more

Who is eligible?

Most people who plan to have major elective surgery are eligible. The medical staff at the Blood Conservation Program will determine your eligibility based on :General medical condition.The procedure you are schedule to have.The amount of blood usually required for the procedure. Read more

Who can donate blood?

If you are aged between 18 and 60, you can donate blood, irrespective of your gender.Your body should not weigh less than 45 kg. If you are not aware of your blood pressure, don’t worry. At the camps they quickly check whether the blood pressure is at the aceptable level.Read more

Who should not donate?

People suffering from serious ailments should completely refrain themselves from donating blood. These include heart, lung, liver, kidney (Chronic Nephritis), allergic and sexuallly transmitted disease, any type of cancer, tuberculosis, epilepsy, asthma, schizophrenia or endocrine disorder, abnormal bleeding, fainting spells and leprosy or diabetic patients under the control of insulin should not donate blood.Read more

When can you donate blood?

Men can donate blood once in three months; Women can donate once in four months.Read more

No Form is Available in India instead there are Phone numbers to report cases states wise

There are no Forms Available in India instead there are Phone numbers to report cases states wise.Read more

I am living in Delhi. My landlord is forcing me to pay the rent. What will I do?

Covid-19 lockdown: Dial 100 if landlords force you to pay rent in Delhi .Read more

What will the government do against landlords evicting doctors, paramedics over coronavirus?

the government on Wednesday gave power to zonal Deputy Commissioners to take “strict penal action” against landlords who have been forcing doctors and paramedical staff, engaged in fighting the novel coronavirus, to vacate their rented premises. Read more…

what did ministry of home affairs ordered regarding relaxationto the tanent?
Can a tenant be evicted for non-payment of rent during COVID-19?
can landlords demand for a rent during corona lock down?

Do not collect rent for three months, govt. tells landlords Read more

Evicting tenants, demanding rent is illegal during lockdown

Several reports from across Bengaluru point to tenants — migrants, students, young professionals, flight attendants and others — being asked by house owners to vacate their accommodation without prior notice. Read more

To pay rent, or not? Tenant-landlord conflict in the time of Coronavirus

We are witnessing an unprecedented situation, which not only has disrupted all our economic and organisational norms hereto, but also has deeply affected our relationships – both interpersonal and social. Read more

what tanents should do if landlords forces tanent for the rent?
consequences that landlord would bear if they force tanent
which state has issued instructions to landlords and house owners to defer rent collections from tenants for at least three months?

Do not collect rent for three months, govt. tells landlords Read more

I am in Maharashtra. will I need to pay rent during the pandemic?

Maharashtra is the worst-hit state with the highest number of positive cases of Coronavirus. So far, the state has reported over 3200 cases and 194 deaths. Read more

I am a Student studying in chennai. Will I need to pay the rent during the pandemic?

CHENNAI: Following a directive from the Union government, the Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday issued an order warning action against landlords for forcing labourers and students to vacate their premises. Read more

COVID-19: Landlord Forcing You To Pay Rent/Vacate? Here’s What You Can Do?
After Drop In Sales, Will COVID 19 Lead To Eviction Of Retailers From Malls?

Mall leases have ceased to be in the nature of a tenancy agreement. The clauses are no longer limited to availability of the premises, rent, lock-in period, repairs, and exit. Read more

How is india responding to covid 19?

In the last one-week (May 10-17) India added 27,988 Covid-19 positive cases, which is over 20 per cent more than the 22,959 (May 3-10) cases added the previous week, as per the latest statistics of Health Ministry on Sunday. Read more

what are safety measure taken?

Protective measures against the Corona Virus: Maintain minimum social distance Read More

what are awareness program conduct?

The awarness programs conducted by Government of India are, Read More

what is india’s economic plans?

steps India has taken so far to contain economic fallout of Covid-19. Read more

what is helpline number of each state/UT?

The list of the Help Line numbers are listed here. Read More

what is 24X7 helpdesk number?

The government has set up a 24X7 helpline number to attend to queries about the novel coronavirus (nCov) as number of cases rose across the world. Read more

what are rules of lockdown?

On the first day of unlock 1.0, Kerala allowed buses to ply in neighbouring districts with adequate safety measure including wearing masks and using sanitisers. Although the government permitted shootings for films and soap operas, outdoor shoots have not been allowed. Read more

what is do’s and don’t of covid 19?

Protect yourself and others! Follow the Do and Don’ts. Read More

what are methods for increase the health and immunity?

Many products on store shelves claim to boost or support immunity. But the concept of boosting immunity actually makes little sense scientifically. In fact, boosting the number of cells in your body — immune cells or others — is not necessarily a good thing. Read more

what is daily of covid 19?

COVID-19 Dashboard. Read more

What are the number of test cases in India?


What actions are being take by the Government of India to respond to the pandemic?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s order for the country’s 1.3 billion people to stay home, is an escalation of the 07:00 – 21:00 “Janata curfew” introduced on March 22 and Read More..

How to get help form Government for different states about COVID-19?


What are the steps taken by the Government to migrate during Lockdown?

The steps taken by the Government to migrate during Lockdown Read More..

What are the steps to contribute for poor?

Keeping in mind the need for having a dedicated national fund with the primary objective of dealing with any kind of emergency or distress situation, like posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide relief to the affected, a public charitable trust under the name of ‘Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief Read More..

What actions taken by the Government to deliver medicines?

This is a unified platform to bring together key Government stakeholders, industry champions and logistic providers to identify and fill the demand-supply shortages in the supplies required to combat COVID-19. Read More..

How to get updates on COVID 19?

Details of Nodal officer for handling COVID-19 Public grievances pertaining to Ministry of External Affairs: Read More..

What are the steps taken to prevent people facing loss of income?

India announced a Rs 1.7-lakh-crore relief package to take care of poor, workers and those who need immediate help amid a lockdown to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Read More..<

Government e-marketplace

These are some of the steps taken by the Government of India to ensure that businesses keep moving so that we, as a nation can keep walking towards our collective goal of growth, in all the verticals. Read More..

Relief measures by government of India for businesses during covid-19

The global economy has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted most countries across continents. Read More..

What are the recent updates on the coronavirus pandemic?

The World Health Organization on Wednesday said that clinical trials of the drug hydroxychloroquine will resume, having been suspended pending a safety review in the search for coronavirus treatments Read more

What are the India’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented on many counts pertaining to public health, national security, and the global economy. Not since the Spanish Flu of 1918 has a pandemic brought economic powerhouses to such a standstill.Read more

Explain in detail about rent reliefs?

Legally any tenant-landlord is a contractual relationship based on the free will of the parties.A FM event can be understood as an extraordinary event or a circumstance beyond human control, which frees both the parties from contractual obligations, when prevented by such an event, from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. Most of the FMCs in already concluded Agreements do not have pandemic event like the present COVID-19 in it. Read more.

What are the measures taken by the government to support for businesses during the coronavirus pandemic?

Since the begining of the pandemic, businesses have been affected a lot.The Government of India has been preparing strategies and action plans for business continuity and also to make doing business easy in the country by releasing notifications/amendments/circulars highlighting measures to improve the business environment in India. Read more.

What are the Government help during Covid-19 overall summary?

The government has promised 1.7 trillion for covid-19 relief fund. About two-thirds of population will be covered under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana.The country is inlockdown from March 25th. Along with these, many more steps were taken. Read more.

Why India’s Covid-19 contact tracing app is controversial?

Aarogya Setu stores location data and requires constant access to the phone’s Bluetooth which, experts say, makes it invasive from a security and privacy viewpoint. Read more.

What are the Coronavirus Medical Consulting and Planning Services?

The healthcare sector is at the epicentre of this unprecedented global pandemic challenge.The industry has been witnessing loss of business and this trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. The medical devices industry has also taken a hit. Read More.

India’s Government Response to COVID-19?

India’s response to COVID-19 has been “pre-emptive, pro-active and graded”, the government said on Saturday, brushing aside the allegation that the 21-day nationwide lockdown was announced without any planning.Read more

How to manage the workplace during COVID-19?

About four months ago we heard of a mysterious virus that was causing pneumonia like symptoms and today, much of the world as we know it has come to a standstill.About four months ago we heard of a mysterious virus that was causing pneumonia like symptoms and today, much of the world as we know it has come to a standstill.Read more

‎Preventive measures taken by Indians against the coronavirus (COVID-19) as of March 2020?

Preventive measures taken by Indians against the coronavirus (COVID-19) as of March 2020 Read more

Mental Health

Good mental health enhances one’s confidence and self-esteem and enables a person to enjoy and appreciate other people, day-to-day life and the environment. World Health Organisation (WHO) has come up with a comprehensive definition of mental health as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Read more…

Children’s Health and Immunisation

Children’s health and immunisation is to get kids vaccinated so that they can be immune to diseases. Different types of childrens health and immunisation in India: click here

Health and Wellness

Health is defined as the overall mental and physical state of a person. Wellness refers to the state of being in optimal mental and physical health. Health and Wellness in India: click here

National mental health program

The Government of India has launched the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) in 1982, with the following objectives: to ensure the availability and accessibility of minimum mental healthcare for all, particularly to the most vulnerable and underprivileged sections of the population, To encourage the application of mental health knowledge in general healthcare and in social development, and To promote community participation in the mental health service development and to stimulate efforts towards self-help in the community. Read more…

Taking care of Mental Health

How to take care of mental health: spend time with family, spend time on recreational activities, get involved in daily activities, connect to loved ones, cut down on listening to the news, Read more…

Mental health crisis

According to a survey conducted by the Indian Psychiatry Society, within a week of the start of the lockdown, the number of reported cases of mental illness in India had risen by 20%. This is said to be the new epidemic after the coronavirus. Read more….

How to care for your mental well being during covid19?

Ensure availability of essential, generic psychotropic medications at all levels of health care. During times of stress, pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Engage in healthy activities that you enjoy and find relaxing. Read more…

Womens mental health in covid19

Due to various social, cultural and economic factors, women are facing a sharp increase in caregiving responsibilities, with even less freedom, space, or economic security. Read more…

COVID19 Mental health guidelines

Keep informed, have a routine, Minimize newsfeeds, keep social contact, limit alcohol and drug use, limit screen time on video games and social media, Read more…

Mental Illness

Mental illness amounts to one-sixth of all health-related problems and it’s a worldwide concern. A report by the Indian Council of Medical Research shows that one of out every seven individuals in India suffers from a mental health concern. The recent survey by the Indian Psychiatry Society (IPS) highlights a sudden rise in patients suffering from some sort of mental illness. As the fear of COVID-19 spread increases so does the anxiety associated with it. Read more…

Aarogya Setu

Aarogya Setu is an Indian open-source cross-platform CoVID-19 “Contact tracing, Syndromic mapping and Self-assessment” digital service, primarily a mobile app, developed by the National Informatics Centre under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Read more

WHO Info

World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health.Read more

COVID19 Feedback

High-flow nasal-oxygenation-assisted fibreoptic tracheal intubation in critically ill patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: a prospective randomised controlled trial. Br J Anaesth 2020;epublished March 19th . Read more

Ayush Sanjivani

The Ayush Sanjivani mobile app is a notable effort in the field of public health research in India. It aims to study the impact of AYUSH-based practices in improving the health of the general public.read more

COVID-19 Quarantine Monitor Tamil Nadu (official)

Corporation authorities went to track the status of home quarantined people in Chennai, they were in for many surprises.Read more

COVID 19 self-assessment interactive tool

This tool will help you assess your symptoms and determine if you’re a good candidate for a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) test in your home community.Read more

COVID-19 self-assessment

This tool will help you assess your symptoms and determine if you’re a good candidate for a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) test in your home community.Read more


MyGov is a citizen engagement platform founded by the Government of India to promote the active participation of Indian citizens in their country’s governance and development.Read more

COVA Punjab

COVA Punjab (Corona Virus Alert) App has been developed by Government of Punjab to provide citizens with preventive care information and other government advisories. The app has following main sections for citizens: Read more

Test Yourself Goa

Directorate of Health Services, Government of Goa partnered with Innovaccer to launch India’s first digital initiative to tackle novel Coronavirus and assist patients in identifying their next steps to stay safe from the COVID-19 virus. Read more

How to connect with Self-assessment Tool by Telehealth in India?

Based on the guidelines of Minisitry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and World Health Organisation (WHO) on Testing for COVID 19 just by answering a few questions related to your age, symptoms, travel or contact history and pre-existing health conditions our tool can help you decide whether you need to get tested or not.Read more

Explain about COVID-19 overview of Telehealth?

Purpose The outbreak of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is a public health emergency of international concern. Telehealth is effective option to fight COVID-19 outbreak. The aim of this systematic review was to identify the role of telehealth services during COVID-19 outbreak.Read more

Aarogya Setu COVID-19 teleconsultations

Aarogya Setu is now aggregating COVID-19 teleconsultations, home sample collection for lab tests, and delivery of medicines, as was indicated by people behind its development just two weeks ago.Read more

Why Using Telehealth Is Important During the COVID-19?

Telehealth is bridging the gap between people, physicians and health systems, enabling everyone, especially symptomatic patients, to stay at home and communicate with physicians through virtual channels, helping to reduce the spread of the virus to mass populations.Read more

Difference between Telehealth and Telemedicine

Telemedicine is a subset of telehealth that refers solely to the provision of health care services and education over a distance,. Telehealth is different from telemedicine because it refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare services than telemedicine. Read more

how telemedicine fight against covid 19?

As the world gears to tackle the threat from novel coronavirus,healthcare workers and senior doctors in the state are betting big on telemedicine – a remotely administered practice of consultation – to stop overcrowding of hospitals in the event of Covid-19 caseload becoming unmanageable in the near future.Read more

How can I get guidelines For Virtual Consultations using telehealth?

A patient can now consult doctors over text, video and voice call. The doctors are also allowed to prescribe medicines over certain conditions.The doctors will have to complete an online course within three years for online consultations.Read more

How to prevent yourself from covid 19?

You can reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some simple precautions:Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and others.Avoid going to crowded places. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands.Read more

Telehealth Use in Rural Healthcare

Telehealth in rural areas to deliver and assist with the delivery of healthcare services can reduce or minimize challenges and burdens patients encounter, such as transportation issues related to traveling for specialty care. Telehealth can also improve monitoring, timeliness, and communications within the healthcare system.Read more

Provide telemedicine services to rural areas

The telemedicine service will be available round the clock via CSC’s video conferencing platform, which works on low bandwidth and doesn’t need broadband connection.Read more

Indigenous rights in India?

The situation of the rights of indigenous peoples in India

Which are numerically the three most important tribes in India?

The aboriginal ethnic groups of India are called “scheduled tribes” in the Constitution. The designation, invented by the British, covers somewhat arbitrarily 255 such communities. According to the 1971 census the total population of India was 547,949,809, of which the scheduled tribes accounted for 38,015,162, or nearly 7% of the population. readmore

Do Indian tribes have their own laws?
How are tribal governments most like the US government?

Indian treaties have the same force now as on the day they were signed. Like the Constitution and Bill of Rights, treaties do not expire with time. Read more

Why is Aboriginal offensive?

More than 370 million people across 70 countries worldwide identify as Indigenous. They belong to more than 5,000 different groups, and speak more than 4,000 languages. ‘Indigenous Peoples’ is the accepted way of referring to them all as a collective group – the equivalent of saying ‘the British’, or ‘Australians’. Read more

What is the federal Indian trust responsibility?
Which is largest tribe in India?
What are the Nine ways to support the rights of indigenous people?

The lockdown is affecting the traditional livelihood of the tribals as this is the peak season for selling of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP), also called Minor Forest Produce (MFP) which according to the Forest Rights . Read more

How do I request child care?

Thank you for your continued service to Wisconsin during the COVID-19 crisis. All new requests for child care from essential workers should be submitted through the Child Care Finder, a web-based platform that will collect all the information needed to get your request going. Read more

Who is considered an essential worker?

Essential workers are employees, contractors, and other staff in vital areas that keep our communities healthy and functional. As defined by Emergency Order #12, essential workers are grouped into two tiers, with tier one taking priority over tier two, as defined below: Read more

Child care information for essential workers

Child care information for essential workers. Read more

Why Working Poor Women Need Better Child Care?

WIEGO conducted focus group discussions with women informal workers in cities in Brazil, Ghana, India, South Africa, and Thailand to assess their child care needs. The research was done through member-based organizations of workers, and the findings show that child care responsibilities have a significant impact on women informal workers’ earnings. Read more

What kinds of public investments are made into this?

Focus group discussions conducted with women informal workers in cities in Brazil, Ghana, India, South Africa, and Thailand show that child care responsibilities have a significant impact on women informal workers’ earnings. Read more

what is the total package allocated for corona virus?

Coronavirus: All you need to know about government’s Rs 1.7 lakh crore stimulus package Read More..

What is the medical insurance for medical workers?

“The medical insurance scheme would include sanitation staff, doctors, Asha workers, paramedics and nurses. These professionals are not considering their own health risks and have been attending to Coronavirus patients,” FM announced at a presser.
Read more..

What is Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana?

Additional allocation of foodgrain for distribution to all the beneficiaries under TPDS (AAY and PHH) @ 5kg per person per month free of cost for a period of three months, i.e. April-June, 2020 Read More..

What would women Jan Dhan account holders get?

Women Jan Dhan bank account holders started getting the second instalment of Rs 500 from Monday as part of the Rs 1.7 lakh crore Prime Minister Jan Kalyan Yojana package announced by Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on March 26. Read More..

Beneficiaries of Ujjwala LPG scheme?

Over 8 crore Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana beneficiaries will be entitled to a total of three 14.2-kg LPG cylinders for free between April to June, a move that will cost the government an estimated Rs 13,000 crore. Read More..

what is the limit of collateral-free loans?

Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme: From eligibility to interest rate, everything about Government’s Rs 3-lakh crore collateral free loan Read More..

what is the fund for construcrion workers?

All you need to know about government’s Rs 1.7 lakh crore stimulus package. Read more..

Guidelines for Supporting employees through chronic illness

What are the various measures taken by govt.of India to aid businesses?

To address these adverse times, the Government of India has been preparing strategies and action plans not only for business continuity and sectoral revival but also to improve Ease of Doing Business in the country by releasing notifications/amendments/circulars highlighting measures to improve the business environment in India. Some of the special measures have been taken by the Central government, Reserve Bank of India, Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) and the sectoral ministries to boost businesses in India.

How do I benefit from these measures?

Relaxations provided on compliances to be met by units / developers / co‐developers of SEZs; More than 280 units in SEZs, manufacturing essential items like pharmaceuticals and hospital devices, are operational; Extension for RE Projects for a period of 30 days beyond lockdown; All projects or activities related to bulk drugs and intermediates manufactured for addressing ailments such as COVID-19 and those with similar symptoms have been categorised as ‘B2’ for a period up to the 30th September 2020. This means will not be required to submit an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report; Notification under the Ordinance to extend time limits for various GST compliances to June 30, with effect from March 20; Exemptions granted to businesses for various purposes including testing and approval of tractors, tillers, harvesters, and other machinery (till December); expiring licences of seed dealers to be valid till September

How do I access these measures?

People will be benefitted by these measures and various steps taken by the Government through their process of work or when they come across their day-to-day activities. Various amendments have been made to the rules and regulations in every sector to ease out the procedure to a great extent. Waiving off certain permissions and fees or providing sufficient supplies even in this pandemic situation has helped many.

What are the various funding available for startups?

Any early-stage startup can apply in Fast Forward by answering 10 questions, and WaterBridge partners will engage with them virtually and conclude whether they want to invest within 10 days. The startups that are selected in Fast Forward will have the capital in their bank account in 20 days. The check comes in two sizes: $135,000, aimed at startups that have not built the product yet, and $330,000 for those who have some semblance of the product but may not have started to generate revenue yet. WaterBridge Ventures will take 15% equity in the startup in return.
Fast Forward is open to investing in nearly every category, though it is avoiding at least two: Hardware manufacturing and real estate, two areas that have proven challenging for scale in the country.

GST exemption limit in India

The government has made it mandatory for business whose aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds Rs 20 lakh to register for GST. Read more

What is the interest imposed by income tax department under section 234B?

The Income Tax department levies penalties in the form of in the form of interest under Section 234 on taxpayers if they fail to file return on time or don’t pay Advance Tax on time or don’t pay Advance Tax on time. Read more

What are benefits of GST?
What is GST Reverse Charge?
Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) during covid 19?

What are the child benefit schemes?

Child Tax Credit if your family’s income is £16,190 or less and you’re not getting Working Tax Credit. Working Tax Credit if you are receiving Working Tax Credit run-on.

What is the pregnant women assistance program?

Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA) is a state funded program that provides cash assistance and support to low-income pregnant individuals who are not eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or State Family Assistance (SFA).

What is NCPCR?

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament, the Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CPCR) Act, 2005. The Commission works under the aegis of Ministry of Women and Child Development, GoI. The Commission began operational on 5th March, 2007.

What is ICDS?

Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a government programme in India which provides food, preschool education, primary healthcare, immunization, health check-up and referral services to children under 6 years of age and their mothers

What is National Creche Scheme?

The National Crèche Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme being implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

What are the children rights?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) defines Child Rights as the minimum entitlements and freedoms that should be afforded to every citizen below the age of 18

What is the process to be followed for getting the benefit of instalment moratorium?

The scheme will be applicable to all standard term loans under Housing Loan, Loan against Property, Auto Loan, Education Loan & Personal Loan as on March 1, 2020, for borrowers who have already availed moratorium during the period March 2020/ April 2020 to May 2020.Read more

What will happen after the relief period /moratorium is completed?

Interest shall continue to accrue on the outstanding portion of the term loans during the moratorium period and will be added in the loan amount outstanding. The repayment schedule for such loans will be reframed. This may result in either increased EMI or increased tenure of the loan or both.Read more

What if my cash flow is not impacted on account of Covid-19 and hence I do not intend to avail moratorium and want to continue to make the EMI Payment as in past?

Customer should request Bank to recover EMI by applying through Bank or by responding to the SMS received from Bank for this purpose. After receipt of such requests from the customers, their EMI would be recovered by Bank. Read more

Since the instalments are not to be paid, how will the loan be adjusted?

The Interest accrued during period of moratorium will be added to the outstanding loan amount at the end of the moratorium period and the repayment schedule for such loans will be reframed.Read more

What will happen to the accounts which are delinquent/ in default/overdue on or before 1st March 2020?

The instalments/other amount overdue on or before 29th February 2020 in any of the loan account will have to be paid in order to avoid down-gradation of account and slippage in credit rating in future.Read more

What will be the impact of this relief by RBI on borrowers as far as reporting of default is concerned?

Any delay in payment leads to default and gets reported to Credit Bureaus. For business loans of Rs. 5 Crores and above, the Banks report the overdue position to RBI also through CRILC.Read more

What about interchangeability being permitted from NFB to FB or FB to NFB for businesses?

The interest applied on the Fund Based portion of Interchangeability availed during the said period of 1st March to 31st May 2020 will be eligible for moratorium. In respect of new sanctions accorded from 1st March and availed during the period, the interest applied on the Fund based portion would be eligible.Read more

What is income tax rate for advance to fight COVID-19 pandemic?

Income Tax is not applicable on any advance availed under EPF Scheme. Read More

How long will it take for credit of amount in my bank account after submission of claim for advance to fight COVID-19 pandemic?

Claims for advance to fight COVID-19 pandemic are being processed on priority considering exigency of the situation. Read More

How can I know whether establishment/factory in which I am employed is in an area declared to be affected by COVID-19 pandemic?

Since COVID-19 has been declared a Pandemic by the Appropriate Government for the entire country and therefore the employees working in establishments and factories across entire India, who are members of the EPF Scheme, 1952, are eligible. Read More

Is EPF member required to produce any certificate or document for availing this advance?

No certificate or documents are to be submitted by member or his/her employer for availing the benefit. Read More

How much money can I get from my EPF account under this new provision to fight COVID-19 and do I have to refund it?

You can get non-refundable withdrawal to the extent of the basic wages and dearness allowances for three months or up to 75% of the amount standing to your credit in the EPF account, whichever is less. The amount standing to credit in EPF includes employee’s share, employer’s share and interest thereupon.

Since withdrawal is non-refundable, there is no requirement to refund the amount. Read More

How can I claim this amount? Do I need to submit claim form to EPFO Office?

Like claim for all other types of advances, the claim for this advance also can be filed Online if your UAN is validated with Aadhaar and KYC of Bank account and Mobile number is seeded in UAN. Read More

Can I file claim through my mobile phone?

EPFO> Employee Centric Services> Raise Claim> Login with your UAN and OTP received on your mobile number registered with UAN to file claim.


Yes, from your mobile phone you can either

i) login to (https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface) and follow steps a. to j as in Ans to Q9 to file claim OR ii) Through UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance) Mobile APP Home> EPFO> Employee Centric Services> Raise Claim> Login with your UAN and OTP received on your mobile number registered with UAN to file claim. Read More

Can an employee working in an exempted establishment get the advance to fight COVID-19 pandemic from PF Trust?

The “Terms and conditions of exemption” in Para 27AA of EPF Scheme, 1952, provides that any amendment to EPF Scheme, 1952, which is more beneficial to the employees becomes applicable to exempted establishments pending formal amendment of Trust Rules.

So, employee of an exempted establishment can withdraw from his PF account maintained with the PF Trust of the establishment by making application to the PF Trust. Read More

Can a Non Resident Indian (NRI) join NPS?

Any individual can open a pension account under NPS through eNPS using either his Aadhaar Card or PAN card & Bank Account Verification. Read More..

How do I join NPS?

Any Aadhaar holder, aged between 18 to 60 years, who has his mobile number registered with Aadhaar, can subscribe to the National Pension System online. Read More..

What are the documents needed for opening an NPS account?

The Central Government has introduced the Defined Contribution based Pension System known as the National Pension System (NPS) replacing the existing system of Defined Benefit Pension with effect from January 01, 2004 vide its notification Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) OM No 5/7/2003 PR Dt 22/12/2003. Read More..

why government employees get to choose NPS pension fund manager?

Until now, pension savings of government subscribers was split equally between three PSU managers. Read More..

Can I have different pension fund managers and investment option for Tier I and Tier II account?

Yes, you can select different pension fund managers and investment options for your NPS Tier I and Tier II accounts. Read more..

When can I withdraw money from NPS?

You can find the withdrawal form of respective sector from “Form” section available on this website. Based on the different types of Withdrawal request, following forms are made available: Read More..

What are the different annuity options offered by ASPs?

Annuity in the context of NPS refers to the monthly payment that will be received by the subscriber from the Annuity Service Provider after his exit from NPS. Annuity Service Provider is an IRDA registered insurance company empanelled by PFRDA for providing of Annuity Services to NPS subscribers upon their exit from the system. Read More..

What is an annuity?

An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company in which you make a lump-sum payment or series of payments and, in return, receive regular disbursements, beginning either immediately or at some point in the future. Read More..

What is the impact of retirals due to covid?

The world today is undergoing a panic situation due to Coronavirus outbreak thereby, infecting lakhs of people around the world; taking death toll close to 80,000-mark. Read More..

what is the Target Group?

For the first scheme,large Corporates and Medium Enterprises that are in the Standard Category would be eligible for this loan.Read more

what is the Purpose?

The purpose of this program is to provide loans to employees who have an immediate need for funds as the result Read more

what is the Eligibility?

Existing housing loan customers who have completed the security charge of their property in favour of bank and have started the repayment of an existing home loan Read more

when is the Validity?
what is the Nature of facility?

The nature of the emergency loan facility is medium term of Loan ,Read more

COVID-19 Emergency pension loan

India Covid 19 emergency pension loan is for meeting unforeseen expenses due to Covid-19.Read more

what is the margin?

There is no margin for this loan.Read more

what is the age limit?

Age limit for the emergency pension loan is.. Readmore

what is the rate of interest?

Concessional interest rate of RLLR (7.45%) + 1.00% = 8.45% onwards

what is the date of repayment?

RBI has permitted NBFCs to grant a moratorium.Read more

what is the Security?

There is no security for this loan.Read more

what are the Service Charges?

There is no processing charges for this loan.Read more

Helpline Numbers & Email ID for queries, facilitations and Grievances?

Helpline numbers,emails and facilitations are as follows:Read more

Timeline for appraisal, sanction, documentation / disbursement

Timeline for appraisal, sanction etc are as follows:Read more

what are emergency loans by government?

Public lender, Indian Bank has announced 5 emergency loans as the lockdown has been announced.Read more

what does agriculture credit mean?

Agricultural Credit is defined as a type of financing used to provide funding for agricultural producers. Loan facility is available through a large network of Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Cooperative Credit Institutions in the country to fulfil the crop loan and term loan needs of the farmers. There are three types of credit facilities, interset assistance, Kisan credit cats, and investment loan.Read More

During covid 19 farmers/BPL support by Indian government

The Government must provide small holder farmers and herders with seeds, tools, livestock feed and other inputs, along with animal health support so they can continue to produce food and generate income. All agriculture activities need to be included ‘works under MGNREGA’ during the lockdown period to ensure wages of labourers working at famers’ fields are paid out of the Government’s exchequer. Read more….

what are the price policy for agriculture commodities?

Price Policy is an important instrument for providing incentives to farmers for motivating them to go in for production oriented investment and technology. The objectives of agricultural price policy vary from country to country depending upon the place of agriculture in national economy. Read more….

Information about Pradhan Manthri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan

The Government has taken a giant leap towards boosting pro-farmer initiatives. With the recent approval of the umbrella scheme Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA), that is aimed towards ensuring remunerative prices to farmers for their produce, the government has taken an unprecedented step. Read more…

Various insurance scemes for the argriculture

Pilot Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) – Scheme, National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS), States / Districts Covered (NAIS) , Crops Covered (NAIS), Read more…

Comprehensive weather reports

With summer temperatures rising, comprehensive weather coverage in news by Doordarshan and All India Radio as the national public broadcasters from across the entire territory of India has assumed focus, an information and brocasting ministry statement said. Read more…

Information regarding the Market

There are many diffeent types of markets. Click here to learn about each type of market and their rules and regulations: Read more…

State Specific Schemes for the farmers

It is largely recognised that farming is not a remunerative occupation, which is why the Modi government planned to double farmers’ income in the next two years through various schemes. Finding markets – domestic and global – was central to the plan, but the pandemic has upset the applecart, as the economy has taken a beating and the recovery period is anybody’s guess. The government has opened a few procurement centres for limited operations, but restricting the entry of farmers has resulted in tardy progress and long queues, which is making farmers restive. Read more….

Information regading ICT application for agriculture
What are the post harvest technologies?

There are many different types of post harvest techonologies, each different from another. Click here to read about each type and its rules and regulations: click here

Information regading the FIshery sector

Many states have exempted fisheries and aquaculture activities including transportation from restricted list during lockdown. Handling of the catch, including its movement to the market are inevitable as fishes are perishable goods. However, fishers have to follow safety measures to prevent spread of the disease. Read more….

Top 5 Schemes for the underprivilidged community
Welfare of the Backward class

Pre-Matric Scholarship to the OBCs for studies in India, Post-Matric Scholarship to the OBC for studies in India, Construction of Hostels for OBC Boys and Girls, Assistance to Voluntary Organizations for Welfare of OBCs Read more….

Various Schemes For Backward class

There are many different types of backward class schemes, each different from another. Click here to learn about the different types of backward class schemes: click here

How are the regions divided in India and on what basis?

The COVID Care Centers are makeshift facilities. These may be set up in hostels, hotels, schools, stadiums, lodges etc., both public and private. If need be, existing quarantine facilities could also be converted into COVID Care Centers. Read More

How do I know I am in which zone?

The Union Health Ministry has listed 130 districts in the country in the Red Zone, 284 in Orange Zone and 319 in Green Zone on the basis of incidence of cases of COVID-19, doubling rate, extent of testing and surveillance feedback. Read More

What is economic activity of each zone?

In the course of the last quarter century increased attention has been drawn towards measures aimed at promoting economic growth by allowing economic activities to be set up in special delimited areas and freeing them therein from many distortions otherwise shackling the economy. Read More

Should everyone be wearing masks?

Everyone need not wear a mask.
If you have a cough and cold, you should wear a mask to not transmit the infection to others.if you are a healthcare worker looking after Covid-19 patients, then you need to wear a mask.But otherwise, a person who is going out for their day-to-day work, doesn’t need to wear a mask.Read more

What about people who have existing respiratory conditions like asthma etc. do they need to wear a mask?

People with asthma or any other respiratory conditions should wash their hands frequently, minimise their social interactions and avoid going to crowded places where there is a higher chance of getting infected.Read more

What if a colleague gets infected?

If you have come in close contact with someone who has tested positive, you should go into self-quarantine for two weeks. If you show symptoms, get tested.Read more

Is it safe to visit hospitals?

Yes, it is safe to go to hospitals as Covid-19 patients are kept in separate isolation wards. The Covid-19 virus does not spread very far. If you have Covid-19 patients isolated in one area of the hospital then the virus won’t reach the other area.Read more

Will summer or humidity kill Covid-19?

Chances are it won’t. It might reduce the transmissibility of the virus due to extreme heat. But we have seen tropical countries like Singapore report a good number of cases despite humidity.Read more

Can a person cured of Covid-19, get infected again?

This is a viral infection. Like swine flu or H1N1, if you are exposed to it, you can get infected again. But once you get the infection, the human system develops antibodies to fight the virus which is why in case you contract the infection again it is likely to be less severe than before.Read more

What are the special facilities during COVID 19?

Facilities for Women during COVID-19 Pandemic Read more

What is the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)?

ICPS brings together multiple existing child protection schemes of the Ministry under one comprehensive umbrella, and integrates additional interventions for protecting children and preventing harm. Read more

What is POSHAN Abhiyaan scheme?

poshan-abhiyaan Read more

Whether they will be quarantined upon arrival in India (quarantined for 14 days)?

1. All passengers coming from/transiting through UAE, Qatar, Oman and Kuwait after 12.00 GMT on March 18, 2020 (Port of Departure) will be quarantined. 2. Those who have visited China, Republic of Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain, France and Germany on or after Feb 15, 2020 will be quarantined.

Who are not allowed?

No airline will bring any passenger from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom effective 12.00 GMT on March 18,2020 at Port of Departure. No airline will bring any passenger from Philippines, Malaysia and Afghanistan effective 15.00 IST on March 17, 2020 (Port of Departure).

Whether passengers transiting through the restricted countries will be allowed?

There will be no transit through these countries as no aircraft will board passengers for India in these countries.

Whether Indians transiting through China, Republic of Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain, France and Germany be quarantined on arrival in India?


Whether they can extend their Indian visas before expiry?

Yes, they should approach their jurisdictional FRRO/FROs through e-FRRO (https://indianfrro.gov.in/frro/)

Whether they can go out of India and return back?

Yes they can go out of India. However, they can return to India with fresh visa issued from Mission/Post only.

Whether Employment and project visa holders allowed from restricted countries?


Citizenship in India

The Constitution of India provides for a single citizenship for the whole of India. Every person who was at the commencement of the Constitution (26 January 1950) domiciled in the territory of India, and (a) who was born in India, or (b) either of whose parents was born in India, or (c) who has been ordinarily resident in India for not less than five years, became a citizen of India. The Citizenship Act, 1955 deals with matters relating to acquisition, determination and termination of Indian citizenship after the commencement of the Constitution.

Procedure for applying Indian Citizenship through online

As per the Indian Citizenship Act of 1955 (amended in 2003), an individual can obtain Indian citizenship by one or more of the following means: Read more

Dual Nationality or Dual Citizenship

The Constitution of India does not allow holding Indian citizenship and citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously. Based on the recommendation of the High Level committee on Indian Diaspora, the Government of India decided to grant Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) commonly known as ‘dual citizenship’. Read more

How can I prove my citizenship in India?

Indian citizens do not have to prove any ancestry by presenting documents such as identity card, birth certificate etc of parents/grandparents dating back to pre-1971 situation. March 24, 1971 was the cut-off date for Assam’s NRC conducted under the supervision of the Supreme Court as per the Assam Accord, 1985, and was not related to countrywide citizens’ register. According to the Citizenship Act, anyone born on or after 26 January, 1950, but before 1 July, 1987 was an Indian citizen by birth. The CAA allows citizenship on the basis of religion to undocumented non-Muslim communities from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh who entered India on or before December 31, 2014. There are apprehensions that the Act, followed by a country-wide NRC would benefit non-Muslims excluded from the citizens’ register, while excluded Muslims will have to prove their citizenship.

Overseas Citizenship of India

The Scheme provides for registration as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) of all Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) who were citizens of India on 26th January, 1950 or there after or were eligible to become citizens of India on 26th January, 1950 except who is or had been a citizen of Pakistan, Bangladesh or such other country as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify. A registered Overseas Citizen of India is granted multiple entry, multi purpose, life-long visa for visiting India, he/she is exempted from registration with Foreign Regional Registration Officer or Foreign Registration Officer for any length of stay in India, and is entitled to general ‘parity with Non-Resident Indians in respect of all facilities available to them in economic, financial and educational fields except in matters relating to the acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties’.

What is PR card?

Permanent residency is a person’s resident status in a country of which they are not citizens but where they have the right to reside on a permanent basis. This is usually for a permanent period; a person with such status is known as a permanent resident. Permanent residency itself is distinct from right of abode, which waives immigration control for such persons. Persons having permanent residency still require immigration control if they do not have right of abode. However, a right of abode automatically grants people permanent residency. This status also gives work permit in most cases.

What is OCI?

The Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) is an immigration status permitting a foreign citizen of Indian origin to live and work in the Republic of India indefinitely Readmore

What is PIO?

All the existing Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) card holder registered as such under new PIO Card scheme 2002, shall be deemed to be Overseas Citizens of India Cardholder. Read more

How to apply OCI in India?

Please visit hyperlink: here


What is COVID-19?

On 31 December 2019, WHO was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan City, China. A novel coronavirus was identified as the cause by Chinese authorities on 7 January 2020 and was temporarily named “2019-nCoV”. Read more

What are the risks of getting COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving daily. The risk will vary between and within communities, but given the increasing number of cases in Canada, the risk to Canadians is considered high. Read More…

How does COVID-19 spread?

Respiratory infections can be transmitted through droplets of different sizes: when the droplet particles are >5-10 μm in diameter they are referred to as respiratory droplets, and when then are <5μm in diameter, they are referred to as droplet nuclei.1 According to current evidence, COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes.2-7 In an analysis of 75,465 COVID-19 cases in China, airborne transmission was not reported. Read More…

What is the incubation period for COVID-19?

Those who are infected with COVID-19 may have little to no symptoms. You may not know you have symptoms of COVID-19 because they are similar to a cold or flu.Read more..

How many COVID-19 cases are there currently in Canada?

The number of total cases of COVID-19 in Canada is Read More.

Where can I find more details about the cases reported in Canada?

Information on demographics, symptoms, and outcomes is currently available for 92,705 reported cases in Canada. This is because it takes time for health authorities to gather this information for each individual. The data below should be used to observe trends and not absolute numbers.

Read More…

Where can I get COVID-19 information specific to my province or territory?

Provincial and territorial resources for COVID-19 are Read More…

How can I make a difference in Canada’s COVID-19 response efforts?

Get the Canada COVID-19 application for updates and trusted resources. You can use the symptom tracker to log your symptoms every day, even if you feel well.
By taking 5 minutes to participate in our data collection on the impact of COVID-19 on Canadians. (Participate in our data collection)
By ensuring affordable food continues to reach Canadian grocery stores and kitchen tables. (Step up to the plate: help feed Canadians)
By participating in FluWatchers, anonymously answer 2 quick health-related questions each week to help show Canadians where COVID-19 is circulating. (Sign up to be a FluWatcher)
By donating personal protective equipment (PPE) or other medical supplies to support frontline health care staff. (Complete the donation form)
By supplying products and services to help Cananda’s COVID-19 (Supply a needed product or service)

What actions can my family and I take to protect against COVID-19?

Respiratory diseases such as Covid-19 spread through physical contact. In order to protect ourselves, we should change the way we greet others by using a friendly wave or an elbow bump instead of a hug or a handshake. If you are sick, you should stay home until all symptoms are gone, and encourage others to do so as well. Read more..

How do I care for a person with COVID-19 at home?

While caring for a person with Covid-19, one should limit their contact as much as possible (only one caregiver, not sharing personal items, and no contact with other living things). One should also wear protective equipment such as masks, disposable gloves, and any form of eye protection. One should also keep their environment clean and constantly check themselves for symptoms Read more..

I am essential employee, what can I do to protect myself while on the job?

To protect yourself on the job, you should always: wash your hands, avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth and limit conact as much as possible. You should also keep yourself and your environment clean and keep the avised amount of distance from others. Read more..

I have a child with COVID-19. What steps do I need to take to protect myself and others in the home?

You should always monitor the symptoms of your child and check to see whether it gets worse. Always keep your hands clean and avoid touching sensitive parts (ex. eyes, nose, mouth). Make sure that you and your child is in a contained area to avoid spreading to others. Keep your environment clean. As a caregiver, always keep track of your symptoms also. Read more

As an employee, what role do I play in reducing the spread of infection?

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands, sanitizing your hands with alcohol based gel frequently and not touching your face. Read more..

As an employer, how do I implement appropriate public health measures to prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace?

Discourage people who are sick from working. Promote physical distancing at workplace (6 ft. apart). If physical distancing is not possible, create physical barriers between workers. Advise workers to not come in contact with high-touch surfaces. Reduce the amount of time employees come in contact with each other. Advise workers to wear protective equipment. Read more..

Are small gatherings still allowed to take place?

The Public Health Agency of Canada reccomends that all public gatherings be cancelled or postponed. Read more..

What are the main symptoms associated with COVID-19?

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don’t feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment.

How long do the symptoms of COVID-19 last?

On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

How can I tell the difference between the symptoms of COVID-19 and flu symptoms?

People who have the flu will typically experience symptoms within 1–4 days. The symptoms for COVID-19 can develop between 1–14 days. However, according to 2020 research, the median incubation period for COVID-19 is 5.1 days.

How is COVID-19 spread?

COVID-19 spreads mainly by droplets produced as a result of coughing or sneezing of a COVID-19 infected person.

Can the virus that causes COVID-19 be contracted by airborne transmission, i.e., from the air?

According to current evidence, COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes. In an analysis of 75,465 COVID-19 cases in China, airborne transmission was not reported.

How can I protect myself when I touch something that might be contaminated by the virus (for example, food packaging, fruits and vegetables, packages, letters, plastic or reusable bags, money)?

Current evidence on other coronavirus strains shows that while coronaviruses appear to be stable at low and freezing temperatures for a certain period, food hygiene and good food safety practices can prevent their transmission through food.

Can COVID-19 be spread through bodily fluids such as blood, sweat or semen?

Because COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, the practices aimed at preventing the virus’ transmission focus on mucus and droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing.

Can COVID-19 be spread by contact with the feces of a person who is sick?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

Can a person who does not have symptoms spread COVID-19?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

Could the arrival of spring and the warmer weather affect the spread of COVID-19?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

How long can COVID-19 survive on objects?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

What is physical distancing? Is it really effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

When should I wash my hands?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

What should I wash my hands with?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

Do I have to use hot water to wash my hands or clothes? What temperature kills the virus?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

Should I wear a face covering to protect myself against COVID-19?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

Why should I wear a face covering to protect myself against COVID-19?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

Can I make my own face covering?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

I want to buy a fabric face covering in a store. How can I check if it is effective?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

What should I do with my face covering after I use it?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

Can I replace antiseptic gel with other products found in the home?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

Should I wear gloves to protect myself?

The risk of catching COVID-19 from the feces of an infected person appears to be low. While initial investigations suggest the virus may be present in feces in some cases, spread through this route is not a main feature of the outbreak. The ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share new findings. Because this is a risk, however, it is another reason to clean hands regularly, after using the bathroom and before eating.

How can I teach my children about hygiene and prevention measures?

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

Can my child play outside with other children? Is it safe to let my child see just one friend (always the same one)?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the ever-growing list of cancellations, closures and other news surrounding the novel coronavirus, we feel you.Many kids are embarking on remote-learning plans, many parents are working from home (or at least trying to, because the kids are home), and we’re all trying to stay clean and keep calm.

Is it safe to breastfeed my child during the pandemic? And, if I have symptoms of COVID-19, should I stop breastfeeding?

mother with suspected, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 should be counseled to take all possible precautions to avoid spreading the virus to her infant. She should be instructed to wash her hands using soap and water, especially if her hands are visibly soiled, before touching the infant. If soap and water are not available, she should use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

I have to take care of someone who has COVID-19. How can I protect myself and my family?

Like the experts say that you need to wash your hands, do not touch your face and use face masks, there are advanced preventive measures you will have to take when travelling or commuting. Medlife has categorised COVID-19 prevention measures into two. Here’s what you need to know.

Would it be a good idea to catch the virus so that I would be immunized afterwards, i.e., to develop resistance to the virus?

Immunity to viral infection is caused by a variety of specific and nonspecific mechanisms. The activation of different immune functions and the duration and magnitude of the immune response depend on how the virus interacts with host cells (on whether it is a cytolytic, steady-state, latent, and/or integrated infection) and on how the virus spreads (by local, primary hematogenous, secondary hematogenous, and/or nervous system spread). Therefore, viral antigens may be present in different parts of the body depending on the route of spread and phase of infection.

Are detection tests effective if you don’t have symptoms?

An antibody test may not be able to show if you have a current infection, because it can take 1-3 weeks after infection to make antibodies. We do not know yet if having antibodies to the virus can protect someone from getting infected with the virus again, or how long that protection might last.

Is there any treatment for COVID-19?

There is no specific treatment for disease caused by a novel coronavirus. However, many of the symptoms can be treated and therefore treatment based on the patient’s clinical condition. Moreover, supportive care for infected persons can be highly effective.

Are there any advances in research into a possible vaccine against COVID-19?

No. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine, do not provide protection against the new coronavirus.

Are there any foods, supplements, vitamins or natural health products that can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19?

You should eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed foods every day to get the vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, protein and antioxidants your body needs. Drink enough water. Eat fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils, beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat, brown rice or starchy tubers or roots such as potato, yam, taro or cassava), and foods from animal sources (e.g. meat, fish, eggs and milk). For snacks, choose raw vegetables and fresh fruit rather than foods that are high in sugar, fat or salt.

Is it preferable to self-isolate and stay home in the coming weeks even if individuals are not returning from a trip?

However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

Should I be worried about the COVID-19 situation?

Although for most people COVID-19 causes only mild illness, it can make some people very ill. More rarely, the disease can be fatal. Older people, and those with pre- existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes) appear to be more vulnerable.

Can I have contact with my pet if I have COVID-19 or if I am waiting for my test result?

According to the World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE), the pets who tested positive for the coronavirus became infected through close contact with caregivers who had COVID-19. The OIE considers these to be isolated cases.

Can mosquitos transmit the coronavirus?

To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing.

Can I go out for a walk?

Whether it’s safe or not depends largely on two things: where you live and the time you choose to go for a walk, says Stephen Berger, MD, a board-certified infectious disease doctor and co-founder of GIDEON (the Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Network), an online diagnosis and reference tool for infectious diseases and microbiology.

Can COVID-19 spread in drinking water?

Although persistence in drinking-water is possible, there is no evidence from surrogate human coronaviruses that they are present in surface or groundwater sources or transmitted through contaminated drinking water.

Can the COVID-19 virus be transmitted through food?

It is highly unlikely that people can contract COVID-19 from food or food packaging. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and the primary transmission route is through person-to- person contact and through direct contact with respiratory droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Can an animal get the coronavirus and transmit it to me?

Humans and animals share many diseases. And as dramatically shown by the tigers that tested positive in the Bronx Zoo, the coronavirus is one of them. As three veterinary epidemiologists who study infectious disease, we have been asked a lot questions about if and how the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 affects pets.

Can I get my animal tested for COVID-19?

Some coronaviruses that infect animals can sometimes be spread to humans and then spread between people, but this is rare. This is what happened with the virus that caused the current outbreak of COVID-19. However, we do not know the exact source of this virus.

What must do an animals’ owner or caretaker if he is infected by COVID-19 or think he is?

The news that a North Carolina pug and at least two cats in New York have tested positive for the coronavirus — making them the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in companion animals in the U.S. — is giving many dog and cat owners pause.

If I must go into self-isolation, what instructions must I follow?

The self-isolation instructions and criteria to discontinue self-isolation vary for each person’s situation. Click on the title below that best describes your situation. Read more

I am staying at home and self-isolating. Given my situation, why is it important to wash my hands so often?

If you stay home and do not have any contact with other people, you cannot spread or catch COVID-19. Washing your hands often and properly is still a good habit at any time, not just during a pandemic. In addition, if you have to go out or if you have contact with a person or an object that might be contaminated, you will already be practicing good hand hygiene. Read more

Do I have to take precautions regarding indoor air quality if I am self-isolating?

Now that we know some basic information about the new coronavirus, let’s discuss air quality and how it relates to the new coronavirus. Read more

If I am abroad, do I have to immediately come home?

The Gouvernement du Québec suggests that individuals who are abroad come home if possible.
The Government of Canada in its Travel Advice and Advisories section recommends that individuals who are abroad find out about the commercial options avilable to them to return to Canada and to return sooner than planned if such options become more limited.

What happens to truck drivers from outside our borders?

Truck drivers, air crews and seagoing personnel do not have to self-isolate given the important role that they play in the transportation of critical goods such as food.

If I have to cancel a trip abroad, will I be reimbursed for what I have already paid?

There is currently no program to refund the cost of trips abroad. Travellers should contact their travel agent or travel insurer.

What is my risk of getting COVID-19 in Canada?

COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving daily. The risk will vary between and within communities, but given the increasing number of cases in Canada, the risk to Canadians is considered high.This does not mean that all Canadians will get the disease. It means that there is already a significant impact on our health care system. If we do not flatten the epidemic curve now, the increase of COVID-19 cases could impact health care resources available to Canadians.We continue to reassess the public health risk based on the best available evidence as the situation evolves.

What is the difference between quarantine (self-isolate) and isolate?

There is a difference between advice to quarantine (self-isolate) and advice to isolate. These measures are in place to protect the health and safety of Canadians.
Quarantine (self-isolate)
Quarantine for 14 days if you have no symptoms and any of the following apply:
You are returning from travel outside of Canada (mandatory quarantine).
You had close contact with someone who has or is suspected to have COVID-19.
You have been told by the public health authority that you may have been exposed and need to quarantine.
You must isolate if any of the following apply:
You have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are waiting to hear the results of a lab test for COVID-19
You have symptoms of COVID-19, even if mild.
You have been in contact with a suspect, probable or confirmed case of COVID-19.
You have been told by public health care that you may have been exposed to COVID-19.
you have returned from travel outside Canada with symptoms of COVID-19 (mandatory)

What is physical (social) distancing and how does it help to minimize COVID-19?

Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to keep physical distance between each other. Physical (social) distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak.
This means making changes in your everyday routines to minimize close contact with others, including:
Avoid crowded places and non-essential gatherings
Avoid common greeting, such as handshakes,
limiting contact with people at higher risk like older adults and those with poor health.
Keep a distance of at least 2 arms-length (approximately 2 metres) from others.

I am told to stay at home as much as possible, but I do not have any symptoms nor have I travelled outside of Canada. Can I go outside?

Canadians should continue to think ahead about the actions that they can take to stay healthy and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. This includes staying at home as much as possible and being prepared in case you or a family member becomes ill. Everyone should be practising physical (social) distancing. Even if you do not have symptoms of COVID-19, you could become infected by others.
As we continue to see transmission of the virus within different communities, we know that everyone must take precautions, even those who have not travelled outside of Canada.

How can I protect myself from getting COVID-19?

In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within communities and across the country, all Canadians are advised to:
stay at home unless you have to go to work
talk to your employer about working at home if possible
avoid all non-essential trips in your community
do not gather in groups
limit contact with people at higher risk, such as older adults and those in poor health
go outside to exercise but stay close to home
if you leave your home, always keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others
household contacts (people you live with) do not need to distance from each other unless they are sick or have travelled in the last 14 days

Should the general population in Canada wear masks to protect themselves from COVID-19?

Wearing a non-medical mask or face covering while out in public is recommended for periods of time when it is not possible to consistently maintain a 2-metre physical distance from others, particularly in crowded public settings, such as:
stores, shopping areas and public transportation.
Public health officials will make recommendations based on a number of factors, including the rates of infection and/or transmission in the community. Recommendations may vary from location to location.

Is there a risk of contracting COVID-19 if I touch a surface that was potentially contaminated?

It is not certain how long COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Preliminary information on COVID-19 suggests that the virus may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days depending on different conditions, such as temperature,type of surface,humidity of the environment.
Surfaces frequently touched with hands are most likely to be contaminated, including:tables,handrails,doorknobs etc.

Are Canadians at risk for contracting COVID-19 if they receive a package or products shipped from other countries?

Products shipped within or from outside of Canada could also be contaminated. However, because parcels generally take days or weeks to be delivered, and are shipped at room temperature, the risk of spread is low. There is no known risk of coronaviruses entering Canada on parcels or packages.
To protect yourself from COVID-19, make sure to do the following when handling products shipped within or outside of Canada.

I am pregnant, am I at a greater risk for more serious outcomes related to COVID-19?

Because COVID-19 is a new disease, we are still learning how it affects pregnant women. At this time, there is no evidence to suggest that pregnant women are at a greater risk for more serious outcomes related to COVID-19 or that their developing child could be negatively affected by COVID-19. You can protect yourself from becoming ill by taking the following precautions:
stay home as much as possible, except for important medical appointments
talk to your doctor, obstetrician or midwife about the possibility of telephone or videoconference appointments
avoid unnecessary visitors to your home
wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
practise physical distancing by keeping a distance of at least 2 metres from others
avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes
avoid crowded places and peak-hours
make limited trips to the store for essentials
avoid travel by public transit

Can COVID-19 be transmitted through food?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that food is a likely source or route of transmission of the virus and there are currently no reported cases of COVID-19 transmission through food. People are unlikely to be infected with the virus through food.
Scientists and food safety authorities across the world are closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19.
If we become aware of a potential food safety risk, appropriate actions will be taken to ensure the safety of Canada’s food supply.

Can my pet or other animals get sick from this virus?

The current spread of COVID-19 is a result of human-to-human transmission. There is no evidence to suggest that animals infected by humans are playing a role in the spread of this disease. Animals and COVID-19 is an area that continues to be studied by scientists.

I feel stressed, anxious or depressed because of COVID-19. How can I improve my situation?

All of these symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression are very normal in the context of a pandemic. Most people have the resources and mental strength to adapt to this type of situation. You should first rely on how you usually adapt to difficult situations. Here are a few other ways for you to minimize the repercussions of these reactions in your daily life. Read more..

I have symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or I have COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?

If you have symptoms of coronavirus disease, you will feel tired and weak. Rest will help you fight the disease. Limit your contact with other people until the symptoms have resolved. You can resume your activities when your condition allows. Read More

I have symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or I have COVID-19. What can I do to protect people around me?

To protect people around you, this is what you must do until your symptoms (fever, cough, fatigue, etc.) have resolved: Stay in a separate room to avoid contaminating your family. Sleep and eat alone in your room.
Use a separate bathroom. Read More.

How can I make sure I don’t contaminate my environment when I cough or sneeze?

Respiratory infections such as flus and colds are easily transmitted from one person to another.When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper. Throw the tissue paper away and wash your hands thoroughly.
If you do not have tissue paper, cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow or in your upper sleeve. This reduces the risk of contamination because these body parts do not come into contact with people or objects. Read more

How should I clean my environment?

The virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can live on objects and surfaces. It can survive for: 3 hours on objects with dry surfaces; 6 days on objects with wet surfaces. It is important to clean countertops, washbasins, door handles and any surfaces that are frequently touched by hands. Cleaning and disinfecting are very effective at eliminating the virus. Read More

Can you get infected with COVID-19 a second time?

It can happen. There are reported cases of people getting infected with COVID-19 a second time, but it is rare and they are often patients with weakened immune systems. At the moment, most people who get COVID-19 recover and appear to be protected against reinfection with the virus. Read more

Can I have contact with my pet if I have COVID-19 or if I am waiting for my test result?

Avoid contact with pets or animals. If you are unable to avoid contact with an animal, wear a mask if you have one. If not, use a tissue or another piece of fabric to cover your nose and mouth. Read more

What medications should I take to relieve my symptoms?

You are strongly advised to ask your pharmacist for advice before using over-the-counter medications if you have symptoms. Do not take products that contain the same ingredients at the same time, such as Tylenol® and Tylenol® Sinus. If you have health problems, ask your pharmacist for advice .. Read more

What can I do to relieve a fever?

Fever is a defence mechanisms that helps fight infection. Acetaminophen is recommended for the relief of fever and discomfort, unless you are advised otherwise by a health professional or are allergic to this medication. Read more.

What can I do to relieve a sore throat?

Gargle with a glass of salt water: 2.5 mL (1/2 tsp.) of salt in 250 mL (1 cup) of lukewarm water (do not swallow the solution). Hard candy or lozenges, preferably sugar free, can also relieve your sore throat. Read more.

How can I ask for help?

If you are worried, do not hesitate to ask for or accept help. It is important to talk about it with your family and friends.
For home care, you can also call 211 or ask your CLSC to connect you with home care services. Read more.

Will I have long-term effects from COVID-19?

At this time, the long-term consequences of COVID‑19 are unknown. However, people who have COVID‑19 and develop pneumonia may take a few weeks or a few months to recover. People who have severe symptoms and who are treated in intensive care may experience health effects in the longer term, such as shortness of breath when they walk quickly. Studies are underway to find out more about the possible consequences of COVID‑19. Read more

Who is at risk of complications after contracting COVID-19?

The risk of serious complications for people with COVID-19 increases with age, but even young adults are at risk. read more

Can an individual go to a hospital to visit a loved one who is dying?

Yes. Health care establishments tolerate visits under exceptional or humanitarian circumstances. read more

Is it possible to deliver food or essential items to elderly people living at home?

At a time when a significant number of citizens are self qua read more 

Are pregnant women at risk?

For pregnant women who have symptoms of COVID-19 read more

Are children less at risk?

Based on available evidence, children do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults. While some children and infants have been sick with COVID-19, adults make up most of the known cases to date. You can learn more about who is at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 at People who are at higher risk for severe illness. read more

How can I stay in touch with family and friends, wherever they are, during physical distancing and the fight against the pandemic?

Distance socializing strategies, such as using alternative ways of communicating, can help you stay connected and even become closer to family and friends read more

Is it permissible to live during confinement with an elderly loved one residing in the same region in order to offer the person assistance?

Yes. However, all the individuals concerned should self-isolate voluntarily for 14 days before moving in, to ensure that they are not suffering from COVID-19. read more

There are currently no drugs licensed for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19

While several drug trials are ongoing, there is currently no proof that hydroxychloroquine or any other drug can cure or prevent COVID-19. The misuse of hydroxychloroquine can cause serious side effects and illness or even lead to death. Read More

Adding pepper to your soup or other meals DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19

Hot peppers in your food, though very tasty, cannot prevent or cure COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is to keep at least 1 metre away from others and to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. It is also beneficial for your general health to maintain a balanced diet, stay well hydrated, exercise regularly and sleep well. Read More

COVID-19 IS NOT transmitted through houseflies

To date, there is no evidence or information to suggest that the COVID-19 virus transmitted through houseflies. The virus that cause COVID-19 spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. Read More

Spraying and introducing bleach or another disinfectant into your body WILL NOT protect you against COVID-19 and can be dangerous

Under any circumstance, do not spray or introduce bleach or any other disinfectant into your body. These substances can be poisonous if ingested and cause irritation and damage to your skin and eyes. Bleach and disinfectant should be used carefully to disinfect surfaces only. Remember to keep chlorine (bleach) and other disinfectants out of reach of children. Read More

Drinking methanol, ethanol or bleach DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19 and can be extremely dangerous

Methanol, ethanol, and bleach are poisons. Drinking them can lead to disability and death. Methanol, ethanol, and bleach are sometimes used in cleaning products to kill the virus on surfaces. However, you should never drink them, they will not kill the virus in your body and will harm your internal organs. Read More

5G mobile networks DO NOT spread COVID-19

Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks. COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. People can also be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose. Read More

COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates

The Covid-19 virus can be transmitted in any climate, hot or cold. There are no findings that the climate affects the way the virus propagates. The virus acts the same way in both hot and cold climatic conditions. Read More

Taking a hot bath does not prevent the new coronavirus disease

The normal body temperature is around 37 degrees celsius. Taking a hot bath doesn’t mean that the virus died due to the temperature of the water. Instead, washing your hands and taking a bath with soap kills any virus present that may cause infection when you touch your hands, mouth, or nose. Read More

Are hand dryers effective in killing the new coronavirus?

No, hand dryers are not effective in cleaning the new coronavirus. Washing and with soap or rubbing them with an alcohol-based scrub kills any virus present on your hands. The hot air from hand dryers does not kill the virus. Instead, after washing your hands, use a clean paper towel to dry your hands. Read More

Ultra-violet (UV) lamps should not be used to disinfect hands or other areas of your skin

Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to skin and eyes. The radiation can cause damage to them and it is not recommended or advised for people to use this as a disinfection method. Instead, frequently washing your hand with soap is the best way to protect yourself for the new coronavirus. Read More

Do vaccines against pneumonia protect you against the new coronavirus?

No. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine, do not provide protection against the new coronavirus. The virus is so new and different that it needs its own vaccine. Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against 2019-nCoV, and WHO is supporting their efforts. Although these vaccines are not effective against 2019-nCoV, vaccination against respiratory illnesses is highly recommended to protect your health. Read More

Can eating garlic help prevent infection with the new coronavirus?

Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is no evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus. Read More

Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are younger people also susceptible?

People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus. WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene. Read More

Busting Common Myths on COVID-19

I have a heart condition. Am I at more risk of getting COVID-19 than somebody who doesn’t have a heart condition?

No – the infection can be caught by anyone. However, people with underlying heart conditions might be more likely to show symptoms of the infection or to have a more severe infection than others. Read More….

Is the risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms similar for all patients with a heart condition or are there differences?

Most people that get COVID-19 have a mild viral illness including sore throat, cough and aches and pains and a fever, but some people (up to 5%) develop a chest infection/pneumonia. We are not yet certain if people with heart conditions are more likely to get a chest infection with COVID-19, but it is likely since they do get chest infections with other viruses like the flu. Read More

I have Brugada Syndrome, are there any special precautions I must take?

Patients with Brugada Syndrome are particularly vulnerable to fatal arrhythmias in situations where the body temperature exceeds 39°C Read More….

Are cardiac patients who also have diabetes and/or hypertension at greater risk?

Data from China, where the disease emerged, indicate that a significant proportion on non-survivors and those who developed severe disease had comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension. The exact reason for this remains unclear. Read More…

There are reports that COVID-19 may induce myocarditis or pericarditis. If you have had myocarditis/pericarditis previously, are you more vulnerable to contracting it a second time?

There is no evidence that an individual who has suffered from myocarditis or pericarditis in the past is at higher risk of developing the same complication with COVID-19. Read More….

Are people with heart disease more likely to die of COVID-19 than those without?

So far, older age and the presence of underlying conditions – including heart conditions – have been risk factors for death. Read More….

I know that I should not go to the hospital if I think I am infected, but when should I seek medical attention if I have a pre-existing heart condition?

If you think you have COVID-19 infection, ask yourself if you can manage the symptoms at home. Fever can be managed with paracetamol. Important: Read More…

What does COVID-19 mean for people living with lung disease?

People with lung disease are among those who are most at risk of developing a serious case of COVID-19, as their respiratory health is already compromised. It is highly important that they take actions to reduce the risk of getting sick with the disease, including:
Making sure you have adequate supplies and medications
Practice social distancing by keeping away from others who are sick (3 feet is recommended)
Wash hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds. When unable to wash hands with soap and water, use an alcohol-based sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid non-essential trave.l
If there is an outbreak in your community, stay home as much as possible to avoid exposure.
Avoid close contact (at least 3 feet away) with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a flexed elbow or tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Is there any link between vaping/smoking/water pipe use and susceptibility to COVID-19?

Yes. The use of shared water pipes has been linked to the spread of certain infectious diseases. Furthermore, the use of cold water in the water pipes can facilitate survival of bacteria and/or viruses. While information regarding susceptibility of those who smoke to contracting COVID-19 is still forthcoming, we do know that those who smoke are two to four times more likely to contract bacterial and/or viral infections. Among Chinese patients who contracted COVID-19 and have a history of smoking, the odds of disease progression or death were found to be 14 times higher. We strongly urge those who smoke, vape or use water pipes to quit.

Are people with diabetes more likely to get COVID-19?

There is not enough data to show any correlation between the virus having a greater impact on people with diabetes. There is information that diabetic people infected with the virus have worse outcomes compared to the ones who do not have diabetes. They do face more complications and like any other infection, the more number of existing health issues, greater the complications.

Do people with diabetes have a higher chance of experiencing serious complications from COVID-19?

Yes, there has been evidence in China that people with diabetes do experinece more complications if infected by the virus. Like any other dinfection, higher the number of exisiting health issues, greater the number of complicaitons.

Do I need to worry about DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis)?

When sick with a viral infection, people with diabetes fo face an increased risk of DKA. This is more commonly experienced by people who have type 1 diabetes. DKA makes it difficult for people to manage their electrolyte levels. Sepsis and shock are some of the serious complications faced by people with diabetes. If, your blood sugar has registered high (greater than 240mg/dl), more than two times a row, check for ketones.

Is COVID-19 different from the seasonal flu?

COVID-19 is proving to be a more serious illness than seasonal flu in everyone, including people with diabetes. All of the standard precautions to avoid infection that have been widely reported are even more important when dealing with this virus. Recommended safety precautions are the same as for flu, such as frequent hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow.

What are the symptoms and warning signs I should be watching out for—and what do I do if I think I’m developing them?

Pay attention to COVID-19 symptoms like fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. If you feel like you are developing these symptoms, call the Public Health Care. Before doing so, have your glucose and ketone reading available. Also, keep track of your fluid consumption.

What are the emergency warning signs—and what should I do if I’m experiencing them?

If you develop any of the following signs, then get medical attention immediately. In adults, the emergency signs include difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish lips or face.

Are the risks different for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

There is not enough data to show whether people with diabetes are more likely to get COVID-19 than the general population. Readmore….

What should I do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in my home—and what do I do if someone in my household has the virus?

For people with underlying health conditions, including diabetes, healthy family members in the household should conduct themselves as if they were a significant risk to them Read more…

Will COVID-19 impact my access to insulin and other diabetes supplies?

No, COVID-19 is not having an impact on their current manufacturing and distribution of insulin at this time. Leading manufacturers have reported that they will be able to continue supplying the medication required for diabetic patients as usual.

Do I have legal rights as a person with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic?

People with diabetes do face a higher chance of experiencing serious complications from COVID-19. Read more…

Can patients self-test using blood glucose meters labeled for home use while they are in the hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yes. The FDA recognizes that home-use blood glucose meters may be an option to provide relief and support to health care professionals in hospital settings seeking to reduce interactions between patients and health care providers, thereby limiting exposure to COVID-19, and conserving personal protective equipment (PPE), whenever possible. In addition, some home-use blood glucose meters have built-in wireless data transmission capabilities, which can facilitate remote patient monitoring.

What are the factors that health care providers caring for a COVID-19 patient can consider before allowing patients to self-test using a home-use blood glucose meter?

In considering whether to allow in-patients to self-test using home-use blood glucose meters, health care providers caring for COVID-19 patients can take into consideration the availability of other equipment in their hospitals to get timely and accurate blood glucose readings that can be easily transferred or logged into the patient’s medical record. Health care providers can also take into consideration whether the patient is well enough or sufficiently lucid to properly conduct their own self testing and whether the patient is comfortable with using an unfamiliar home-use blood glucose meter, if one was dispensed by the hospital. While a patient may be used to getting blood glucose readings using their own meter, the patient may not be as successful using an unfamiliar model.

In the case of home-use blood glucose meters, health care professionals in hospitals may choose to have patients utilize home-use meters to monitor blood glucose levels of patients when they have already been hospitalized due to COVID-19. In addition, self-testing by patients, even while in the hospital, is already within the authorized FDA-labeling for home-use meters.

Can COVID-19 patients with diabetes bring their own blood glucose monitors to the hospital if they need to be hospitalized?

Yes. Self-management of diabetes by a patient using their own devices, even in a hospital setting, is consistent with device labeling.

If a hospital chooses to dispense home-use blood glucose meters to in-patients, can that meter be used for multiple patients?

No. All blood glucose meters labeled “for single patient use only,” whether dispensed by the hospital to a patient or brought in to a hospital by a patient, may only be used by the individual patient. Blood glucose meters labeled “for single patient use only” may not be shared among multiple patients. This limitation is necessary to prevent transmission of infection between individuals as these types of glucose meters are not adequately robust to withstand the cleaning and disinfection that would be necessary to enable multiple patient use.

How does COVID-19 affect those living with diabetes?

COVID-19 can cause more severe symptoms and complications in some people living with diabetes, the elderly, and those with other chronic conditions such as heart disease & lung disease. It is important to minimize this risk by being proactive with your prevention strategies.

How can I prevent infection?

Preventive measures to reduce the chances of infection include staying at home, avoiding crowded places, washing hands with soap and water often and for at least 20 seconds, practising good respiratory hygiene and avoiding touching the eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands

I have diabetes and I think I may be infected. What do I do?

• Maintaining open communication with your primary care provider and diabetes care team. They are an excellent resource if you have questions or concerns about your personal health management.
• Following the advice of your diabetes care team regarding medication usage, if you are feeling unwell.
• Being aware of the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, as effective blood glucose management can become a challenge when sick.
• Staying hydrated and having unsweetened drinks on hand; and practicing eating smaller portions but more often.

Should I stop taking certain blood pressure medications because I’ve heard that these drugs may affect my risk of COVID-19 infection?

Blood pressure control is an essential part of managing diabetes. In addition, certain blood pressure lowering medications[(a class of medications known as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-i) or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs)] are often recommended for people living with diabetes to protect them from kidney and heart-related complications, even in the absence of high blood pressure. At the present time, there is no confirmed scientific link between these blood pressure medications and the risk of COVID-19 infection or its complications.
Please do NOT stop or change any of your medications without discussing with your health-care team.

How can I prepare in the event I become infected and have diabetes?

• Gather the contact information for your doctors, clinic, pharmacy and your insurance.
• Write down the names and doses of your medications.
• Have enough medication for one-two weeks in case you cannot get to the pharmacy to refill your prescriptions.
• Ensure you have enough device supplies as well (i.e. pump supplies, pen supplies, monitor
• supplies, etc.)
• Ensure all your medications have refills available, so you do not have to leave the house if you become ill.
• Have extra supplies like rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizers and soap to wash your hands.
• Keep simple sugars (i.e. glucose tablets) on-hand in case you need to treat low blood sugar which may occur more frequently with illness due to changes to eating patterns.
• Have glucagon available in case of a significant low blood sugar (if taking insulin or medications that can cause low blood sugar).
• Have ketone strips available in case of illness (if you have type 1 diabetes).

Where do I go to find out more information on COVID-19?

We can get more information on COVID-19 are:

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